Translator: Hao Xiayi
Proofread by Prof. Zhu Yuan

There were thousands of Yuan realm guides on the third-floor of the Cla.s.sic Pavilion, among which only 1/5 were for the completion stage.

In his past life, Yan Li followed a guide called Li Fire and Xuan-Level Skills, featuring the absorption of fire elements.

As we had mentioned before, Tianhuang Land was rich in vigor, which could be categorized into nine different elements with the five basic ones accounting for the largest portion while wind and thunder ones came next on the list. As for light and darkness elements, they were rare to find.

That explained why most people chose to follow the guides featuring absorbing the five basic elements.

Of all five elements, metal elements were characteristic of battling and fire elements rioting, so people who absorbed them were normally feisty. But in the meantime, weapon creators and elixir makers both would practice some fire-element guides, too.

Other elements, wood, water and soil, all had their own specialties; so one really couldn"t determine which element was the most powerful among all five of them; after all, they were like yin and yang to each other, complimenting while balancing off each other.

Yan Li had absorbed Liang Chen"s soul in his previous life, and now with the addition of Li Li"s soul, he got more perceptive of the vigor than he was ever before, sensing all nine elements, which meant he was free to choose any kind of guides to follow.

Scanning the bookshelves, Yan Li was confronted by so many choices that he had trouble deciding which ones to choose.

“Well, guess it"s no picnic being a prodigy! If I could only sense one element, that would"ve saved me a lot of trouble selecting books then!”

Sighing, Yan Li pulled out quite a few guides to read and was finally able to pick out three guides after reading hundreds of them for two hours straight.

The first one was called Destruction Spell of Ice and Fire, featuring the absorption of water and fire elements. Among the five basic elements, fire and water normally didn"t go well together, but in this guide, these two elements could function perfectly well alongside each other without giving up their own traits.

The second one was Three Elements Thesaurus, a guide for absorbing wind, fire and metal elements, which was a lot harder to practice than the first one.

The third book was t.i.tled Commanding the Thunder, and as the name suggested, it taught you how to acquire thunder elements, the most violent among all nine elements but undoubtedly powerful as well.

However, according to his knowledge, quite a lot people who practiced thunder-element guides didn"t end up well, for that thunder was the forbidden power, representing majesty and serving as a punishment; so after reaching a certain realm, thunder-element pract.i.tioners would be granted with the literal thunder from the Heaven. If one could manage to survive that, his skills would definitely climb up to a whole new level; but if not, he would be shattered into pieces and die without a burial place! Therefore, not many people would take the risk practicing this sort of guides, even knowing that they were of mighty power.

“Which one to pick?”

Yan Li was still debating, completely oblivious of the sight landed on him from time to time.

Girls were hard to read, beautiful girls especially, and the Aroma Fairy was no exception.

She got Ren Qiukuang falling head over heels for her but not so much as to even cast a glance at him; Yan Li, a rookie indoor disciple who didn"t even bother looking at her for once since stepping into the pavilion, got her attention instead.

She was pretty enough to be the spotlight whereever she went, but clearly, Yan Li had no interest in being her audience.

Watching Yan Li switching back and forth between those three books, the Aroma Fairy went up to him and whispered, “These three are really difficult to practice, so why don"t you take something easier, like that one over there, the Wind Shadow?”

A whiff of fragrance forced Yan Li out of his own thoughts while a brisk female"s voice rang off.

There was no perfume on Tianhuang Land, but girls used different kinds of incense on their clothes, which carried out a pleasing scent as they moved.

Yet the scent on the Aroma Fairy was in no way from incense but her own body instead, because word had it that comely girls had a unique aroma to them; and the one the Aroma Fairy had resembled the scent of Mi incense, fresh but not abrupt, a feast for the nose.

“Thanks for the reminder, s.h.i.+jie.” Yan Li answered politely with only an indifferent sweep of the eyes.

“You are welcome!”

The Aroma Fairy was annoyed by Yan Li"s nonchalance considering that she approached him first, yet he acted as if she was like any other ordinary girls.

After greeting the Aroma Fairy, Yan Li was back at his previous dilemma again, which upset the girl even more.

She scoffed, spinning on her heels, and then left. Yan Li didn"t say anything expect squeezing an awkward smile out of the corner of his mouth.

Having been watching the scene this whole time, Ren Qiukuang quickly walked up to Yan Li, expressions grave, and warned in a deep voice, “Hey, kid! Get away from her, or else…!”

Yan Li was feeling a little helpless right now as he was dragged into this thing in the first place, but still he managed to look frightened by Ren Qiukuang"s threat and replied, “Okay, okay! It won"t happen again, I promise, s.h.i.+xiong Ren!”

Pleased with Yan Li"s reaction, Ren Qiukuang didn"t bother hanging around any longer before picking up a few steps to go after the Aroma Fairy.

Seeing this, Yan Li couldn"t help but put on a smirk, thinking, “Buddy, it doesn"t work this way! You can"t expect to get a girl"s attention by being all clingy around her.”

Back in the twenty years on the Earth, Yan Li was a looker and a bright young man who always maintained his cool, which had quite a lot of girls falling for him.

Shaking off these boring ideas, Yan Li was again focused on picking one guide out of the three before finally settling on Commanding the Thunder.

He was well aware of its hazards, but Yan Li was not a coward, not to mention that he had seen and experienced enough in his three lives to comprehend things on a whole different level than most others did.

He quickly got a copy of the guide before leaving the Cla.s.sic Pavilion for his yard, where he spent some time poring over the transcription and then decided to go pick Uncle Wu and Lin Er up from the town.

However, just when Yan Li was about to leave, a senior disciple who introduced himself as Yun Hao showed up at the door.

“Pleasure to meet you, s.h.i.+xiong Yun.”

“Oh, you too, s.h.i.+di Yan! I hope this doesn"t cause you any inconvenience,” replied Yun Hao, who was tall and built, and a Shenyuan realm pract.i.tioner.

Yan Li fixed him a cup of tea and then offered him a seat.

“s.h.i.+di Yan,” Yun Hao slowly began after finis.h.i.+ng his tea, “You are in big trouble now. Do you know that?”

Yan Li pretended to look confused, “Please enlighten me, s.h.i.+xiong Yun.”

“I came here as a friend, s.h.i.+di Yan. You know, you have been blacklisted by two big guns in the indoor circle!” Yun Hao said in a serious tone.

“Really?” Yan Li exclaimed, all the while trying to read Yun Hao"s mind, “ I just got here, how come I would get on the nerve of some big guns?”

“Oh, G.o.d! How ignorant are you, s.h.i.+di Yan!” Yun Hao scolded, as if pained by Yan Li"s reaction, “You have drawn enough attention on you ever since your fight with Ye Tianyu! You thought you get away with a win? No! Actually, you get yourself two enemies, Lin Pou, and Meng Wushuang, who is the one behind Ye Tianyu!”

Now Yan Li had finally figured out why Yun Hao was here, but he purposefully faked a panic face just for him to see, which successfully got Yun Hao satisfied.

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