The Prince Of The World

Chapter 14 Credit Points

Translator: Hao Xiayi
Chapter 14 Credit Points

Proofread by Prof. Zhu Yuan

Just when the sharp horns of the armored-bull were about to impale him, Yan Li, ten feet above the ground, swiftly whipped out his sword without panicking at all.

The sword hit its head with a snapping sound, and the counterforce of the hit pushed Yan Li a couple more feet higher, just enough for him to dodge the vicious attack by the armored-bull. Then, as he was falling, he tiptoed at the bull"s body to use it as a leverage, transporting himself to a spot a few meters behind the beast.

“Moo!” With steams coming out of its nostrils, the angry bull turned around and charged towards Yan Li again after the first attempt failed, this time, roaring.

Yan Li narrowed his eyes: the armored-bull would not go down easily unless he used the Mixed Yuan vigor against it, for its skin was almost impenetrable using the sword only. However, since he didn"t have too much the Mixed Yuan vigor in him, he"d have to give up if the bull managed to absorb his two hits, so 和had to be extra certain about taking down the bull before actually using any of the Mixed Yuan vigor.

Taking another look at the armored-bull, Yan Li had an idea!

As the armored-bull closed the distance between them, he sprinted towards the left with a sudden jolt of his feet, forcing it to change direction. Then, after making the angry bull chase him for a few loops, Yan Li stopped abruptly in front of a giant tree, while the bull still came running at full speed, not knowing what was about to happen next.

“You idiot! All brown but brain!” Yan Li shoot up in the air as the armored-bull charged at him.

With a “Poof” sound, the bull hit his head on the thick trunk of the tree and got its horns stuck in it, too.

Now it was the time!

Eyes fixed, Yan Li stepped on the tree trunk as he drove his sword downward lickety-split, while a flicker of black and white could be seen on its tip.

The Mixed Yuan vigor infused sword was like a magical weapon, easily cutting through the skin of the armored-bull from its back and reaching the heart, which was instantly blown into pieces by the explosion of the vigor.

“Moo!” The armored-bull let out a painful wail, as the maroon in its eyes gradually died out.

“Poof!” Blood from the wound splattered like a fountain the moment Yan Li retrieved his sword, for that the more powerful a creature was, the more vigorous its blood circulation was.

Without hesitation, Yan Li waved his sword towards the bull"s head. Luckily, its defense also weakened significantly after it was killed; otherwise it"d be hard to take its core out.

“Moo!” A deafening growl came all the way from the distance.

“s.h.i.+t!” Yan Li cursed under his breath, “It must be the other one!”

He cracked open the dead bull"s skull using his full force, and took off as fast as possible after s.n.a.t.c.hing the core and tossing it into his backpack. His fight with the armored-bull looked easy, but it actually emptied much of his energy; plus the chaos he caused here had already gotten the attention of some other creatures, so even if he could kill the other bull with the same trick, he couldn"t possibly handle the repeated attack by other second or third-level creatures, let alone getting out alive.

With a few swift moves, Yan Li disappeared into the woods. Soon afterwards, the other armored-bull returned, only to find a dead body, and choked out an agonizing howl.

Yan Li didn"t dare to stop until he had been miles away from the battlefield without any other creatures trailing behind. He then climbed up a tree with all fours before reaching down into his bag for the armored-bull"s core, which appeared to be a heavy shade of yellow and a size larger than those of the first-level creatures.

After taking a short break to catch his breath, Yan Li wasted no time to start meditating.

"Holy cow! There are 150 Mixed Yuan elements here in the armored-bull"s core!”

Yan Li was so hyped up that he absorbed them all in one smooth go using the method from the Mixed Yuan Cla.s.sic, adding 1/3 more of the Mixed Yuan vigor to the original amount, which was made bigger after he took care of the remaining first-level creatures" cores.

It took him two hours to finish all this, and by then, he had been in the testing forest for over a day already. Yet it was all worth it, since he now had almost 500 Mixed Yuan elements in him, sufficient enough for him to take five strikes.

“Time to go!” Yan Li mouthed to himself, feeling the vigor in him was soon to form a sea after his battle with the armored-bull. With the formation of the sea of vigor, one would not only reach the Yuan realm, which was comprised of three levels: the Ning Yuan realm, the Shen Yuan realm and the Po Yuan realm, but also be able to produce one purer and more powerful energy called the Zhen vigor. So, it"d definitely be a great leap forward once a person reached the Yuan realm, as every prominent clans would be eager to woo him over.

Four hours later, Yan Li emerged out of the woods, and instead of going back to his yard, he went straight to the Credit Palace first.

This time being in the testing forest, Yan Li had killed a total of 27 first-level and 1 second-level creatures, whose core could be used in exchange for credit points.

Yan Li didn"t stir up too much attention coming into the Credit Palace, after all, he was just an out-door disciple.

The person in charge of the Palace was an old gentleman in his sixties, looking kind with a smile on his face.

In Dahuang Palace, aside from the many disciples, there were also people taking care of different places or things, like managers, enforcers and the Seniors. These people were all required to reach a certain realm before a.s.suming their respected positions. For example, one had to reach the Po Yuan realm in order to become the manager here in the Credit Palace.

“Yan Li, out-door disciple. Pleasure to meet you, manager.” Yan Li went up and greeted the old gentleman.

“You too!” Sheng Chengfeng, the manager replied calmly and then laid his eyes on Yan Li"s back pack, “Why don"t you take them all out?”

Viola! A pile of differently colored creatures" cores came pouring out of his bag.

Within a split second, a hand reached out for the armored-bull"s core among all 28 pieces and took it away before Yan Li even blinked.

Sheng Chengfeng studied the core in a careful manner before looking at Yan Li incredulously, “Did you kill the armored-bull?”

“No.” Yan Li offered his already rehea.r.s.ed reply, “I just got lucky and stumbled across this injured bull in the forest.”

Yet, Sheng Chengfeng didn"t seemed to be sold on by it as he narrowed his eyes and put on a rather aggressive demeanor, as if to show that he knew it was a lie. Yan Li, looking honest and all, didn"t flinch in the slightest.

After staring down at each other for a while, Sheng Chengfeng retracted his sight and again looked as smiley as he was before.

“Ten points for the armored-bull"s core, 3 for each of the first-level creatures" cores, what do you say about that?”

Yan Li nodded in agreement, “Fair enough! I"m okay with it.”

“Very well then, give me your badge!”

“Here you are!”

After tallying his credit points, Yan Li waved goodbyes to Sheng Chengfeng and headed towards his yard.

“They pushed too far! It"s unlikely that the in-door disciples get a free pa.s.s on bullying our out-door disciples!”

Yan Li heard an angry shout coming out from the yard as he walked to the front gate, which sounded a lot like Lin Wu"s voice.

“Come on, just let it go! They are the in-door disciples, we"re no match to them! Oh, another thing, do not speak a word about this to s.h.i.+xiong Yan when he comes back!” said Xue Zhan indignantly.

Upon hearing this, Yan Li pushed the door open and entered into the yard, where Xue Zhan, face black and blue, was being attended to by Situ Xue and Yao Ling, while Lin Wu and Lin Wen stood beside him.

“s.h.i.+xiong Yan! You, you"re back!” Xue Zhan panicked at the sight of Yan Li, fumbling to cover the wounds on his face involuntarily.

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