/45/ Artifice




"What is your name?"

"I gave her a new one. Her name is---"



"Jillianne Morie!"

I suddenly came back to my senses because of the noise created when something loudly crashed with the table. I raised my head from my desk and saw the glares and hateful stares thrown by my angry Mathematics teacher at me. Wrong timing. It seems he was more p.i.s.sed off when I yawn. As expected, everyone was looking at me, probably worried because the teacher may embarra.s.s me in the front. Or maybe, they actually just want to witness the upcoming scene.

The reason why I"m feeling sleepy is because we came home late after the volunteering activity at San Isidro. All of us were surely lacking sleep. But in my case, I didn"t think that my energy was spent more when Seraphina stopped the time.

"Answer this on the board!"

I stood up and walked to the front and like how he wanted, I answered the problem written on the board. Finally, he stopped ranting when I did it correctly. I went back to my seat and recalled my dream earlier.

I can"t remember much but on the last scene, there"s a man talking to me and asking my name. A woman answered that by saying that she gave me a new name. It"s weird.

Finally, the most awaited dismissal time comes. Unfortunately, I was one of the cleaners for the afternoon that"s why I have no choice but stay and help in cleaning.

"Jill, let"s walk together while on our way home." I glanced at the person who spoke. It"s Stephen. Aya and the others had left already. Only he and I were part of the cleaner group today. Left with no reason to refuse, I nodded and checked by stuffs.

The two of us were quiet while walking. But I can"t help but remember what happened last night. I admit, I got nervous when I heard that Stephen was suddenly not around when the time froze. I got nervous for him because he"s been victimized by the Memoire once, with his memories lost just to hinder me from knowing the reality about them.

"Yue," I took the initiative this time to break the looming silence, "Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yes, of course. What kind of question is that, Jill?"

"Nothing. I"m worried because they erased your memories that"s why you couldn"t answer anything I asked."

"Well, yeah." I also stopped walking when Stephen halted his steps. We"re at the front of Mirku"s. "I suddenly became hungry." He said while eyeing the store, "Do you want to eat, Jill?" invited by him.

"I think, whichever is fine." We entered the small restaurant and sat on the two seater spot. Both of us ordered a Milk shake and club sandwich. While waiting for the food to arrived, Stephen started telling me some random stories while I maintained silence and only listened to him. From time to time, I showed some small smiles.

Maybe he noticed that I"m not speaking so in the end, he stopped his chattering session and asked, "Why does it seem that you"re quiet, Jill? Is your mind preoccupied by something?"

"Hmm... Nothing really." It"s just that I found this bizarre. "You"re too talkative and I found it cute." His face reddened because of what I said but I only smiled. "Where are you gla.s.ses now? You no longer wear them since you came back."

"Broken, that"s why I started wearing contact lenses. Since you asked, does it mean it looks weird on me?"

"Nah, I don"t mean that. You looked like a cool nerd when you have your eye gla.s.ses with you but you look cooler when you don"t have them.""Really? Thank you. It"s unusual to hear compliments from you, Jill."

"I just said what I"m seeing. Besides, this is the first time that you opened up so many things to me. Thanks."

"No problem. I"m grateful that you"re actually with me."

Our order arrived and then we eat. I thought he won"t tell stories again but I was wrong. While we"re eating, he"s also ranting about his ideas and etc. And I was once again only listening because I prefer to enjoy the food. As a result, I understood thirty percent of what he talked about. After the light meal, I"m almost pulling out some paper bills but Yue stopped me.

"I will pay everything, it"s on me." I did not say anything anymore. I don"t plan to waste his good intention even though I"m quite rich, I mean the one who"s giving me allowances is rich. When I was pocketing my wallet, I saw that he pulled out a card and paid through it.

Side by side, the two of us walked towards the crossing. Before having our separate ways, the two of us said thanks to each other. He also waved his hand to me before turning to his back and leaving. At the same time, the pedestrian lane"s traffic line shifted to green. I crossed the busy street and walked to the town proper. I planned to go the district where I tailed Miss Karen before. The one which I called the censored district. I only walked and when I get there, there are quite many people because the curtain of the nighttime fell down.

C"est La Vie

I thought wrong about the place. It"s actually not a club, but a bar. The bar"s name is C"est La Vie. Thinking that Miss Karen mustn"t have come here without proper reason, I entered and was greeted by different lighting colors, claps and screams. That"s when I noticed that there is a magician performing in front of everybody. Looks like I hit the bull"s eye about Miss Karen"s arrival here before. This is where she meets with The Carnies. However, I swept the place a glance but failed to see them.

