Translated by: whosays25

Edited by: seiji96

/2/ Seer

In the City of G.o.ds there will be great thunder,

Two brothers torn apart by Chaos,

While the fortress endures, the great leader will succ.u.mb,

The third big war will begin when the big city is burning


I was only staring at the lecture on the blackboard while my hand was supporting my face. Half of the cla.s.s was listening while the rest was either sleeping or chatting with their seatmates.

While discussing, Miss Karen was roaming around the room. Her hands on her back. “Nostradamus, the most famous astrologer who ever lived…” she tapped the shoulder of my cla.s.smate who  is sleeping. Startled, he woke up.

She continued, “and that quatrain written on the board contained the prediction of 9/11 bombing.”  She said in a cold voice. She had temporarily stopped at the front when someone raised her hand.

“You mean, Nostradamus saw the future?” asked by my nerd cla.s.smate, Penelope.

“They said he ‘foresaw’ it. By interpreting this quatrain, they a.s.sumed that the ‘City of G.o.ds’ is New York. Then ‘the two brothers torn apart by chaos’ must be the fallen towers of World Trade Center. ‘Fortress’ is Pentagon. ‘The great leader will succ.u.mb’ must be the United States and the ‘third big war’ means World War III.”

After saying that, the students started their own discussion. They expressed their own reactions – some were scared, others didn’t believe it, others agreed on it. Those who were sleeping were awaken by the noisy discussions. And the others, they really don’t care, like me.

“So who among you believe this prediction?” Miss Karen asked when she stopped at the center.

Some of them raised their hands and one even stood up, saying, “I think the lines are accurate to what had happened, Ma’am.”

“Ok, so how about those who don’t believe this?”

Only few bothered raising their hands and the rest continued their arguments with each other.

“That’s impossible, how can he say that it’s New York if New York has yet to exist that time?”

“It’s a faux pas, Ma’am.” Penelope stated. She even fixed her, a sign that she’s confident about her answer.

“Are you sure?”


“Well, you’re right. It’s not true.” After that, they simultaneously reacted while I only remained staring at the board. Ah… Why is cla.s.s hour so long?

“That quatrain written on the board was nowhere to be found in Nostradamus published works,” Miss Karen started walking again and stopped after reaching the back of the room. “In other words, it’s just a hoax.”

“What the heck.”


“Ma’am, what’s real?”

“So we’re just deceiving each other.”

“So what’s the point of this?” Alexi, one of my fussy cla.s.smates stated. Those jewelries she’s wearing were even shining and I’m sure they were expensive.

“Well, we’re talking about Nostradamus anyway.” Miss Karen picked up the ball pen from the floor and gave it back to the owner. “He predicted the date and hour of his death, and then he died shortly before the sunrise.”

My cla.s.smates continued taking down notes since this topic was expected to be on the exams. oh my… Examination day is getting nearer huh.

Miss Karen walked back to the front then she fixed her stuffs on the table. There’s only fifteen minutes left so they thought the cla.s.s discussion is over but its not.

“Some said that the future is not predetermined because humans have the power to change it…”

I can see the future.

“…by enlightening the consciousness. There were times when we felt what would happen to us, and then it happened, right?”

But I’m not Nostradamus. I can’t see if the world is already ending. I can’t see what would happen to this country. I can only see individual future. When I stare at their eyes for several seconds, when it seems like my eyes can suck the depth of their eyes, that’s when I saw the future that awaits them.

“We can create mental pictures of events that have not yet happened. It’s not intentional, but sometimes what we have created on our imagination came true…”

I don’t know how I acquired this ability and on how it happened. Two years pa.s.sed since I got in an accident. I then received this unusual power and I couldn’t tell if it’s a gift or a curse. Since then I can no longer socialize with other people. What can I do? I couldn’t help it. I isolated myself, thinking that it was right for me to stay away from other people. I no longer stare at their eyes for long.

“…people subconsciously make thousands of predictions each day, like guessing who will come, who is the one calling, and many others. On the other hand, we’re led to believe that life is about making choices… It’s about free will, fate and destiny…” She paused.

