Williams, S. Wells; _The Middle Kingdom_, New York, 1895.

--; _A Syllabic Dictionary of the Chinese Language_, Tungchou, 1909.

Wu Ch"ao-ch"u, _The Nationalist Program for China_, New Haven, 1930.

Wu Kuo-cheng; _Ancient Chinese Political Theories_, Shanghai, 1928.

Ziah, C. F.; _Philosophie Politique de la Chine Ancienne (700-221 AV. J.-C.)_, Paris, 1934.


The author has not sought to prepare a lexicon of modern Chinese political terms. He presents, however, a list of those Chinese words which have frequently been left untranslated in the text, together with the ideographs by which they are written in China, and brief definitions.

Variant meanings, however significant, have been omitted. Peculiar definitions, to be found only in the present work, have been enclosed in brackets. To locate the phrases, and discussions of them, consult the index.

? _cheng_; right; rectified ? _chu_; used as a compound with _i_, below, to make _chu-i_: principle, -ism ? _ch"uan_; power ? _hui_; society; guild ? _hsien_; district (a political subdivision) ? _i_; propriety ? _jen_; humanity; fellow-feeling; benevolence, etc. [consciousness of social orientation]

? _li_; rites; ceremonies [ideological conformity]

? _min_; people; _Volk_ ? _ming_; name [terminology, or, a part of ideology]

? _neng_; capacity ? _pa_; violence; violent; tyrant; tyrannous ? _san_; three ? _sheng_; life; regeneration; livelihood ? _ta_; great ? _tao_; path; way; principle ? _teh_; virtue ? _tsu_; unity; kinship ? _t"ung_; harmony; concord ? _w.a.n.g_; king; kingly ? _yueh_; rhythm

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