38 Ward. L.M.

_Before Sermon._ (122)

Thy presence, gracious G.o.d! afford: Prepare us to receive thy word; Now let thy voice engage our ear, And faith be mixed with what we hear.

2 Distracting thoughts and cares remove, And fix our hearts and hopes above; With food divine may we be fed And satisfied with living bread.

3 To us thy sacred word apply, With sovereign power and energy; And may we, in thy faith and fear, Reduce to practice what we hear.

4 Father, in us thy Son reveal; Teach us to know and do thy will; Thy saving power and love display.

And guide us to the realms of day.

John Fawcett. 1782.

39 Migdol. L.M.

_Acts 2:1._ (792)

Command thy blessing from above O G.o.d, on all a.s.sembled here; Behold us with a Father"s love, While we look up with filial fear.

2 Command thy blessing, Jesus, Lord!

May we thy true disciples be; Speak to each heart the mighty word-- Say to the weakest, follow me.

3 Command thy blessing in this hour, Spirit of truth! and till the place With wounding and with healing power, With quickening and confirming grace.

4 Oh, thou, our Maker, Savior, Guide, One true, eternal G.o.d confessed; Whom thou hast joined none may divide, None dare to curse whom thou hast blest.

James Montgomery

40 Mear. C.M.

_G.o.d"s Presence in Sanctuary_. (111)

Again our earthly cares we leave, And in thy courts appear; Again, with joyful feet, we come To meet our Savior here.

2 Within those walls let holy peace.

And love, and concord dwell; Here give the troubled conscience ease-- The wounded spirit heal.

3 The feeling heart, the melting eye.

The humble mind bestow; And shine upon us from on high, To make our graces grow.

4 May we in faith receive thy word, In faith present our prayers; And in the presence of our Lord, Unbosom all our cares.

5 Shew us some token of thy love, Our fainting hope to raise; And pour thy blessing from above, That we may render praise.

John Newton, 1779, _a._

41 Mear. C.M.

_Dedication_. (1175)

Oh, thou, whose own vast temple stands, Built over earth and sea!

Accept the walls that human hands Have raised to worship thee.

2 Lord! from thine inmost glory send, Within these walls t" abide, The peace that dwelleth without end Serenely by thy side!

3 May erring minds, that worship here, Be taught the better way; And they who mourn, and they who fear, Be strengthened as they pray.

4 May faith grow firm, and love grow warm, And pure devotion rise, While, round these hallowed walls, the storm Of earth-born pa.s.sion dies.

William C. Bryant, 1835

42 Mear. C.M.

_Psalm 122._ (106)

How did my heart rejoice to hear My friends devoutly say-- "In Zion let us all appear-- And keep the solemn day!"

2 I love her gates, I love the road; The church, adorned with grace, Stands like a palace, built for G.o.d To show his milder face.

3 Up to her courts, with joys unknown, The holy tribes repair; The Son of David holds his throne, And sits in judgment there.

4 He hears our praises and complaints; And, while his awful voice Divides the sinners from the saints, We tremble and rejoice.

5 Peace be within this sacred place, And joy a constant guest!

With holy gifts and heavenly grace By her attendants blest!

6 My soul shall pray for Zion still, While life or breath remains; There my best friends, my kindred, dwell, There G.o.d, my Saviour, reigns.

Isaac Watts, 1719

43 Lisbon. S.M.

_The Sabbath Welcomed._ (81)

Welcome! sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise!

Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes!

2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day; Here we may sit and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray.

3 One day in such a place, Where thou, my G.o.d, art seen, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin.

4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss.

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