"Ah, miss. Give me my bill."

I found the voice familiar.

"Okay, sir." I walked to the right side to see the one who spoke.

c.r.a.p. It"s Uncle Julius. I hurriedly turned my back against him, afraid that he would see me. If something gone amiss, I would be d.a.m.ned because I"m still in my uniform. I looked for a spot where he would probably not notice me. However, the bar is small so if he ever stands up, he would certainly see me. It"s bad because I didn"t expect to see Uncle here. He looks to be a regular customer of this place. If ever he catches me hanging around the place, I would have to prepare a reason and a bit of acting. Tsk.

I covered my face through the menu because Uncle is looking around as if searching for someone. I was nervous. I still haven"t thought of a plausible alibi!

"She"s still not here?" He asked the waiter. He"s into someone? Why did he ask the waiter? He knows some staff here?

"She will arrive later."

"Is that so? I have to go so please just hand this to her." He handed the waiter some... flowers? Wait. So, he"s actually courting someone. Well, it"s not really weird. He"s just a-turning-to-thirty man with no own family.

I breathed a sigh of relief when he left. I ordered something for dinner. The performance of the magician onstage continues. After a few minutes, I finished eating my meal but the people I"m after at this bar are nowhere to be found. I"m starting to think that I was probably wrong in my deductions, thinking that it"s somehow not possible because they"re carnival was at San Isidro.

I already decided to also leave but my heart blazed again with pa.s.sion when the emcee spoke.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Let"s give her a round of applause... the amazing and beautiful magician... Jing Rosca!" 

I immediately took a seat when the light onstage went off. When it came back, Jing Rosca is standing there. The people started shouting and clapping. She"s not wearing a pretty dress today, only a simple peasant blouse, ruffled skirt and boots. It seems her other companions were not around but at least I proved myself correct that Miss Karen is connected to The Carnies.

As expected from a telekinetic magician, she amazed the audience and this time, it"s through some modern magics which use cards. Again, the audience didn"t resist her charisma.

"In other words, if you"re gonna pick someone to p.i.s.s off among us, Jing Rosca is not someone you should choose and fight."

When she finished her performance, she went to some tables to greet the regular customers. She"s popular as a magician, but I can sense that she"s not very happy about this fact. I know that she"s too powerful, she can manipulate anything. It also looks like she has great control over her powers, unlike me. However, why does it seem like she"s hiding in her heart a deep wound and scar?

"It"s the fault of that person, everything is that person"s fault! If he only didn"t discover people like us, this won"t happen---"

"Miss Jing, someone wants to give this to you." The waiter earlier handed her the flowers. Wait. The flowers given by Uncle Julius? Of all possible people, why did he fall for Jing Rosca? They said it"s a small world. But I can"t imagine that she could actually become my aunt, no way. Uncle Julius is a detective, what if he learns Jing Rosca"s peculiar ident.i.ty? What if he suddenly expose the Peculiars to the public if he discover us?

"From whom?"

I stopped pondering over the possibilities, it seems I tend to overthink things.

"From the person who always give things like that to you. He always left early so you have yet to see him." She no longer replied about it and accepted the flowers. Geez, I thought she"s the type who never care about romantic stuffs. "Ah, Miss Jing, you"re leaving?"

"I don"t feel well, please just inform the manager."

"Please take care."

She"s already walking out of the bar but I have to talk to her. I came here to converse with them. Since Seraphina and the others were not around, I was left with no choice but talk to her.

"Please wait!" Thank goodness she heard me. She turned to me and showed no hint of surprise when I stood in front of her. "Jing Rosca."

"Jill Morie." As usual, her eyebrows rose up. "What do you need?" Can"t she first ask what I was doing here? What an annoying straightforward woman.

I thought I would have a hard time convincing her to have a talk with me but here we are, sitting face to face. She"s crossing her legs while shuffling her cards.

I did not sugarcoat my words anymore. "I need your help."

"Help?" why act as if she didn"t hear right? Do you think I"m included to those you can ask for help with, like how Seraphina said?"

I gave her a cold smile and answered, "Yes."

"Heeh..." how annoying, "What made you think that I"m willing to help you?"

"Because... I am... a Morie." That answer popped immediately for no reason.

"Yes, yes, you"re correct. Because you are a Morie." She leaned over the table, "Do you know, Jill Morie? In order to live in this merciless world, money is essential. I will help you to whatever you want to happen, but in return... you need to pay my rate." 

