The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 462: Ma LieTranslator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chapter 462: Ma LieTranslator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Perhaps it was a practical joke on behalf of fate that this group of people immediately started towards the queue s.h.i.+ Mu was at, brus.h.i.+ng past his spot until they stopped at the second individual standing in front of s.h.i.+ Mu—a muscular red-haired Demon race meatball-looking guy.

The man’s face lit up almost the instant he saw them and chatted quietly with them. It was obvious that these people knew each other.

However, they were still essentially cutting lines and those who had been joining the queue much earlier than they were made it their disdain obvious. Despite their displeasure, no one peeked a word against them—perhaps the red-haired girl’s power ranking or the group’s presumed fame and status was the reason.

Everyone kept quiet except for one. “Jerks,” Cai peeped under its breath.

The Demon race youth’s ears wobbled a little at the moment the word left its mouth and turned, his eyes instantly meeting s.h.i.+ Mu and Cai. Fury was almost instantly roaring in his eyes as crimson red flashes emerged from his body.

“No fighting over personal matters in the city.” In a flash, one of the guards in green armor appeared like a ghost before the youth. He continued with that same stoic voice, “Those who violated the rules of the city will be expelled… And barred from re-entering the city over a hundred year.”

The youth’s expression fell just as the red aura around his body ceased.

Then the red-haired girl spoke, “Our apologies, sir. My clan brother was not looking for a fight. He was just a bit excited at seeing a person he knew personally, causing him to temporarily lose control of his demonic aura… Please, forgive him.”

The guard paid not a single attention to the words the girl said, his chilling eyes still boring into the Demon race youth as he added coldly, “I will let you off the hook purely because this is your first brush with the rules. Don’t expect leniency the next time you offend the rules again.”

“Fine, fine.” A single vein popped out of the youth’s neck, but he hid it within the same second as he lowered his head.

The guard in the green armor finally left—in a way that could be described as disappeared completely.

The red-haired beauty turned her bright eyes at s.h.i.+ Mu and her eyes twinkled. s.h.i.+ Mu, meanwhile, gave one last look at the group and turned his head away from them, ignoring them completely.

Cai wasn’t going to pa.s.s his small victory up so easily, however. It leered at them with a smug look on its face and flapped its feather provocatively, acting as ridiculously jerkish as possible.

The Demon race youth’s eyes were practically burning in white-hot fury—so much so that his body was trembling slightly. However, the beautiful girl with him was quick to shoot him a scowl, which caused the youth to take in some deep breaths to snuff out some of his anger.

A few moments later, it was s.h.i.+ Mu’s turn at the counter.

The girl who in-charged of her line was a good-looking young girl in a green robe who had a small mole close to one edge of her lips. She looked quite adorable and perky.

Her delicate eyebrows, however, were bunched to the middle of her face a little at the moment as she studied s.h.i.+ Mu, muttering, “Hmm, a human…”

“This lowly one is s.h.i.+ Mu. I’m here to register for the Entrance Tournament.”

“Are you certain of your decision, Sir? The entrance Tournament is harsh and actually dangerous at times; Those who are not exactly up to standards may even, well, lose their lives during it,” The girl said hesitantly. “You could pa.s.s up this time and wait for your moment at the next one, you know. You would still be young enough.”

“Listen to that girl, wimp, she’s got more sense than you!” As the group of Demon race individuals had yet left the hall, the youth from before was quick to recognize a chance to sling a snide insult back at s.h.i.+ Mu—and of course, he did so with as much contempt as the loudness of his guffaw. “With that puny amount of power you got plus your pathetic genealogy as a human, you won’t be making out of this alive.”

“I’m touched by the lady’s concern, but I’ve long made up my mind. Please, I would like to register,” s.h.i.+ Mu insisted without tossing as much as a glance at the youth.

“Well, um… Aww-kay…” s.h.i.+ Mu’s insistence made the girl said nothing more.

“So much for trying to warn a moron, huh? Idiots gotta’ edge, right? Even if it’s gonna kill them!” The youth remarked loudly.

Cai, enraged, had a comeback right at the tip of its tongue before s.h.i.+ Mu gently patted it back down. “Don’t act on it,” he coaxed, stroking the back of the parrot’s feather.

