5 And when at last the work is done.

The battle o"er, the victory won, Still, still my cry shall be alone, Oh, take me as I am.

Eliza H. Hamilton.

242 Fix Your Eyes Upon Jesus. P.M.

_The Source of Peace._

Would you lose your load of sin?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus; Would you know G.o.d"s peace within?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus.

Cho.--Jesus who on the cross did die, Jesus who lives and reigns on high, He alone can justify; Fix your eyes upon Jesus.

2 Would you calmly walk the wave?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus; Would you know his pow"r to save?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus.

3 Would you have your cares grow light?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus; Would you songs have in the night?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus.

4 Grieving, would you comfort know?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus; Humble be when blessings flow?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus.

5 Would you strength in weakness have?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus; See a light beyond the grave?

Fix your eyes upon Jesus.

D. W. Whittle.

243 At the Cross. C.M.

_Rom. 5:2._ (664)

I stand; but not as once I did, Beneath my load of guilt; The blessed Jesus bore it all-- For me his blood was spilt.

2 I stand; but not on Calvary"s Mount, With arms around the cross; I have been there, and left behind Earth"s pleasures, joys, and dross.

3 I stand e"en now where he appears, In union with my Lord; In him I"m saved, oh, wondrous thought.

I read it in his word.

4 Oh, bless the Lord! in him alone-- In him we are complete; We live by faith! but soon in sight Our coming Christ we"ll greet.


244 At the Cross. C.M.

_Salvation at the Cross._ (492)

Oh, wondrous, deep, unbounded love, My Savior, can it be That thou hast borne the crown of thorns And suffered death for me?

Cho.--At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light And, the burden of my heart rolled away-- It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy all the day.

2 I kneel, repenting, at thy feet, I give myself to thee; I plead thy merits, thine alone, For thou hast died for me.

3 Oh, let me plunge beneath the tide, For sinners flowing free, Then rise, renewed by grace divine, And shout salvation free.

4 And when I reach thy place above, My sweetest notes will be, Redemption through a Savior"s name, Who bled and died for me.

f.a.n.n.y Crosby, 1873.

245 Saved by Faith. P.M.

_Justified by Faith._

I have found redemption in the Savior"s blood, I am saved by faith in his blood, in his blood; I am sweetly trusting in the word of G.o.d I am saved by faith in his blood.

Cho.--I am saved, yes, sweetly saved, I am saved by faith in the blood he shed for me, I am saved, yes, sweetly saved, I am saved by faith in his blood.

2 Oh, how sweet the story of his wondrous grace, I am saved by faith in his blood, in his blood; I will trust in Jesus while I run my race, I am saved by faith in his blood.

3 I will sing of Jesus while the days go by, I am saved by faith in his blood, in his blood; I will trust his promise, on his strength rely, I am saved by faith in his blood.

4 I will keep on singing as I march along, I am saved by faith in his blood, in his blood; In my home in glory this shall be my song, I am saved by faith in his blood.

246 Only Trust Him. C.M.

_Peace in Believing._

Come, ev"ry soul by sin oppressed, There"s mercy with the Lord; And he will surely give you rest By trusting in his word.

Cho.--Only trust him, only trust him, Only trust him now; He will save you, he will save you, He will save you now.

2 For Jesus shed his precious blood Rich blessings to bestow; Plunge now into the crimson flood That washes white as snow.

3 Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way, That leads you into rest; Believe in him without delay, And you are fully blest.

4 Come, then, and join this holy band, And on to glory go, To dwell in that celestial land, Where joys immortal flow.

J. H. Stockton.

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