"What do you mean by that?"

"Let"s just imagine that you offered me a job, and as I accept your proposal, you need to pay off my skills."

I see. She actually took it like that because I am a "Morie", because my family is quiet well off. I need her help, she needs my money.

I slyly smiled at her. "I understand. I"ll pay your rate."

"Good. Shall we discuss your plan?"

"Whooooa! I"m very excited mwahahaha." Aya sounded so hyper.

Our cla.s.s, headed by Ireneo, had just finished our discussion on what we will do about the festival. Almost everyone in White Knights is enthusiastically antic.i.p.ating the events next week. And Miss M, our music teacher, is pestering me again to partic.i.p.ate in the concert for the school"s night out.

I heard that one of the partic.i.p.ants is Cloud Enriquez" band that"s why many people will go for that eve. And speaking of that guy, he"s not bothering me anymore. The last time was when he treated me to his expensive restaurant. Well, I guess he"s just very busy for the practice.

"And... the cla.s.s luckily picked up this for the cultural week." We all waited for Ireneo"s next words, "Stage play."

What? Isn"t that too laborious?

"Kyaaah! Morie, I"m so loving it! I"m very excited!" Aya lashed out on my arm because of too much joy. Actually, she"s been like this since the start of the discussion. She"s been going wild at her seat.

Half of the cla.s.s became glad when they learned what we will do. Half were dismayed because they prefer haunted house booth or any other booths and cooking stalls.

"We first have to find a piece which we will use for the play. You have to pa.s.s some ideas by tomorrow to decide what we will have. We"ll divide the cla.s.s into three groups. We only have two weeks to prepare. Probably, we"ll discuss the further details when we decided the piece. Let"s form the groups for the meantime."

The following days, the cla.s.s became busy. Looks like Ireneo already chose the piece and is currently writing the script. We busied ourselves first with the props, costumes and other play technicalities. There"s an a.s.sembly every after cla.s.s. Busy with this. Busy for that. I remember that we"re also like this before. I"m glad that after two years, we returned to how we used to be. Despite having many conflicts in life, there are chances that should not be let go and these are the chances to become happy even for a moment.

One afternoon, everyone is hectically making the props. I was carrying a box which contains some cans of paint. Suddenly, Stephen came out to help me. I let him do so because he volunteered by himself. It"s quite puzzling because his "act of goodness" did not end to his treat to Mirku"s.

I don"t really mind at all. But the people around us couldn"t help but give meanings to his actions. Sometimes I heard two of our cla.s.smate talking about this matter. Well I? I only wish for them to stop creating and spreading weird rumors. The only thing I"m grateful for is the fact that Aya and the others were not like them. We considered our group as a circle of friends so they treat the rumors as nonsense.

"Hey, Stephen. Can you go to the stockroom and borrow the mop from the janitor?"

"Okay." I followed him when he came out of the cla.s.sroom, "What"s the matter, Jill?"

"I"ll go with you."

He didn"t say anything, the both of us just walked towards the stockroom to borrow two mops. On our way back, I started speaking. 

"You know what? I wish I can regain your memories." I said. "Back then, I thought you"re my only hope. I thought I can finally answer all those mysteries around me. I depended too much on you."

"Huh?" He halted his steps. He looks calm and there"s no sign of puzzlement on his face.

"Listen," I looked into his eyes, "I trust you." I smiled at him. "I trust you because you"re my friend." I handed him a paper folded in the middle, "Let"s meet later. Go to the place written on that paper."

"Why? I can"t unders---"

"As I said, I trust you. There"s something I want to tell you."

"Hey." He"s here, Stephen"s here. "I"m glad you came. I thought you won"t take what I said seriously." He walked towards me and stood next to me. We"re only some inches apart. Both of us were gazing at the lively lighted wide city. We"re at the rooftop of White Knights. It"s night time and there"s no more students.

"Why wouldn"t I take you seriously? This is not usual and how could I miss this chance?"

"Look at the sky... how beautiful," I raised my head up, "Sometimes I wish I could fly, even though I know I would go crashing down. I feel like Superman and I am quite similar to him. I wish that I could cry, fall upon my knees, find a way to lie, "bout a home I"ll never see." I faced him. "I can see what other humans can"t see. I can see the future. And it"s not easy to be me." He only looked at me. Wordlessly, he caught my hands.

"What a lovely scene!" Both of us were surprised by the one who arrived. "I apologize for ruining the beautiful moment for the two of you."

"W-what are you doing here? Jing Rosca!" I stuttered in panic.