“Pfft! Fine, you got a point,” Cai blinked for a while and suddenly nodded vigorously before saying loud enough, “It’s only going to be embarra.s.sing for me to keep talking to a rabid dog. Thanks, s.h.i.+ Tou!”

The youth was apoplectic. He didn’t even notice that his breathing had heavier and heavier, like an enraged bull, while his eyes were like daggers aimed at s.h.i.+ Mu’s face.

It was then when the beautiful red-haired girl’s delicate visage frowned and she cut in stoically, “Would you cut it out already, Ma Lie? Don’t you dare forget the reason why we are here.”

Ma Lie took a sharp deep breath instantly to stuff down his anger, as if he was afraid of the girl. Nevertheless, he gritted his teeth and squeezed out one last comeback, “I am personally interested in seeing which moron would be stupid enough to act as your guarantor, you piece of tras.h.!.+ Maybe… you came here without having a guarantor of worth at all!”

The girl in the green robe, meanwhile, completely ignored the spectacle. It was as if she had watched something similar to this for the hundredth time.

“Pa.s.s me your Invitation Token, please,” She said to s.h.i.+ Mu. He did as told.

The girl took the token and raised her hand, sending a handsign on it.

The token hummed as spiritual energy poured out from it to form a few pale-yellow glyphs in an unknown language. The girl, who had been a.s.suming a largely placid expression since the beginning, looked quite delightfully shocked at the result as she rang out, “Huh, a Holy Tree Summon!”

The crowd immediately turned to them upon hearing her declaration, including Ma Lie, his friends, and the red-haired beau, who were gobsmacked.

A Holy Tree Summon was incredibly rare among all Invitation Tokens—only those who held true power and influence could possibly get their hands on single one of these.

“Are you going to continue gawking or are you going to move?” The red-haired girl shot a quick glance at s.h.i.+ Mu, her eyes glinting, before snapping at Ma Lie.

Ma Lie was visibly crossed at Cai before he followed the girl in bl.u.s.ter.

“Since you possess the Holy Tree Summon, you are not required to have a guarantor with you, Sir.” The girl in green robe smiled as she wrote s.h.i.+ Mu’s name in a green jade board before producing a white bowl-like structure seemingly made out of fine jade.

“Please, a drop of your blood, Sir.”

s.h.i.+ Mu had seen this part of the registration process countless times while waiting for his turn, so he very quickly made a small cut in his finger and dripped a single drop into the bowl. The blood coursed down the smooth surface gently to the bottom and vanished.

“Alright, it’s all done. The Entrance Tournament will begin after half a month, which you will be notified by our people in advance as well as being filled in with the details of the Tournament. Good luck,” she said, tucking the Holy Tree Summon safely.

s.h.i.+ Mu nodded and started towards the exit.

He left the palace very soon, and not wanting to squeeze between the crowds, he left the square just as quickly as well by turning to one of the streets.

He was quite happy, frankly. There were a few minor hiccups, but he managed to register himself into the tournament. Now all he needed to do now was to prepare himself more completely—once he pa.s.sed the tests, he would become a disciple of Qing Lan Holy Sect.

Just remembering the words of the White Ape’s remnants about the advanced levels of Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art made s.h.i.+ Mu’s hands balled into fists as excitement flooded and pounded on his chest…

“Psst, s.h.i.+ Tou, now that we got the registration out of the way, there’s nothing else in your to-do list, right? What do you say we go and feast upon the delicacies this city has to offer? Huh, huh?” Cai flapped its wings and cried.

s.h.i.+ Mu was silent for a while before replying, “No. First, I’m going to procure some items. Next, we’ll have to find a place to stay. We’ll talk about food after all of that.”

There were too many powerful people joining the Entrance Tournament, s.h.i.+ Mu noticed. Just that red-haired girl among the Demon race youths alone was an adequate example—s.h.i.+ Mu couldn’t really tell her true powers, and that was dangerous.

“Urgh, fine,” Cai relented helplessly.

s.h.i.+ Mu was just about to continue walking when a blurry silhouette blocked him on his way. It was the red-haired Demon race youth, Ma Lie.

He cupped his hands before his chest while he wore a grinning expression that was terrifyingly different from how he had looked from before. “You, brother, please halt.”

