Translator: Hao Xiayi
Proofread by Prof. Zhu Yuan

There went another Black Blood disciple, which energized the Aroma Fairy who exclaimed under her breath, “Nice job, Yan Li!”

Nie Xie"s expression turned another shade of grave as he realized how much it had caused him for being arrogant and underestimating Yan Li; but the good news was, he could still fix this.

“Hey, I"ll take the chick, and you guys keep dealing with that little s.h.i.+t!” Nie Xie scoffed as he s.h.i.+fted to go after the Aroma Fairy.

The four remaining disciples, on the other hand, let out an eerie shriek before being shrouded in a creepy red glow, “Incinerating the Blood!”

This was some kind of witchcraft of the Black Blood clan that could dramatically improve your skills by burning your blood as a fuel but, at the same time, inevitably undermine your body.

So, in an attempt to make up for this skill, the current leader of the clan invented a much eviler skill called Blood Sucking, which was to compensate your own loss of blood by sucking that of other people; and it was this skill that had made the Black Blood clan the most hated cult on Tianhuang Land, where everybody would like to annihilate it had they ever gotten a chance.

But since the clan was known for its vengeful nature, whoever that had killed its disciples would face the craziest retaliation from it, which made it sensible why only Dahuang Palace and Aohan Palace had the nerves to keeping hunting down disciples from the Black Blood clan.

Yan Li had heard something about this clan in his previous life as well, but had never personally encountered one; and now, fighting them, he finally could say that they lived up to their names.

He was again having his back against the wall after the four disciples started burning their blood and grew immensely powerful.

If Yan Li had been out here alone, he would just conveniently hide himself into the Mixed Yuan s.p.a.ce to stave the attack off, since the blood-burning skill could only last for a couple of minutes and after that, they would pretty much be at the mercy of him then. But now that somebody else was also here, he had to brush this idea off.

After all, things like the Mixed Yuan s.p.a.ce, once being exposed, would catch much unnecessary, if not predatory attention of others, including the Huang-level martial artists; and Yan Li really was not sure if he could handle whatever might ensue even if he was the Young Master of Dayuan Empire.

A blood-red glow flashed across as a few new cuts appeared on Yan Li"s body, staining his white uniform.

“Today is your last day of existence, you little s.h.i.+t! And you will serve as our blood refill once you are dead!” The Black Blood disciples cackled, voice eerily piercing.

Yan Li"s face was set in a serious look as he had already exerted himself wielding the Heavenly Cloud Sword Skills but was still pushed to brink of defeat under the consecutive attack from the four disciples.

“No! This isn"t happening! If they keep going at me like this, I"d be dead before they ran out of blood to burn!”

Before joining the battle, Yan Li had made sure to stash the Bladeless Sword in the Mixed Yuan s.p.a.ce so as not to reveal its evilness in front of others.

“Come on out, Bladeless Sword!”

He mouthed silently as it appeared in his hand.

Seeing the suddenly emerged sword, the four Black Blood disciples got even more excited, “Holy s.h.i.+t! This kid is loaded! A storage artifact? And an enforcing weapon? We really have to kill him now!”

Clearly, they had mistaken the Bladeless Sword for something much more innocent, but Yan Li just could not find it in himself to correct them.

The Bladeless Sword was buzzing in his hand and he knew that it had picked up the scent of blood and was craving it.

“Go to h.e.l.l!”

Sporting a murderous look, all four disciples leapt into action as their machetes, covered in a blood-red glow, rattled in the air and winded their way towards Yan Li.

Shadow Spear!

Right at that moment, one of the three incomplete sword skills, the Shadow Spear, popped up in his head and all of a sudden, Yan Li felt that he could pull off the move right there and then, as if something had just clicked.

The Blood vigor flooded into the Bladeless Sword as a scarlet blaze went off, followed by a suffocating scent of blood.

Four shadow swords emerged in the air before cras.h.i.+ng into the four machetes carried by the Black Blood disciples, who were visibly stunned as they felt part of their energy was drained by a strange pull from the Bladeless Sword.

Shadow Spear!

The Bladeless Sword s.h.i.+fted again on the cue, dancing around like a haunting spirit.

Then, as if unbound by time and s.p.a.ce, the shadow swords showed up in front of the four disciples, slitting their throats.

Blood everywhere.

Yan Li was only able to hear a faint sucking noise before seeing the four mummified bodies collapse to the ground.

The Aroma Fairy and Nie Xie instinctively stopped fighting and watched with wide eyes at the scene, for that, one minute Yan Li was still struggling to take on the four disciples, the next he had wiped them all out.

“Drop! Dead!”

Killing four people had not lessened a bit the amount of Blood vigor in his body, and if anything, Yan Li could even feel it outnumbering that of the Zhen vigor and the thunder elements.

Shadow Spear!

As an eerie glow blinked off, Nie Xie, pupils blown wide all out of a sudden, choked out, “Our leader will take revenge on you for us!”

Blood seeped out of his forehead as he fell backwards, eyes going dim, and finally hit the ground with a thud.

The Bladeless Sword was again fidgeting under the desire for blood and making to break free of Yan Li"s grip.

“Get back!” Yan Li muttered as he put the rioting sword back into the Mixed Yuan s.p.a.ce.

“You! Did you…Yan Li…” The Aroma Fairy sputtered, staring at Yan Li with an astonished look.

His head jerked up as a s.h.i.+mmer of red flashed across his eyes, “The guys over there are giving out, s.h.i.+jie,” said Yan Li, fighting back the urge to kill while suppressing the surging Blood vigor inside him, “Please, just go help them!”

As puzzled as she was, the Aroma Fairy knew that this was not the best time to linger on something like this when she was desperately needed to keep the Star Array active to trap the Fighter Bull.

So, subduing her confusion, she rejoined the array and went back dealing with the creature.

Yan Li got his wounds cleaned and wrapped up a little before digging a pit as a burial place for the dead disciples of the Black Blood clan.

Without being distracted any more, Ren Qiukuang and the Aroma Fairy were able to focus on containing the bull and kill it after about two hours of battling.

Then, they both walked up to Yan Li while others were occupied with taking the creature"s core.

“You"re awesome, Yan Li! If it wasn"t for you, we would"ve all been dead by now!”

“Yeah, thanks a lot this time!” Ren Qiukuang echoed, even though he was still not a fan of Yan Li.

“Don"t mention it, it"s nothing,” said Yan Li politely, “but, s.h.i.+xiong and s.h.i.+jie, I do need you to keep this thing a secret! Please?”

“That"s for sure! Don"t worry, we"ll keep our mouths shut!”

Soon, after taking whatever they could take from the Fight Bull, other disciples began to gather around Yan Li, sizing him up curiously, as if meeting him for the first time.

“Excuse me, s.h.i.+jie,” Yan Li began as a thought flashed through his mind, “It is okay if I take a look at the core?”

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