_The Chief of Sinners_ (501)

Depth of mercy! can there be Mercy still reserved for me?

Can my G.o.d his wrath forbear?

Me, the chief of sinners, spare?

Cho.--G.o.d is love; I know, I feel; Jesus weeps and loves me still; Jesus weeps and loves me still.

2 I have long withstood his grace, Long provoked him to his face; Would not hearken to his calls; Grieved him by a thousand falls.

3 There for me the Savior stands; Shows his wounds and spreads his hands; G.o.d is love; I know, I feel; Jesus weeps, and loves me still.

4 Now incline me to repent; Let me now my fall lament; Now my foul revolt deplore; Weep, believe, and sin no more.

Charles Wesley, 1740.

195 Lenox. H.M.

_The Jubilee Proclaimed._ (461)

Blow ye the trumpet, blow!

The gladly solemn sound, Let all the nations know, To earth"s remotest bound, The year of jubilee is come, Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.

2 Jesus, our great High Priest, Hath full atonement made: Ye weary spirits! rest, Ye mournful souls! be glad; The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransomed sinners! home.

3 Extol the Lamb of G.o.d,-- The all-atoning Lamb; Redemption in his blood, Throughout the world, proclaim; The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransomed sinners! home.

4 Ye, who have sold for naught Your heritage above!

Shall have it back unbought, The gift of Jesus" love; The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransomed sinners! home.

Charles Wesley, 1755.

196 Lenox. H. M.

_The Sacrifice._

Arise, my soul, arise, Shake off thy guilty fears; The bleeding sacrifice In my behalf appears; Before the throne my Surety stands, My name is written on his hands.

2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede; His all-redeeming love, His precious blood to plead; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace.

3 Five bleeding wounds he bears, Received on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly speak for me; Forgive him, O forgive, they cry, Nor let that ransomed sinner die.

4 The Father hears him pray, His dear Anointed One; He cannot turn away The presence of his Son; His Spirit answers to the blood, And tells me I am born of G.o.d.

5 My G.o.d is reconciled, His pard"ning voice I hear, He owns me for his child, I can no longer fear; With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry.

197 All to Christ I Owe. 6s.

_Jesus Paid It All._

I hear the Savior say, Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, watch and pray, Find in me thine all in all.

Cho.--Jesus paid it all, All to him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.

2 Lord, now indeed I find Thy power, and thine alone, Can change the leper"s spots, And melt the heart of stone.

3 For nothing good have I Whereby thy grace to claim-- I"ll wash my garment white In the blood of Calvary"s Lamb.

4 When from my dying bed My ransomed soul shall rise, Then "Jesus paid it all"

Shall rend the vaulted skies.

5 And when before the throne I stand in him complete, I"ll lay my trophies down, All down at Jesus" feet.

Mrs. Elvina M. Hall.

198 All to Christ I Owe. 6s.

_Rev. 22:17._ (479)

Come to the blood-stained tree; The Victim bleeding lies; G.o.d sets the sinner free, Since Christ, a ransom, dies.

2 The Spirit will apply His blood to cleanse thy stain; Oh, burdened soul, draw nigh, For none can come in vain!

3 Dark though thy guilt appear, And deep its crimson stain, There"s boundless mercy here, Oh, do not still disdain.

4 Look not within for peace, Within, there"s nought to cheer; Look up, and find release From sin, and self, and fear.

199 What a Wonderful Savior. P.M.

_A Complete Atonement._

Christ has for sin atonement made, What a wonderful Savior!

We are redeem"d, the price is paid, What a wonderful Savior!

Cho.--What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus!

What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Lord!

2 I praise him for the cleansing blood, What a wonderful Savior!

That reconciled my soul to G.o.d, What a wonderful Savior!

3 He cleansed my heart from all its sin, What a wonderful Savior!

And now he reigns and rules therein, What a wonderful Savior!

4 He walks beside me in the way, What a wonderful Savior!

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