62b. Leaflets deeply incised =Cinquefoil, Potentilla pennsylvanica.=
63a. Leaves all basal, the flowers on leafless stalks --64.
63b. Stem-leaves present --66.
64a. Leaves simple (1-2 dm. high; summer) =Dalibarda, Dalibarda repens.=
64b. Leaves trifoliate (1-2 dm. high; spring) (Strawberry) --65.
65a. Leaflets thick and firm, the petioles and pedicels p.u.b.escent with spreading or ascending hairs; fruit subglobose, the achenes embedded in pits on its surface =Strawberry, Fragaria virginiana.=
65b. Leaflets thin, the petioles and pedicels nearly glabrous or with appressed hairs; fruit conic, the achenes on its surface =Wood Strawberry, Fragaria americana.=
66a. Leaves pinnate with numerous leaflets --67.
66b. Stem-leaves with 3-5 leaflets --72.
67a. Leaflets laciniate or deeply lobed (flowers pink or purple, early summer) --68.
67b. Leaflets merely toothed --69.
68a. Stem-leaves few, small and opposite (2-4 dm. tall) =Purple Avens, Geum triflorum.=
68b. Stem-leaves large and alternate (5-20 dm. tall) =Queen of the Prairie, Filipendula rubra.=
69a. Individual flowers small, not exceeding 6 mm. across, in large cl.u.s.ters or spikes --70.
69b. Individual flowers more than 10 mm. wide, in few-flowered cl.u.s.ters (Cinquefoil) --71.
70a. Flowers in dense spikes (5-15 dm. high; late summer) =Burnet, Sanguisorba canadensis.=
70b. Flowers in panicles =Sorbaria, Sorbaria sorbifolia.=
71a. Flowers red or purple (3-6 dm. high; summer) =Marsh Cinquefoil, Potentilla pal.u.s.tris.=
71b. Flowers white (5-10 dm. high; early summer) =Cinquefoil, Potentilla arguta.=
72a. Pistils 5 (5-10 dm. high; flowers white or pink, early summer) --73.
72b. Pistils 10, in a ring (flowers pink or purple) --68b.
72c. Pistils numerous, in a head or close group --74.
73a. Stipules linear or subulate, 5-8 mm. long =Bowman"s Root, Gillenia trifoliata.=
73b. Stipules leaf-like, 10-25 mm. long, serrate =American Ipecac, Gillenia stipulata.=
74a. Flowers red or purple --75.
74b. Flowers white --76.
75a. Leaflets sharply and irregularly toothed or lobed; petals erect, narrowed at the base (3-9 dm. high; early summer) =Purple Avens, Geum rivale.=
75b. Leaflets finely and regularly toothed, oblong; petals spreading --71a.
76a. Leaflets entire below, 3-toothed at the apex (1-3 dm. high; summer) =Cinquefoil, Potentilla tridentata.=
76b. Leaflets toothed all around the margin --77.
77a. Leaves all trifoliate (2-5 dm. high; late spring) --17b.
77b. Some of the upper leaves merely lobed or dentate (5-8 dm. high) (Avens) --78.
78a. Stem bristly-hairy (early summer) =Avens, Geum virginianum.=
78b. Stem softly and finely p.u.b.escent (summer) =Avens, Geum canadense.=
LEGUMINOSAE, the Pulse Family
Trees, shrubs, or herbs, with alternate compound (except 3 species with simple) leaves and stipules; flowers usually irregular (except in a few species), with a large upper petal and 4 smaller ones, the 2 lower enclosing the stamens and pistil; stamens almost always 10, and generally united by their filaments; pistil 1, simple, ripening into a pod.
1a. Shrubs or trees --2.
1b. Herbs, twining, but without tendrils --9.
1c. Herbs; the leaves, or some of them, tipped with tendrils --12.
1d. Herbs, not climbing or twining; tendrils none --21.
2a. Leaves simple --3.
2b. Leaves compound --4.
3a. Leaves broadly cordate (tall shrub or small tree; flowers pink, early spring) =Redbud, Cercis canadensis.=
3b. Leaves lanceolate or elliptical (3-6 dm. high; flowers yellow, summer) =Dyer"s Greenweed, Genista tinctoria.=
4a. Twigs or branches th.o.r.n.y --5.
4b. Thorns none --7.
5a. Thorns branched, scattered on the stem (tall tree; flowers greenish, early summer) =Honey Locust, Gleditsia triacanthos.=
5b. Thorns unbranched, a pair of them at the base of each leaf (late spring) --6.