Alicia, Olivia, Claire, and Layne had already taken all the plush seats in the back except for two, which they were saving for Ma.s.sie and Dylan.

"Oh no, I guess there aren"t enough seats for all of us." Ma.s.sie tried to sound upset.

"That sucks." Derrington smacked one of the TV screens that hung down from the ceiling.

"Dude!" Josh shouted. "Sit here."

Derrington slid his blue backpack off his shoulder and was about to stuff it in the overhead rack when Merri-Lee b.u.t.ted in.

"Dylan, why don"t you ride up front with me and Cole?" She giggled. "I mean Mr. Myner."

"No, thanks, I"m good," Dylan insisted. "They already saved a seat for me in the back."

"That would be perfect." Derrington grabbed his backpack. "If you sit up here, then I can sit with Block."

Ma.s.sie felt his warm hand on her shoulder again. "How long is the ride?" she asked Mr. Myner.

"Five hours."

Ma.s.sie froze. It would have been perfect if Derrington were a few seats away, admiring her from afar while she interacted with her friends. But sitting face-to-face with him for five hours was not something she was prepared to do. What if he wanted to hold her hand or make out?

"Come on, Pickles." Merri-Lee patted the velvety cushion next to her.

Dylan plopped herself down, folded her arms across her chest, and turned toward the window.

"Ihopeyouwaxedyourmustachethismorning." Carrie winked as Ma.s.sie and Derrington pa.s.sed her on their way to the back.

"What did she just say?" Derrington asked.

"Who knows?" Ma.s.sie rolled her eyes.

Alexandra and Livvy smeared their lips with Glossip Girl and puckered up. It wasn"t long before everyone on the bus was making kissing noises. Ma.s.sie wanted to die, especially when Derrington wrapped his hands around his back and ma.s.saged his spine, so it looked like he was making out with someone. The kissing noises quickly turned to laughter.

Without thinking, Ma.s.sie slapped Derrington on the b.u.t.t.

"Ow." He rubbed it and gave a little wiggle.

Everyone roared with laughter. Ma.s.sie blew her palm as if it were a smoking gun, stuffed it in the front pocket of her jeans, and casually took her seat, like slapping boys" b.u.t.ts was something she did all the time. The truth was, she"d done it to punish Derrington for making her feel so awkward and uncomfortable. But no one needed to know that. They seemed to think the slap was playful and flirty, a show of real confidence. And that was perfectly fine with her.

"What was that that all about?" Derrington chuckled. He rubbed his b.u.t.t, then slid in beside her. all about?" Derrington chuckled. He rubbed his b.u.t.t, then slid in beside her.

"Watch yourself," Ma.s.sie said, summoning her inner vixen. "There"s more of that on the way if you don"t behave yourself."

"Promise?" Derrington"s brown eyes flickered.

Ma.s.sie quickly turned to the window, pretending to have missed his comment.

"Who"s ready for three days at Lake Placid?" Mr. Myner stood at the front of the bus with a proud smile.

Everyone exploded in a round of cheers and applause.

"Are you sure?" he joked. "Because there"s no turning back now."

Ma.s.sie sneaked a peek at Derrington from the corner of her eye. He had two freckles on his upper jaw, by his left ear. She had noticed them before and thought they were ah-dorable. But now that they were so close to her face, they seemed menacing. She shook her head and turned back to the window.

The doors hissed as the driver pulled them shut. He started the engine and eased the bus out of the lot.

Ma.s.sie took a deep breath and sighed.

"You okay?" Derrington touched her arm lightly.

"Yeah, I"m fine." She gathered her hair in a ponytail, then let it fall. "Uh, I just get a little carsick. I think I need to rest my head for a minute."

"Okay." Derrington slipped off his green Burton s...o...b..ard jacket, balled it up, and handed it to Ma.s.sie so she could use it as a pillow.

"Thanks." Ma.s.sie tried to smile. She propped the jacket up against the window and rested her head against it. The nylon felt rough against her cheek, but Ma.s.sie still managed to stay in that exact position for the next five hours.


Monday, February 23rd 1:13 P.M. P.M.

"Smile," Claire said as she snapped another picture with her digital camera for what seemed like the nine millionth time since they"d stepped off the bus.

"It"s so beautiful here," she said. It was the happiest Ma.s.sie had seen her since the whole Cam incident had gone down a week earlier.

