_Victory of the Church._

See the flag of Jesus O"er the earth unfurled!

Sabbath-schools are singing, All around the world; Sunday-schools in China, India and j.a.pan, Training souls for glory, By the gospel plan.

Cho.--Lift the cross of Jesus, Bear the Bible on; Soon the world will echo, With the vict"ry won.

See the flag of Jesus, O"er the earth unfurled!

Sunday-schools are singing, All around the world.

2 Little Indian diamonds, Precious island pearls; Learning Bible lessons, Happy boys and girls.

Afric"s gold dust scattered, Neath the feet of wrong, Rises up in brightness, From the darkness long.

3 Sunday-schools are singing, France and Spain and Rome; Hear their joyous music, Songs of heaven and home.

Where the martyrs suffered, Holy seed is spread; Gather up these rubies, Dyed in life-blood red.

4 Sunday-schools in Chili, Reaching down the coast; Mexico is leading, Gallant little host.

Glad Brazilian children, Praise to G.o.d shall sing; Far-off Patagonia Answers Christ is King.

Priscilla J. Owens.

460 Dillenburg. 7s & 6s.

_The Messenger Welcomed._ (928)

How beauteous on the mountains, The feet of him that brings, Like streams from living fountains, Good tidings of good things; That publisheth salvation, And jubilee release, To ev"ry tribe and nation, G.o.d"s reign of joy and peace.

2 Lift up thy voice, oh, watchman!

And shout from Zion"s towers, Thy hallelujah chorus-- "The victory is ours!"

The Lord shall build up Zion In glory and renown, And Jesus, Judah"s lion, Shall wear his rightful crown.

3 Break forth in hymns of gladness; Oh, waste Jerusalem!

Let songs, instead of sadness, Thy jubilee proclaim; The Lord in strength victorious, Upon thy foes hath trod; Behold, oh, earth! the glorious Salvation of our G.o.d.

Benjamin Gough, 186-.

461 Herold. 7s.

_Christian Ministers._ (1039)

Soldiers of the cross! arise; Gird you with your armor bright; Mighty are your enemies, Hard the battle ye must fight.

2 Guard the helpless, seek the strayed, Soothe the troubled, banish grief; With the Spirit"s sword arrayed, Scatter sin and unbelief.

3 Be the banner still unfurled, Bear it bravely still abroad, Till the kingdoms of the world Are the kingdoms of the Lord.

William Walsham How, 1854.

462 All Hallows. C.M.

_In the Strength of Jesus._ (983)

With thine own pity, Savior, see The thronged and darkening way!

We go to win the lost to thee, Oh, help us, Lord, we pray!

2 Thou bid"st us go, with thee to stand Against h.e.l.l"s marshalled powers; And heart to heart, and hand to hand, To make thine honor ours.

3 Teach thou our lips of thee to speak, Of thy sweet love to tell; Till they who wander far shall seek And find and serve thee well.

4 O"er all the world thy Spirit send, And make thy goodness known, Till earth and heaven together blend Their praises at thy throne.

Ray Palmer.

463 All Hallows. C.M.

_Zeal for Souls.--John 4:35._

Oh! still in accents sweet and strong Sounds forth the ancient word,-- "More reapers for white harvest fields, More laborers for the Lord!"

2 We hear the call; in dreams no more In selfish ease we lie, But girded for our Father"s work, Go forth beneath his sky.

3 Where prophet"s word, and martyr"s blood, And prayers of saints were sown, We, to their labors entering in, Would reap where they have strown.

S. Longfellow.

464 Welton. L.M.

_A Meeting of Ministers._ (1006)

Pour out thy Spirit from on high; Lord! thine a.s.sembled servants bless; Graces and gifts to each supply.

And clothe thy priests with righteousness.

2 Wisdom, and zeal, and faith impart, Firmness with meekness from above, To bear thy people on our heart, And love the souls whom thou dost love;

3 To watch and pray, and never faint; By day and night, strict guard to keep; To warn the sinner, cheer the saint, Nourish thy lambs, and feed thy sheep.

4 Then, when our work is finished here, In humble hope, our charge resign; When the chief Shepherd shall appear, O G.o.d! may they and we be thine.

James Montgomery, 1825.

465 Welton. L.M.

_An Ordination Service._ (1011)

The solemn service now is done.

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