Proofreader: Prof Zhu Yuan

Dahuang Palace has been the top one of Yun empire

After a night"s rest, the disciples of miscellaneous affairs  brought breakfast to the candidates. Concerned about today"s test, most of the young boys and girls had rashly eaten some of the food.

Keeping calm Yan Li took a look at the porridge sent by the disciples and tasted a mouthful, feeling good.

In the land of Tianhuang, where martial arts were prized, the hierarchy was distinctly different.

Take eating as an example. Ordinary people had corn as their staple food, while wealthy families and families of n.o.ble had crescent rice as their staple food. Unlike ordinary corn, crescent rice contained not only a small amount of energy but also a little vitality, which would do good for health and bodybuilding.

The one with more vitality was Ling Rice, which needed more special care during cultivation and the output was little; therefore, only the royal family and the foremost disciples of the top palaces in the land could enjoy the rice.

It was very kind of the palace to serve all partic.i.p.ants with crescent rice.

After breakfast, they received orders from the palace, which requested them to gather in Yanwu Square.

 The third test for entry was about to begin, and many young people showed eagerness to show their talents, but, more were worried.

Soon, more than 8,000 young girls who took part in the examination gathered at the performance square, which seemed quite small compared with those yesterday.

This time, the man in purple showed half a quarter in the middle of the square and did not make the candidates waiting.

"Now, I will announce the content for the third test." He paused, and all the young people listened more carefully. The man in purple was satisfied with the response of the candidates, and he went on, making sure everyone was heard. "In the next round, you are supposed to kill a beast of the first level and get the vigor in 24 hours. Those who could pa.s.s this test will become the disciple of the palace."

Beast of the first level?

The candidates became a bit serious and frightened hearing this, as it was known to all that there were many kinds of beasts here in this land, which could be categorized into nine levels, the first level was regarded similar to a first level warrior. 

Most of the candidates had reached 5th to 6th levels, and few of them had reached 7th, let alone the top-level warriors, so it was tough to kill a level-one beast all by oneself.

"Shall we start?"

With the guidance of the man in purple, more than 8 thousand candidates came in front of the enormous forest filled with towering trees, and the Dahuang Palace was built on the Dahuang Mountains.

The Dahuang Mountains, being the top one of the Yun Empire, traversed tens of thousands of miles. Even the first palace, the Dahuang palace developed only a millesimal part,

and most of them were deserted areas. It was said that deep in the mountains, there was an existence that could compare favorably with the Imperial Warriors.

Moreover, this trial forest was decorated by the array master of the Dahuang palace with vigor array, and they kept some low-level beasts in which to test low-level disciples.

The voice of the young man in purple sounded again: "Please keep in mind that there are also second-and third-level beasts in the forest, so you had better not go deep into the forest, or you will lose your lives, and you can blame n.o.body for this. Let us go!" 

Hearing that there were two or three levels of demons and beasts in the forest, many people turned white and looked more and more dignified.

"Let us get started!" 

The young men in purple sent out orders, and the young men swarmed in.

Yan Li did not take the sharp sword in the trial. Instead, he carried an ordinary beautiful steel sword on his back. 

He had entered the forest in his previous life for practice, during which he had slaughtered a few three-level beasts, but later Yan became disdained to enter as he grew stronger.

Unlike other teenagers, Yan Li looked relaxed, for he knew that the words of the young man in purple were nothing more than frightening words. The second and third-level beasts were in the depths of the forest, and they seldom appeared on the outskirts of the forest.

"Wait, my friend!"

A voice came from behind. Yan Li turned his head and saw a young man in black, about fifteen years old, followed by two young men in Tsing Yi, who was about the same age as him. 

"What is the matter ?" Yan Li glanced over each other. With his acc.u.mulated wisdom and experience of his third life, Yan almost understood his purpose.

The young man in black was very tall and friendly, "My name is Xue Zhan," he said. "I want you to join our team and kill the beast together."

It was as expected.

Yan Li thought he was right, laughing and nodding, "My name is Yan Li, and I can join you."

"That was fabulous. With brother Yan"s partic.i.p.ation, we are more likely to win." Xue Zhan happily said. Although the young boys and girls were from all over the land, there were only two who could reach the 18th stage in the second round, and Yan Li was one of the two. Therefore, after knowing the content of the third round test, he made up his mind to work together with Yan Li and set up a team. He had recruited two team members before he asked Yan. To his surprise, talented as Yan was, who was supposed to be arrogant, he agreed to his invitation without hesitation, so he felt close to Yan from this.

"Yan Li, these are Lin Wu and Lin Wen, and they are brothers." Xue introduced the other two members.

"It is nice to see you."

Yan smiled, and it made people feel rejuvenated for in this life he was attached to Li Li, a royal family member, whose actions and behaviors had been well taught and trained since he was young.

He had the memory of Li Li and kept his actions and way of doing things deep in mind.

"h.e.l.lo, brother Yan, this is Lin Wu."

"h.e.l.lo, brother Yan, this is Lin Wen."

After some greeting, they moved forward into the forest, during which Xue Zhan invited some other candidates, for some were in, and some were out.

In just a quarter time, the number of temporary made-up team for the test had been seven.

The three latter candidates were Ling Yu, Yao Ling and Situ Xue, a boy and two girls.

Since Yan Li"s perfect performance in the second round, Yao and Situ Xue showed respect for him and they called him brother Li in less than half an hour since knowing each other, which made the arrogant Ling Yu uncomfortable.

Situ Xue seemed a little bit awkward, leaving the impression of an airhead.

Yao Ling was cute. Although being 14 years old, she was s.e.xy enough with bosomy b.r.e.a.s.t.s and beautiful b.u.t.t.

Unknowingly, the group of people had entered the forest for tens of miles, and they could not see each other around since the forest was too big and the 8 thousand people to the forest were like a stream to the ocean. 

"Watch out, and there is a beast."

Suddenly, Yan became alert and took a look at the thistles and thorn several miles away, which was likely to be the immersion of the three souls, and he had a strong sense of it. 

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