63 Give Me the Bible. P.M.

_The Bible Desired._

Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming, To cheer the wand"rer lone and tempest-tossed; No storm can hide that radiance peaceful beaming, Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

Cho.--Give me the Bible! holy message shining, Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way.

Precept and promise, law and love combining, Till night shall vanish in eternal day.

2 Give me the Bible, when my heart is broken, When sin and grief have filled my soul with fear; Give me the precious words by Jesus spoken, Hold up faith"s lamp to show my Savior near.

3 Give me the Bible, all my steps enlighten, Teach me the danger of these realms below; That lamp of safety, o"er the gloom shall brighten, That light alone the path of peace can show.

4 Give me the Bible, lamp of life immortal, Hold up that splendor by the open grave; Show me the light from heaven"s shining portal, Show me the glory gilding Jordan"s wave.

Priscilla J. Owens.

64 Shirland. S.M.

_Psalm 119._ (170)

Behold! the morning sun Begins his glorious way; His beams thro" all the nations run, And life and light convey.

2 But, where the gospel comes, It spreads diviner light; It calls dead sinners from the tombs And gives the blind their sight.

3 How perfect is thy word!

And all thy judgments just; Forever sure thy promise, Lord!

And men securely trust.

4 My gracious G.o.d! how plain Are thy directions given!

Oh! may I never read in vain, But find the path to heaven.

Isaac Watts, 1719.

65 Dallas. 7s.

_Book Divine._

Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine; Mine to tell me whence I came; Mine to teach me what I am.

2 Mine to chide me when I rove; Mine to show a Savior"s love; Mine thou art to guide and guard; Mine to punish or reward.

3 Mine to comfort in distress, Suffering in this wilderness; Mine to show, by living faith, Man can triumph over death.

4 Mine to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner"s doom; O thou holy book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine.

John Burton, 1805.

66 Evan. C.M.

_Psalm 119._ (155)

Lord! I have made thy word my choice, My lasting heritage; There shall my n.o.blest powers rejoice, My warmest thoughts engage.

2 I"ll read the histories of thy love, And keep thy laws in sight, While through the promises I rove, With ever fresh delight.

3 "Tis a broad land of wealth unknown Where springs of life arise; Seeds of immortal bliss are sown, And hidden, glory lies.

4 The best relief that mourners have-- It makes our sorrows blest; Our fairest hope, beyond the grave, And our eternal rest.

Isaac Watts, 1719.

67 Evan. C.M.

_The Latter Day._ (1018)

Lord! send thy word, and let it fly, Armed with thy Spirit"s power; Ten thousands shall confess its sway, And bless the saving hour.

2 Beneath the influence of its grace, The barren wastes shall rise, With sudden flowers and fruits arrayed,-- A blooming paradise.

3 Peace, with her olives crowned, shall stretch Her wings from sh.o.r.e to sh.o.r.e; No trump shall rouse the rage of war, Nor murderous cannon roar.

4 Lord! for these days we wait;--these days Are in thy word foretold; Fly swifter, sun and stars! and bring This promised age of gold.

5 Amen!--with joy divine, let earth"s Unnumbered myriads cry; Amen!--with joy divine, let heaven"s Unnumbered choirs reply.

Thomas Gibbons, 1769.

68 Evan. C.M.

_The Incomparable Richness of G.o.d"s Word._ (150)

Father of mercies, in thy word What endless glory shines!

Forever be thy name adored For these celestial lines.

2 Here may the wretched sons of want Exhaustless riches find-- Riches above what earth can grant, And lasting as the mind.

3 Here the fair tree of knowledge grows, And yields a free repast; Sublimer sweets than nature knows Invite the longing taste.

4 Here the Redeemer"s welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound.

5 Oh, may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight; And still new beauties may I see And still increasing light.

Anne Steele, 1760.

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