Even now, I could no longer escape from the reality I have. I couldn’t run away from this fate anymore.

“…we make our own futures. A –“

Miss Karen still has something to say but she was interrupted by the loud ringing of the bell outside even though it was still not time for the next subject.

“Okay, that’s all for today. See you tomorrow.” This was the last thing that Miss Karen said before she left with her belongings.

I also arranged my stuffs. I put my books and notebooks inside my bag and while doing so I couldn’t help hearing how my cla.s.smates talked about the topic left by Miss.

“How does it feel to have those kinds of powers?”


“I want to be someone with powers. I’m sure I’ll be famous all around the world then  I’ll predict the end of the world.”


“It seems cool to see what’s going to happen in the future.”

They didn’t have any clue that one of them has the ability to see the future after a few seconds of eye contact. Yes, no one knows about what I have. Who would believe if ever? If I can only pa.s.s this to someone, I already did it long ago. And having this freaking power is not as cool as they thought it would. It’s hard seeing what will happen. Especially if something is going to be lost and if it’s unacceptable.

I’m already walking when Aya called me.

“Morie,” I paused but I didn’t look at her. “Are you okay?” I nodded then I left the room.

I know the real answer to her question, I’m not okay.

Many people are staring at me again while I’m walking on the corridor. I heard them talking about me and Cloud Enriquez. I didn’t mind them at all until I reached the library, on the building’s left wing, the place I always went to. I always encaged myself here whenever I have free time, far from people.

I went in. Apparently, since I was always here, Mrs. Stefi, the librarian was already used to seeing me. This time, she’s busy fiddling on her fingernails.

The library is wide. The shelves are huge. However, not many are interested here. People only came if there are important research to do.

As usual, I took my favorite spot near the Geographic section. Not many people goes here aside from me and those flirty type.

I can finally have some peace.

“Preparing early for exams, huh?” or not.

Without looking up I said, “Get lost.”

“Whoa! I was already rejected? That hurts.” He pulled a seat and sat facing me.

“Want to grab some lunch? My treat.” Although I couldn’t see him, I know he’s wearing his boyish smile.

“I’m full.”

“Young lady, you’re so hard-headed.”

“Can’t you see I’m busy? Hey! – “ he suddenly took away my book. “Give it to me, Enriquez!” I said, I tried grabbing back the book but he’s stubborn in taking it away.

“Let me treat you first.”

“Give me back my book then I will.” I said just to make him stop but the truth is I wouldn’t accompany him. He smiled happily though. Then he handed me my book. When I got it back, I swiftly ran away.

“Hey! Morie!” He collided with a pile of books which collapsed and scattered on the floor. He has no choice but to collect them and arrange them. Mrs. Stefi will be angry if he will leave the books just like that.

He’s been tailing me for three weeks. I don’t know what he had eaten, leading him to tease me. He was the one putting random stuffs on my locker. Cloud Enriquez is a certified flirt. I’ve yet to see the future, but I can feel it.

When I exited, I didn’t expect to with someone entering the library. It was Penelope.

“Sorry.” She said. The things I brought with me fell and I automatically bent down to pick them up. She helped me. Unintentionally, I directed my eyes to her’s and then in a flash, I saw…

“Morie, I’m really sorry.” I didn’t reply, instead I walked fast without looking back at her.

Suddenly, my heart beats fast. What…should I do?

“… On the other hand, we’re led to believe that life is about making choices…” I seem to hear Miss Karen’s voice. “ It’s about free will, fate and destiny…”

Should I let that happen?

“Penelope” I called her when I face her.

“Why?”  She’s still not inside the library. She’s confused on why I called her. I walked near her but I couldn’t speak.


I breathed deeply.

“Don’t go home yet.”

“Ha? Why?”  she asked in a very surprised manner.

Think. Think of a reason. “I want your help for the a.s.signment.”

I really hate this, because I’m a freaking seer.

© 2024