Instead of answering, she only laughed and started approaching us. "Jill Morie, dear. I"m sorry because I couldn"t deny the offer made by my new client. Think, what someone would do when given half a million in exchange of your life."

I stepped back because of what she declared. Stephen had let go of my hands.


"Wait – J-jing..." She lifted me using her powers. She strangled me mid-air. "Arrrggghhhkkk... S-stephen..."

I just saw myself lying on the ground. I didn"t move. I let myself hug the floor. Waiting. Listening.

"Die. Jill Morie."

"You can"t kill her!" I heard Stephen"s voice. "You... b.i.t.c.h! I"ll kill you!"

"CUT!" The place suddenly lit up then someone helped me to stand up. "Bravo! Bravo! All of you acted magnificently! Well, it"s somehow acceptable." only the claps made by her small hands echoed out to the place. "Jing, you let your emotions got the better of you though. Jill, it would have been better if you beg a little for your life."

"Thanks, Finnix." I said to the person who brought me up.

"What"s happening?" Stephen now looked confuse, confused about what suddenly took place. "Jill..."

"Enough of your acting too. Now, show us your true form."

"I don"t get it. What are you saying? Earlier, you said you trust me?!"

"Yes, I trust you."


"f.u.c.k off that stupidity. You cannot fool me anymore."

"Jill, how can you said someth---"

"Does it mean, you want me to enumerate it all? Fine. First, Stephen"s family is not rich, so he doesn"t have the means to treat anyone with anything, especially expensive stuffs. Also, he couldn"t buy contact lenses. Second, Stephen had long liked Penelope that"s why flirting with me is really nasty. Third, there"s a saying that "a fish will be caught through its own mouth"...

"You"re amazing, Jill. You were the only one who guessed the number correctly. I wish I also have your ability."

Fourth, and many small details which Stephen wouldn"t do. The real Stephen is shy, introverted, and he doesn"t talk a lot. And fifth, if Stephen was really the one with me, he would have panicked after seeing Jing Rosca. But you were so calm, you hesitated at that moment, right? You doubted whether it"s worth it to fight her because I would see that, that"s why when you thought I died, you became angry. Well, that"s all. Again, I"m really glad that I trusted you. I was not wrong when I gambled on the possibility that you"re Magnus."


Only the wind breeze can be heard. Later on, he knelt down and while clutching his belly... "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed madly as if he went nuts. We only watched when he submitted to madness.

I should thank Jing Rosca later. Because of her that we managed to pull off this plan. I also should thank the Carnies. That"s right, right after I confirmed my suspicions about Stephen, I sought them to ask for help, to corner and set up a pitfall for this fake Stephen.

"Where is he?" I asked Magnus. "Where is the real Stephen?!"

"Who knows?" replied by him. "You amazed me, Jill Morie." He faced The Carnies. "We meet again, my fellow Peculiars." He immediately a.s.sumed his true form. But Finnix swiftly produced fire from his hand and enveloped Magnus. The place became violet colored because Seraphina froze the time. Magnus also couldn"t move since he was controlled by Jing Rosca. By the help of this powerful Carnival group, Magnus couldn"t resist. He won"t be able to escape anymore. This is the end for him.

All of the sudden, a sharp hissing sound entered my mind. It was like a feedback audio. I covered my ears and felt that it was as if... as if someone is trying to invade my thoughts. It hurts. My head seems to be punctured by thousand needles.

"I know you can hear me." W-who the h.e.l.l...

"Ahh!" I noticed that even Jing, Finnix and Seraphina were holding onto their heads. Magnus managed to escape while looking tired and battered. He suddenly vanished into thin air.

"Jill Morie. Come with us."

The sound went off. The voice vanished. Magnus also disappeared.

"Jill Morie," It"s Seraphina"s voice. She"s still pressing her hand to her forehead. The time was forcibly returned to normal which was signalled by the vanishing of the violet colored covering for the place. "Are you alright?"+

"W-what the heck was that sound? It was like it wanted to pierce through my sanity." Said by Finnix who is also still minding the pain.

"I am sure... the perpetrator was a mind manipulator." Jing Rosca voiced out.

"Mind manipulator?" It means there"s a new Memoire person? "Did you hear a voice?" They shook their heads. Meaning, I was the only one who heard what he said... IT"s the same line mumbled by those voices in my dreams. I have a strong feeling that this time, the one behind the blog, the drugs and everything about this Memoire s.h.i.t was that person.

"Yes. I can say that it"s a powerful one."

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