"Okay, how about one of us over here by the fire pit?" Ma.s.sie reached for Dylan and Alicia. It felt weird not to have Kristen there, like Ma.s.sie had forgotten to pack her toothbrush or something.

"Enough with the pictures already," Dylan snapped.

She was still cranky from the five hours she"d spent listening to Mr. Myner and her mother blab on about all of the "romantic European cities" and "sensual exotic foods" Merri-Lee had been exposed to over the years thanks to her "deeply satisfying career."

"Look at the mountains behind us." Claire clicked away. "They"re so big and snowy."

"Pace yourself, Kuh-laire, we haven"t even seen the inside of our cabins yet," Ma.s.sie said.

"I know, but this is so incredible." Claire took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before snapping her final picture. A puff of white steam escaped from her mouth.

It was much colder in the Adirondacks than it had been in Westchester, and none of the Pretty Committee girls had dressed for the crisp mountain air. They had opted for something a little more "winter-lite" instead; tight V-neck sweaters and earth-toned turtlenecks, moccasin boots and dark jeans. Claire was the only exception, in her baby blue puffy jacket, L. L. Bean Storm Chasers, and red wool Gap turtleneck.

"Can we please go to our cabins and change?" Alicia was bouncing up and down trying to stay warm.

"Can you please keep doing that?" Chris Plovert said as he hobbled by.

Alicia folded her arms across her chest. "As soon as you learn to walk, gimp."

The girls high-fived Alicia and laughed.

The five wood cabins on Forever Wild campsite looked out on Lake Placid, a ma.s.s of fresh water that was so clean and clear you could see the red and silver rocks glistening on the bottom. The cabins formed a semi-circle around a wide fire pit that offered dozens of tree stumps as stools for sitting and roasting marshmallows. At the foot of the pit was a thin sliver of caramel-colored sand that lined the mouth of the lake like lip liner.

"Welcome to paradise," Mr. Myner said.

But no one seemed impressed. They were too busy rubbing their arms, trying to stay warm while Mr. Dingle, Briarwood"s geography teacher, searched the grounds for Gus, their mysterious contact person with the keys to the cabins.

Ma.s.sie was relieved that Derrington and the boys had run off to explore the hiking trails. It gave her a minute to regroup. Faking nausea for five hours had made her feel a little sick.

"Did you know Lake Placid was the site of the 1980 winter Olympics?" Mr. Myner boasted. His extra-fuzzy Patagonia pullover was still tied around his waist and he donned a pair of mirrored with a yellow neon string attached to the arms. His nose and lips were slathered in white zinc to keep the sun off. "We are standing in the winter sports capital of the world."

"Zzzzzzzz," Ma.s.sie said, barely loud enough for her friends to hear.

"You don"t think this is cool?" Claire asked.

"It"s cold!" Alicia stuffed her hands under her armpits.

Mr. Dingle came racing back, shaking a big round ring of keys. His big square were lopsided and his potbelly jiggled as he ran. He looked like a bobblehead next to Mr. Myner.

"Who"s ready to see where we"re going to be living for the next three days?" Mr. Myner took the keys from Mr. Dingle and dangled them in the air like a cat toy.

"I can"t believe he thinks zinc is a good look," Alicia whispered. "What an LBR."

Ma.s.sie leaned in toward Dylan and whispered in her ear, "If that doesn"t turn your mom off, nothing will."

"Then I guess nothing will," Dylan said. "Look." She pointed at Merri-Lee, who was in the middle of pulling the mirrored off Mr. Myner"s gooey nose so she could try them on. James, her cameraman, was right beside her, shooting.

"James," Merri-Lee hissed. "Don"t get me, get the girls." She shooed him away impatiently.

"Ew." Dylan held her stomach like she was about to barf. "I"ll never be able to eat again. I"ll be a size zero when I get back."

Ma.s.sie saw Derrington lead a pack of boys out from the woods behind the cabins. "I know what you mean."

"Ladies first," Mr. Myner said, leading the girls to their-sleeping quarters. He unlocked the wooden door and they stepped inside.

"No way, this is so Ralph Lauren," said Strawberry, whose real name was Coral McAdams. Ma.s.sie wasn"t sure if the LBR had gotten her nickname because she dyed her hair pink or because her face was always turning red thanks to her psycho temper. She could have asked but didn"t care enough to bother.

