The Pearl Box

Chapter 15

In the picture you see a true emblem of a temperate and virtuous life.

Let me here give you a few maxims to commit to memory:--

Avoid and shun the sources of misery.

Be sure not to _indulge_ your appet.i.te.

Strong drink excites a person to do wrong.

Remember you are never out of temptation.

_A life_ of _virtue_ and _temperance_ will secure to you money and time; will give you health, and prosperity, peace, character, respect, and usefulness.


Our hands and our hearts we give To the temperance pledge, declaring, That long as on earth we live, All its bountiful blessings sharing,

We will taste not and touch not the bowl That burns with intoxication, And will lend our a.s.sistance to roll The temperance ball through the nation.

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