Come, for all things now are ready, Come, his faithful foll"wer be; Oh, where"er my path be leading, Savior, keep my heart with thee.

3 But perhaps my work for Jesus Soon in future may be done, All my earthly trials ended, And my crown in heaven won; Then forever with the ransomed Thro" eternity I"d be Chanting hymns to him who bo"t me With his blood, shed on a tree.

Miss Jennie Stout.

531 Going Home at Last. 7s & 6s.

_The Aged Christian"s Delight._

The evening shades are falling, The sun is sinking fast; The Holy One is calling, We"re going home at last.

Cho.--Going home at last; Going home at last; The march will soon be over, We"re going home at last.

2 The road"s been long and dreary, The toils came thick and fast; In body weak and weary, Were going home at last.

3 We now are nearing heaven, And soon shall be at rest; Our crowns will soon be given, We"re going home at last.

4 Oh, praise the Lord forever, Our sorrows are all past; We"ll part no more, no, never; We are at home at last.

Rev. W. Gossett.

532 The Sweet Story. P.M.

_Christ"s Delight in Children._

I think when I read that sweet story of old, When Jesus was here among men, How he called little children as lambs to his fold, I should like to have been with them then.

Ref.--I should like to have been with them then; I should like to have been with them then; How he called little children as lambs to his fold, I should like to have been with them then.

2 I wish that his hands had been placed on my head, His arms had been thrown around me, And that I might have seen his kind look when he said, "Let the little ones come unto me."

Ref.--"Let the little ones come unto me,"

"Let the little ones come unto me,"

And that I might have seen his kind look when he said, "Let the little ones come unto me."

3 Yet still to his footstool in prayer I may go, And ask for a share in his love; And if I now earnestly seek him below, I shall see him and hear him above.

Ref.--I shall see him and hear him above, I shall see him and hear him above, And if I now earnestly seek him below, I shall see him and hear him above.

Mrs. Jemima Luke, 1841.

533 Siloam. C.M.

_Childhood Piety._ (1180)

By cool Siloam"s shady rill, How fair the lily grows!

How sweet the breath, beneath the hill, Of Sharon"s dewy rose!

2 Lo! such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod, Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to G.o.d.

3 By cool Siloam"s shady rill The lily must decay; The rose that blooms beneath the hill Must shortly fade away.

4 And soon, too soon, the wintry hour Of man"s maturer age Will shake the soul with sorrow"s pow"r.

And stormy pa.s.sions rage.

Reginald Heber, 1812.

534 Swanwick. C.M.

_A New House of Worship._ (1176)

G.o.d of the universe! to thee This sacred house we rear, And now, with songs and bended knee, Invoke thy presence here.

2 Long may this echoing dome resound The praises of thy name, These hallowed walls to all around The Triune G.o.d proclaim.

3 Here let thy love, thy presence dwell; Thy glory here make known; Thy people"s home, oh! come and fill, And seal it as thine own.

4 And, when the last long Sabbath morn Upon the just shall rise, May all who own thee here be borne To mansions in the skies.

Miss Mary O----, 1841.

535 Swanwick. C.M.

_Church Opening._

Arise, O King of grace, arise, And enter to thy rest; Lo! thy church waits, with longing eyes, Thus to be owned and blest.

2 Enter with all thy glorious train.

Thy Spirit and thy word; All that the ark did once contain Could no such grace afford.

3 Here, mighty G.o.d, accept our vows, Here let thy praise be spread; Bless the provisions of thy house And fill thy poor with bread.

4 Here let the Son of David reign, Let G.o.d"s Anointed shine; Justice and truth his court maintain With love and power divine.

5 Here let him hold a lasting throne, And as his kingdom grows, Fresh honors shall adorn his crown.

And shame confound his foes.

Isaac Watts.

536 Swanwick. C.M.

_Temperance Meeting._ (1186)

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