"Did you say Ralph Lauren?" Alicia said, pushing past Strawberry.

"Watch it." Strawberry elbowed Alicia.

"No, you you watch it." Alicia held her gaze and Strawberry stepped aside and let her pa.s.s. The two girls had been temporary friends over the holidays while Alicia and Ma.s.sie were fighting, and if there was one thing Strawberry should have remembered, it was Alicia"s undying love for all things Ralph Lauren. She even liked his spicy Polo cologne and ah-dored Josh Hotz for wearing it. watch it." Alicia held her gaze and Strawberry stepped aside and let her pa.s.s. The two girls had been temporary friends over the holidays while Alicia and Ma.s.sie were fighting, and if there was one thing Strawberry should have remembered, it was Alicia"s undying love for all things Ralph Lauren. She even liked his spicy Polo cologne and ah-dored Josh Hotz for wearing it.

"Ehmagawd!" Alicia squealed. "It is! It Alicia squealed. "It is! It is is Ralph!" Ralph!"

Ma.s.sie was the next one to push past Strawberry. She had to see for herself.

"It is," she whispered, like she was inside an old church.

The entire room smelled like sweet pine needles.

There were five bunk beds, but not the kind you see in jail movies. These were the kind where the posts are made of hefty sh.e.l.lacked logs and the mattresses are thick and covered with fluffy featherbeds. Each bunk had a different, colorful Indian blanket folded across the bottom and a thick pillow at the top with a hunter green flannel pillowcase.

White fluffy sheepskin rugs covered most of the dark wood floors, except for the area around the fireplace. That was piled high with pillows and red suede beanbags. Stuffed animal heads hung above the mantel, adding the final touches to the hunting lodge theme. A row of ten cedar closets lined the back wall of the cabin, so each girl had her own personal storage area.

"Where are the bathrooms?" Layne asked.

"There are girls" and boys" bathhouses outside, right behind us," Mr. Myner said.

The girls moaned.

"Hey, we are are roughing it, remember?" he sternly reminded them. roughing it, remember?" he sternly reminded them.

A loud burst of boy laughter came from outside. Ma.s.sie felt a tingle in her stomach. She couldn"t believe she was going to spend multiple nights sleeping so close to Derrington and his friends.

All of a sudden, she was filled with renewed excitement. She had great clothes and a popular boyfriend, and her her mother wasn"t tagging along. It was time to stop worrying and start living. mother wasn"t tagging along. It was time to stop worrying and start living.

While the girls raced to claim the beds, Ma.s.sie made a silent dash for the closets. The ones on the end had more room, and she was going to need it. Besides, she knew someone in the Pretty Committee would save her a bed.

"Do you think it"s Alexandra?" Alicia whispered.

Ma.s.sie jumped-she could have sworn she was alone. "What?"

"Do you think Josh likes Alexandra?"

"No. Why?" Ma.s.sie"s heart was still thumping from the scare.

"Because she"s not ugly. And she"s been obsessed with learning how to kiss."

"Maybe she"s just a perv," Ma.s.sie said.

"Olivia thinks it"s Livvy because she"s good at sports and so is Josh." Alicia bit her lip. "What do you think?"

"I dunno." Ma.s.sie opened a closet and ran her hands across the shelves. "Do you think this one is bigger than the one on the other side?"

"Forget it." Alicia turned away on the rubber heel of her black moccasin boot. "I"ll just talk to Olivia about it."

"I"m sure she"ll be a huge help," Ma.s.sie called after her.

When she was alone again, Ma.s.sie opened the cedar closet on the far right of the wall. It was definitely a little roomier. She immediately put her pink Coach purse inside it to mark her territory. Ma.s.sie couldn"t wait to unpack, get settled, and change into one of her Placid-perfect outfits.

A muscular woodsman dragged her luggage inside. The black-and-red suitcases looked great against the dark wood of the cabin. Tumi knew exactly what they were doing.

"Over here." She waved to the woodsman.

"Who do the rest of these go to?" He dropped the bags on the floor and pulled up his dirty no-name jeans by the belt loops.

"Me," Ma.s.sie said impatiently. "They"re all mine."

"Are you moving up here?" he asked with a toothless smile.

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