Translator: Hao Xiayi
Proofread by Prof. Zhu Yuan

“Why would I be worried?” Yan Li questioned.

Xue Zhan mistakenly thought that he didn"t know how powerful the enforcing weapon was and reminded, “I mean, he has an enforcing weapon now, so you have to be extra careful this time, s.h.i.+xiong Yan!”

Yan Li returned him with a faint smile, “I know it is powerful, but you have to put it in the right hand.”

Xue Zhan was still a little confused as to what Yan Li meant, but seeing that the latter had already started practicing his boxing skills, he decided to wave his goodbye and left.

Only three moves were needed to perform the Tiangang Fist, a skill featuring successive hard and fast punches; so after a few hours of practicing, Yan Li had completely gotten the hang of it.

“Young Master,” Wu Zhongmou, who had been standing aside this whole time, came up and with a flip of his palm, pulled out a small cyan sword covered in incantations, “Please, take my Qingyang Sword!”

This Qingyang Sword, though a low-level artifact, was much more potent than Meng Wushuang"s Wushuang Sword; and the most distinctive feature of artifacts was that they could be stored inside their owners" bodies, feeding on their flesh and blood, so as to become an integral part of their owners.

Looking at the sword, Yan Li shook his head and then replied with utter confidence, “Thanks, Uncle Wu! But I don"t think I"ll need something this powerful to fight Ye Tianyu. I"ll just go with my steel sword!”

Yan Li was a descendant of the royalty, and even his guards were equipped with enforcing weapons, so how hard would it be for him to get one, too?

Three days flew by like a blink.

It was not noon yet, but thousands of indoor and outdoor disciples had already gathered around the Stage.

Once again, Zuo Han made a bet on the fight just as he did last time, except that today, he tweaked the odds a little bit: 1-1 on Ye Tianyu while 3-1 on Yan Li.

Even though Ye Tianyu was defeated last time, this time he came back reaching Shenyuan realm, and with the help of the medium-level enforcing weapon, the Wushuang Sword, he was pretty likely to get a win. So you guessed it, a lot of people would still bet their money on him.

“You"re insatiable, s.h.i.+di Zuo! I thought you made a huge fortune last time, what are you, still hoping to get some more this time?” An annoying voice sounded off, followed by the appearance of the notorious Lin Pou and his little sidekicks.

“How"s it going, s.h.i.+xiong Lin? Thanks to you, I was able to make that much last time! So what are you, still hoping to help me out with my financial situation this time?” Zuo Han replied sarcastically, which had Lin Pou"s face twitched in anger.

He snorted, “Exactly! I got too much to squander and I love to do the charity! I"ll bet two million on Ye Tianyu.”

A stash of bank notes was smacked on the table.

Zuo Han"s expressions altered slightly, but soon s.h.i.+fted back to the previous smile as he said, “Okay, since you"re feeling charitable, then I"ll happily accept it!”

Lin Pou just sneered, “Oh, it"s not going to be that easy, s.h.i.+di Zuo! Hopefully, you"ll be able to pay me back; or else you and I are going to have some heart-to-heart then!”

Zuo Han felt his heart dropped, thinking, “What the…is he going to...?”

Xue Zhan along with the other four came to Yan Li"s yard when it was about noon.

“It"s about time, s.h.i.+xiong Yan! Let"s roll!” Xue Zhan reminded him.

“Okay, let"s go!”

Yan Li agreed and walked out of the yard with them; in the meantime, Ling Er, knowing that her Young Master was going to fight someone, also tagged along.

However, they weren"t able to walk too far before being stopped and surrounded by eight white figures coming out of nowhere, which turned out to be a bunch of indoor disciples.

Yan Li"s face darkened as his eyes swept them and then zeroed in on one familiar face—Lin Pou"s errand boy, “To what do I owe you the honor, s.h.i.+xiong?”

That guy scoffed, grinning, “Actually, we just want you to go back to your yard and we"ll leave once it hits noon!”

“So they are trying to stop me from going to the Stage.” Yan Li thought to himself as he remembered that Zuo Han made a bet again this time, and in order to get back at him, Lin Pou would most definitely bet some serious money on Ye Tianyu, which meant that if Yan Li didn"t show up at the Stage on time, then Ye Tianyu would automatically get a win and Lin Pou could also win back the money he lost last time.

“Why? Why do you want us to go back?” Xue Zhan grumbled out of annoyance.

The guy squinted at Xue Zhan before replying in a mocking manner, “Hey, you"re just an outdoor disciple, Xue Zhan! So why don"t you back the h.e.l.l off and shut up?”

“You!” Xue Zhan"s face immediately turned a vivid red.

“Calm down, Xue Zhan! Why bother arguing with a bunch of minions?” Yan Li a.s.sured him.

“What?” Lin Pou"s errand boy cried out incredulously as anger crept up his face and lit up his eyes, “How dare you to call us minions!”

“Well, you said it, I didn"t!”

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You ask for this yourself!” Lin Pou"s minion gestured as he charged towards Yan Li, with the rest following close behind, “Let"s go get that little s.h.i.+t!”

“Please, allow me to handle them, Young Master!” Wu Zhangmou suggested, walking out from behind Yan Li.

Yan Li gave him a slight nod, “Go! And remember to do it fast, Uncle Wu!”

“Don"t worry, Young Master! They are just a bunch of clowns!”

Everyone was barely able to catch the tail end of his sentence before watching in awe as a shadow flashed in front of their eyes and then the eight disciples coming at Yan Li were all sent flying down the alley with a thud.

Their expressions were a funny mixture of both shock and embarra.s.sment as they scrambled to their feet.

“What are you still doing here? Get the h.e.l.l out!” Yan Li shot them a threatening glare, which put those eight disciples in flight almost instantly.

Less than fifteen minutes before the fight started, a young man in white with a face that could even outs.h.i.+ne most girls showed up, and the crowd was immediately lit up as people parted to let him through.

“s.h.i.+xiong Meng!”

“Pleasure to meet you, s.h.i.+xiong Meng!”

The crowd greeted him but he only returned with a nod.

“Don"t let me down this time, Tianyu!” Meng Wushuang turned around to look at Ye Tianyu in the eyes when they stopped in front of the Stage.

“I promise I"ll take him down this time, s.h.i.+xiong Meng!”

“That"s good!”

Ye Tianyu hopped onto the Stage with one swift move, eyes sweeping around in a manner as if he were the king of the world.

Suddenly, the crowd was riled up again; this time came a guy sporting a nonchalant yet condescending look, who was escorted by a group of indoor disciples.

“Oh my G.o.d! That"s s.h.i.+xiong Nangong!”

“The solid No.1!”

Almost everyone looked starstruck the moment Nangong Yong showed up except for a few others like Lin Pou and Meng Wushuang.

However, what upset Lin Pou even more was that, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Yan Li approaching with Xue Zhan and others.

“What the h.e.l.l? None of them was able to stop him?” Lin Pou muttered to himself as he stared at Yan Li, who stared back with just as much intensity, for Lin Pou"s dirty little tricks had completely set him off.

Sparks were flying as they caught each other"s sight.

“There he is! I thought you were too scared to come!” Ye Tianyu called out from the Stage.

“Okay, let"s not forget that I beat you twice! If I could do it last time, so can I today!” Yan Li retorted and purposefully poked at Ye Tianyu"s scar.

Then, he jumped onto the Stage, standing face to face with Ye Tianyu, whose face was distorted with malicious intention to kill.

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