[7-51] British Public Record Office, CO5-1362, pp. 365-367, Colonial Entry Book.

[7-52] During these years the planters were too impoverished to purchase slaves. The decline in the tobacco trade produced a feeling among the people that the colony had been overstocked with blacks.

[7-53] British Public Record Office, CO5-1322, Correspondence of the Board of Trade, Report of Governor Gooch.

[7-54] British Public Record Office, CO5-1322, Francis Fane to the Lords of Trade, Dec. 10, 1728.

[7-55] British Public Record Office, CO5-1356, p. 139, Colonial Entry Book.


[8-1] Princeton Transcripts, Virginia Land Patents, Princeton University Library.

[8-2] Princeton Transcripts, Virginia Land Patents, Princeton University Library.

[8-3] British Public Record Office, CO5-1362, pp. 365-367, Colonial Entry Book.

[8-4] Virginia Land Patents, Register of Land Office, Virginia State Capitol.

[8-5] G. L. Beer, The Old Colonial System, Vol. I, p. 28.

[8-6] G. L. Beer, The Old Colonial System, Vol. I, pp. 320-321.

[8-7] Jared Sparks, The Works of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. X, iii.

[8-8] Maurice Vanlaer, La Fin d"un Peuple, pp. 38-39.

[8-9] Maurice Vanlaer, La Fin d"un Peuple, pp. 112-117.

[8-10] British Public Record Office, CO1-39-38.

[8-11] Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1696-1697, p. 420.

[8-12] Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1696-1697, p. 500.

[8-13] Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1696-1697, p. 546.

[8-14] British Public Record Office, CO5-1359, pp. 20, 21, 22.

[8-15] British Public Record Office, CO5-1359, pp. 20, 21, 22.

[8-16] British Public Record Office, CO5-1359, p. 23, Colonial Entry Book.

[8-17] British Public Record Office, CO5-1359, p. 113, Andros to the Lords of Trade, July 1, 1697.

[8-18] British Public Record Office, CO5-1359, pp. 266-303, Colonial Entry Book.

[8-19] British Public Record Office, CO5-1312, p. 4O9A, Correspondence of the Board of Trade.

[8-20] British Public Record Office, CO5-1360, p. 441, Colonial Entry Book.

[8-21] Rent Roll of 1704, p. 46.

[8-22] British Public Record Office, CO5-1321, Correspondence of the Board of Trade, Gooch to the Lords of Trade, Nov. 6, 1728.

[8-23] British Public Record Office, CO5-1362, pp. 374-382, Colonial Entry Book.

[8-24] British Public Record Office, CO5-1364, p. 27, Colonial Entry Book.

[8-25] J. S. Ba.s.sett, Writings of William Byrd, p. 31.

[8-26] British Public Record Office, CO5-1322, Gooch to the Lords of Trade, Feb. 27, 1731.

[8-27] British Public Record Office, CO5-1321, Gooch to the Lords of Trade, Aug. 9, 1728.

[8-28] British Public Record Office, CO5-1315, Doc.u.ment 16, Correspondence of the Board of Trade.

[8-29] British Public Record Office, CO5-1315, Doc.u.ment 91, Correspondence of the Board of Trade.

[8-30] British Public Record Office, CO5-1316, Correspondence of the Board of Trade.

[8-31] British Public Record Office, CO5-1315, Doc.u.ment 16.

[8-32] British Public Record Office, CO5-1315, Doc.u.ment 91, Correspondence of the Board of Trade.

[8-33] British Public Record Office, CO5-1315, Correspondence of the Board of Trade.

[8-34] British Public Record Office, CO5-1316, Account of the tobacco trade by Perry and Hyde, June 2, 1714.

[8-35] British Public Record Office, CO5-1316, Pet.i.tion of the Council, Correspondence of the Board of Trade.

[8-36] British Public Record Office, CO5-1318, Address of King and Queen county inhabitants to Spotswood; address of Westmoreland inhabitants; letter of Spotswood to Lords of Trade, Dec. 22, 1718.

[8-37] William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. XXI, pp. 106-122.

[8-38] Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. XII, pp.


[8-39] Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. IV, pp. 297-299.

[8-40] William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. XXVI, pp. 97-106, 196-201, 250-258.

[8-41] Chastellux, Travels in North America, p. 291.

[8-42] Philip Fithian, Journal and Letters, p. 243.

[8-43] Smyth, A Tour of the United States, Vol. I, p. 58.

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