Translator: Hao Xiayi
Proofread by Prof. Zhu Yuan

Witnessing Yan Li"s panic expressions, Yun Hao, feeling content, continued, “I mean, Lin Pou, that guy is known for his arrogance. Not only did you cost him a big fortune, but most importantly, you got him lost to Zuo Han! So he wouldn"t let you off the hook that easily.”

“That I know for sure!” Yan Li nodded in agreement.

“Exactly! But Meng Wushuang is no small fish, either! He is an absolute talent and is currently at Poyuan realm. He is a top-ten among indoor disciples. When you fought Ye Tianyu that day, he was in seclusion trying to pull off some skill. And now that he is out, he"d be coming after you as well, since you humiliated Ye Tianyu, which is like doing the same to him!”

“Then, what should I do, s.h.i.+xiong Yun?” Yan Li kept his award-winning performance going, looking completely shaken to the core.

Yun Hao couldn"t help but lift his chin up a little at the sight of Yan Li"s face, “If you really want to know, I"ll show you a way!”

“Please, s.h.i.+xiong Yun!”

“Have you heard of s.h.i.+xiong Nangong, s.h.i.+di Yan?” Yun Hao replied, eyes lit up with pure admiration.

Yan Li"s mind suddenly came circling as he caught the name “Nangong”. This Yun Hao dude was coming on behalf of Nangong Yong, who was recognized as the No.1 indoor disciple and could reach the Xuan realm at any time to be b.u.mped up to the elite group.

Yan Li put on a starstruck look as he said, “Come on, s.h.i.+xiong Yun. Even though I"m just a newbie here, I have heard about s.h.i.+xiong Nangong. He is the No. 1 here, right?”

Yun Hao let out a hearty laughter, “So you"ve heard of him! That"s good! Actually, I am one of his followers. And you know what, he thinks that you"re very talented; so if only you would follow s.h.i.+xiong Nangong and work for him, then Lin Pou and Meng Wushuang, as arrogant and powerful as they are, won"t even dare to touch you a finger.”

Yan Li scoffed silently as Yun Hao finally got to the point why he was here today, which was to recruit him as Nangong Yong"s errand boy.

But who did he think Yan Li was?

Ident.i.ty-wise, he was the son of the Crown prince, the exalted Young Master of Dayun Empire.

Talent-wise, he was a natural with nine whirls to form the sea of vigor, whom even the Mi realm Seniors wanted to have as their student.

Soul-wise, he was the only one in this world with three different souls in him.

Ambition-wise, he was planning to make the whole Dahuang Palace at his disposal and then take control of the entire Dayun Empire.

As for Nangong Yong, he was nothing but an indoor disciple! How delusional could he be to want to take Yan Li under his wings?

Besides, even if Yan Li was willing to follow him, others would not allow such things to happen, for that it would be deemed as a disgrace to the royalty and they would certainly have Nangong Yong wiped out within days had they been informed.

Yun Hao had thought that Yan Li would be more than grateful to accept the offer after he played the Nangong card, yet surprisingly, he looked hesitant, which annoyed Yun Hao.

But he didn"t want to disappoint s.h.i.+xiong Nangong, so he went on, trying to persuade Yan Li, “What"s the holdup, s.h.i.+di Yan? Normally, s.h.i.+xiong Nangong wouldn"t so much as to budge even when people were begging to follow him; and now, he wants you instead! What an honor? Besides, all your troubles would disappear once you got him behind you!”

“I"m sorry, but I need to sleep on this, s.h.i.+xiong Yun!” Yan Li responded awkwardly.

What a waste of time!

Yun Hao"s expressions altered as he shot up from his seat and warned in a cold tone, “s.h.i.+di Yan, good things won"t happen twice! Don"t ruin this for yourself when you could have a bright future with us!”

Yan Li remained undisturbed inside at Yun Hao"s half-persuasion-and-half-threat, but tried to look struggled when he said, “I understand, s.h.i.+xiong Yun. But I really need some time to think it through”

“Oh my G.o.d,” exclaimed Yun Hao incredulously, as he scorned at Yan Li"s stubbornness, “s.h.i.+xiong Nagong will not wait that long, s.h.i.+di Yan! You know what, I"m going ask you one last time, in or not? If you"re in, he will protect you; if not, you know, unlike Lin Pou or Meng Wushuang, he could finish you with a snap of his finger!”

Seeing Yun Hao finally peel off his hypocrisy and take on an aggressive att.i.tude, Yan Li immediately brushed off the panic look on his face and replied calmly, “Mind you, s.h.i.+xiong Yun, Dahuang Palace doesn"t belong to him!”

“What did you just say? How dare you, Yan Li! Fine! Since you wouldn"t oblige, I"m going to have to report this to s.h.i.+xiong Nangong! And don"t you blame me for what happens next!”

Yun Hao dropped this before storming off.

Yan Li watched him leave and shook his head, confused as to why trouble was always favoring him since he had tried everything to maintain a low profile.

Just like what people always said, “If you can"t hide away from the trouble, then you have to annihilate it!”

“Bring it on, Lin Pou, Meng Wushuang and Nangong Yong! We"ll see if I can disappoint you all!”

A faint trace of contempt crept up on his face as Yan Li mouthed to himself.

Shortly after Yun Hao left, Yan Li exited Dahuang Palace and set out for Luoxia Town to pick uncle Wu and Ling Er up.

However, what Yan Li didn"t know was that, the moment he went out of the front gate, his whereabouts for today had been relayed to Lin Pou by an indoor disciple.

Waving him off, Lin Pou couldn"t help but frowned at the fact that Yan Li was well and alive but Dai Zheng and the other two who he sent to take care of the business were nowhere to be found.

“Did they get killed by him?”

He a.s.sumed, but soon brushed it off as Dai Zheng and the other two were pretty skilled martial artists even still being at Ningyuan realm for years after getting promoted to indoor disciples. Aside from that, they also knew how to besiege their enemy, and sometimes even Shenyuan realm disciples couldn"t get the upper hand against them, so how was it possible that Yan Li could singlehandedly sweep them.

But, then again, if they were still alive, how come they wouldn"t show up?

While Lin Pou was scratching his head off, Yan Li had already made it to Luoxia Town and met up with Ling Er, who was flus.h.i.+ng with excitement and joy.

Beside her was Wu Zhongmou, who, contrarily, looked disturbed.

Yan Li"s heart dropped as he asked, “Something wrong, Uncle Wu?”

“Please, come inside, Young Master!”


Yan Li agreed and strode towards the room, surrounded by a group of Royal Guards.

Claiming the chair in the middle of the room, Yan Li laid his eyes on Wu Zhongmou standing in front of him and began, “So what is it about, Uncle Wu?”

Wu Zhongmou, still sporting that heavy look, huffed out a long sigh before replying, “I just got the news from the Imperial Palace that the Crown Prince was dethroned, but the successor has not been determined yet.”


Face covered with astonishment, Yan Li was completely thrown off guard by Wu Zhongmou"s words.

It took him quite a while before opening his mouth again, voice almost as indiscernible as a whisper, “What exactly do you want, Your Majesty?”

He wasn"t surprised that his father, Li Wuming, would be dethroned, since it was bound to happen sooner or later; but, as long as the new successor hadn"t been decided, then everyone would have a chance to compete for the position, meaning Yan Li, His Majesty"s favorite grandson, would become a living target for them to fire their shots at.

Would he be able to handle those lunatics who would go as far as they could for the highest position? He didn"t know!

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