“What’s the matter?” s.h.i.+ Mu frowned. If this man dared to come to him alone despite his display of Holy Tree Summon, this would mean that the youth was either backed by a powerful martial artist or had some other ulterior motive.

“Please don’t take our previous misunderstanding to heart, Brother. It was purely a certain Ma’s fault!” Ma Lie said, a bit too uncannily friendly, as he eyed the parrot perching on s.h.i.+ Mu’s shoulder.

“What are you ogling at? Get your eyes off me, or I’ll claw them out of your socket,” Cai mumbled after shooting a mean glare at him.

Unlike his previous demeanor, Ma Lie’s smile did not falter at all.

“Oh, is that all?” s.h.i.+ Mu’s eyebrow raised.

“Well, there’s… Something else I would like to discuss with you… I’m not sure if I should, though…” Ma Lie’s gaze darted everywhere as he stammered.

“Oh, okay. Then you probably shouldn’t,” s.h.i.+ Mu gave a humorless laugh and started his feet as if he was about to move around Ma Lie.

Ma Lie was stunned for a while, but he managed to recover quickly enough to twirl and once again blocked s.h.i.+ Mu on the way. With a smile carved onto his face, he hurriedly said, “Wait, hear me out. This bird is incredibly intelligent… So I was wondering if you could sell it to me with the price of ten million Spirit Stones.”

“What?! Do I look like an object for sale to you, Jerkface? I swear, s.h.i.+ Tou,” Cai flapped its wings in fury and shrieked as soon as it understood Ma Lie’s offer, “When you see Jerkface during the tournament, help me out by giving a good punch on his nose!”

s.h.i.+ Mu’s expression had already darkened by this point. He replied, without any hesitation, “Back off. This bird isn’t for sale.”

As he answered, s.h.i.+ Mu’s body let out dangerous crackling sounds as if fireworks were exploding inside his bones. In a flash, his body had enlarged one size larger before he slammed himself onto Ma Lie.

Ma Lie’s expression changed. He thought of the Holy Tree Summon s.h.i.+ Mu had produced as well as the implications and took two steps backward subconsciously.

Like a nasty gale, s.h.i.+ Mu stormed away from his side without as much as tossing Ma Lie a look.

Ma Lie watched his back and balled his hands into fists, his face stormy. A few moments later he stomped his feet in anger and muttered hatefully under his breath, “No doubt about it… that bird is that thing! I will have it, and no one’s gonna stop me!”

Time pa.s.sed quickly. Half a month went by like a breeze.

And as expected, the Entrance Tournament for Qing Lan Holy Sect has begun.

s.h.i.+ Mu had arrived at the site for the exam since early morning as per the instruction given to him by one of the notifying staff. It was in the woods outside of Qing Lan City—a large, open clearing.

s.h.i.+ Mu noticed that the site was already filled with thousands of people who had registered themselves. A lot more were still rus.h.i.+ng to the site when he had arrived, too.

s.h.i.+ Mu glanced around and noticed once again that most of the partic.i.p.ants were aliens and Demon races. There were very few humans in sight, and even when he spotted a humanoid figure among them, he was quick to notice the difference in skin color, finesse, hair color and more.

Most of these partic.i.p.ants came in groups, whether a closely-knitted band of three to five or a large group of ten or more. s.h.i.+ Mu was starting to stand out as someone who came alone.

Behind him, a leopard-headed alien youth was chatting with his friend, “Hey, haven’t you heard? There are three million partic.i.p.ants in the Entrance Tournament this time, man. That’s like at least thirty percent more than the last two Tournaments.’

“Why are you even surprised? It’s an event that only happens once in a decade! Of course everyone who fancies themselves as a martial artist with enough power or substance would wanna join in on the game. Even if they were disqualified, they at least get invaluable lessons from their partic.i.p.ation, and that could really help them in their future endeavors, right?” The friend said, “Of course, I don’t really get the reasoning behind a subset of weaklings jumping into the fray. What are they hoping? To join a ma.s.sive grave?”

“Haha, you got that right, pal. Enter Exhibit A—puny human testing his luck right there,” The first leopard-headed youth said and raised his sharp, claw-like fingers and pointed right at s.h.i.+ Mu.

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