Translator: Li Anqing
Proofreader by Prof. Zhu Yuan

Today, the atmosphere in the Dahuang Palace was uncharacteristically lively. Almost all of the out-door disciples had gathered around the ring[1] two hours before the contest.

At the same time, a lot of in-door disciples had come to watch the fight.

Usually, an open contest between the out-door disciples would not attract so many audiences. But this time, the contest was between an out-door disciple and an in-door disciple.

A Qi pract.i.tioner vs. a Yuan realm warrior!

So was it worth watching!

Moreover, two in-door disciples, Zuo Han and w.a.n.g Ziming, started a bet on the result of this fight and many in-door disciples gambled on Ye Tianyu, so it was natural that they paid attention to the contest.

“Time to bet! Odds of one to ten on Yan Li. Odds of one to one on Ye Tianyu.”

A few meters away from the ring, a table was there. Zuo Han and w.a.n.g Ziming set this gamble in front of the ring.

“Haha, the result is unquestionable. It will be a fool of me to miss the opportunity to win silver. s.h.i.+xiong Zuo, I bet on s.h.i.+xiong Ye with a thousand ounces!” An in-door disciple put down a one-thousand-ounce note.

"Well, s.h.i.+di Xia bet on Ye with one thousand ounces of silver. s.h.i.+di w.a.n.g, record it!” Zuo put away the note while laughing.

“Now that s.h.i.+xiong Zuo and s.h.i.+xiong w.a.n.g had spent money, it would be rude of me to do nothing. Me too, a thousand on s.h.i.+xiong Ye.” Another in-door disciple took out a one-thousand-ounce note. In his view, the result of this contest was for sure. How could that arrogant out-door disciple defeat Ye Tianyu?"

Seeing the in-door disciples betting, some out-door disciples followed the bet with less money, usually under a thousand ounces of silver.

“I bet on Yan Li with five thousand. "

A sudden sound drew people"s attention. A handsome youth with a dignified appearance and straight body shape put a note of large value on the table.

“I know him! His name is Lin Jingyun, the first to reach the 18thstep in the entrance test.” An out-door disciple said in a low voice.

"Haha, he"s been kicked in the head by a donkey! Bet on Yan Li, who is destined to be defeated.”

“Haha. A genius is peculiar, of course, or he won"t be a genius!”

Hearing the sarcastic words around, Lin frowned, but then smiled. He walked away as if nothing had happened after Zuo Han recorded his bet.

“s.h.i.+di Zuo, I "ve heard that you start a bet here. I come to support you. Will you mind?” In this aloof voice, a youth in white clothing escorting by a group of out-door disciples approached. Wearing an arrogant smile, with his eyes looking in one direction, he appeared to be unattached as if n.o.body around him was worth his while to look at.

“s.h.i.+xiong Lin!”

“s.h.i.+xiong Lin!”

“s.h.i.+xiong Lin!”

All the disciples on the spot paid their respects to this person. Only Zuo Han showed a cold face and didn"t greet him. w.a.n.g Ziming next to him appeared to be anxious because he knew that Zuo and this person—Lin Huai, not got along well with each other.

"Well! "

Lin Huai reacted to their greetings casually and set his sights at Zuo Han with a scorning smile slowly appeared. “Why? s.h.i.+di Zuo, am I not welcomed by you? Don"t you dare to accept my big gambling?”

Though his eyes became even colder, Zuo Han put on a strained smile, “I am more than happy that you"ve come to support my game. I will receive the money even if it is some million ounces of silver.”

Lin Huai chortled and said, "good. Now that you"ve said this, I can"t be so stingy. I bet a million ounces of silver on s.h.i.+di Ye!”

"Pump! "

Lin Huai took out a pale of nots and put them heavily on the table, with a pair of a mocking eyes staring at Zuo Han.

Zuo Han"s expression became dull. As he was about to fetch the notes, w.a.n.g Ziming pulled his clothing and made a hint that he should not be so impulsive. Not swallowing this insult, Zuo Han took the notes and said, “s.h.i.+di w.a.n.g, write down. s.h.i.+xiong Lin bet on s.h.i.+di Ye with a million ounces.”

w.a.n.g Ziming smiled bitterly, knowing that persuasion could make no difference, and had to write it down.

Lin Huai laughed again as he saw Zuo Han received his notes. “Haha. What a brave man s.h.i.+di Zuo is. I admire you. If you don"t have enough money to pay for the bet, I can lend you. I can afford some millions of ounces of silver.”

“No need!” Zuo said with a cold face.

“Haha! All right, I won"t bother you!” Lin waved his hand and walked aside with a group of disciples.

The out-door disciples daring not gasp a breath eventually relieved. Later, they began to inquire about the mighty s.h.i.+xiong Lin.

Lin Huai, a core disciple in a top ten family of the Yun Empire, born with outstanding talent, had reached the Poyuan realm at an age of twenty, making him one of the most compet.i.tive disciples to become a member of the elite group.

Talking about the family of Zuo, it was also a top ten family, but fell a little behind the Lin"s. Zuo and Lin joined the Dahuang Palace at the same time, ranking almost the same. As it was said that two tigers could not live in the same mountain, they had become enemies during years of compet.i.tions.

Three months ago, Lin Huai entered into the Poyuan realm and found a chance to insult Zuo Han, thus the hatred between the two sides grew even stronger.

The disciples got excited on knowing these anecdotes. They never expected to see a war between two geniuses before watching the contest. They didn"t waste their time.

“s.h.i.+xiong Ye Tianyu is coming!”

An unknown voice drew people"s attention

They saw Ye Tianyu carrying a long sword on his back walking towards the ring. The crowd autonomously split into two sides, making a road for him. Ye Tianyu was followed by Ye Yun, his coward brother showing off with the power of Ye Tianyu, and a group of disciples.

At this time, Ye Yun look extremely proud. Today, he could finally vent his resentment!

Ye Tianyu appeared to be aloof until he suddenly noticed Lin Huai standing not far from him. He was surprised that Lin would come to watch his contest. He quickly walked up to Lin and greeted him politely, “s.h.i.+xiong Lin!”

“s.h.i.+di Ye, don"t let me down, I bet on you with a million ounces of silver.” Lin said arrogantly.

“Thank you, s.h.i.+xiong Lin. I will not let you down!”

Saying a few more words with Lin Huai, Ye Tianyu left him as soon as he felt Lin"s impatience.

Time pa.s.sed slowly. It was almost at noon. One side of the military contest had already arrived while another side, namely Yan, had not. For a moment, people began to guess if Yan Li was too afraid to fight.

At the same time, the crowd began to whisper. Many disciples scolded Yan Li and regarded him as a coward.

Ye Tianyu had heard all of these words and couldn"t help smiling with satisfaction, thinking “Yan Li, if you don"t come this time, your reputation will be completely ruined. You must be shameful to stay in the Dahuang Palace. Once you leave the Dahuang Palace, it is easier for me to kill you!”

Yet Yan Li didn"t show up at noon. People were surer about the idea that Yan Li was held back by his fear. Bouncing up onto the ring, Ye Tianyu said in a long and clear voice, “All of you have seen that Yan Li was as cowardly as a mouse. He dares not to fight with me. Such kind of person does not deserve to be a disciple of the Dahuang Palace!”

To everyone"s surprise, another voice came out as Ye Tianyu spoke the last word of the sentence, “Dare not to come? Who said that?”

The crowd looked back, and saw a handsome youth in blue strode forward to the ring with the company of five out-door disciples. It would not be anyone else except from Yan Li.

[1]Added by the translator: ring—a platform for martial contests.

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