Translator: Hao Xiayi
Proofread by Prof. Zhu Yuan

“It is such an honor to meet you, Mr. Yuan!” Looking into Yuan Changfeng"s eyes, Yan Li took a bow and greeted him, though he could still feel the other"s gentle but scorching sight on him.

Yan Li gawped silently as he remembered that the Enforcing Senior was allegedly a top-notch Mi realm master, which he could totally corroborate now after meeting him in person.

“As you were!” Yuan Changfeng"s voice finally sounded off again after what felt like a century.

Yan Li straightened up and found the Enforcing Senior already standing in front of him.

“Look at you! All strong and powerful! You are really leaving me in the dust, aren"t you, Brother Yuan?” Ying Changkong"s words echoed in the room.

“Don"t flatter me, Brother Ying! So, what are you here for this time?”

“Yan Li, why don"t you tell Mr. Yuan what you saw in the Misty Forest?”


Clearing his throat, Yan Li began telling the rehea.r.s.ed story to Mr. Yuan just as he did to Ying Chengkong.

However, Yuan Chengfeng seemed pretty undisturbed after hearing it, “So, you know how to get into that valley?”

“That"s right!”

Nodding, Yuan Chengfeng continued, “You"ve done well! We lost quite a few disciples to the Misty Forest, and if this time we could capture those evil pract.i.tioners and rescue the missing disciples, you are to be credited.”

“Oh, no, that won"t be necessary. I just did what I should!” Yan Li sputtered.

Yuan Changfeng just dismissed it with a wave, “As man sows, so shall he reap! You"ve done a great job, so you deserve the credit. And now, I"m going to sent you with three other core disciples to take down those evil beings in the Misty Forest!”

“Copy that!”

Then, Yuan Changfeng waved the guard over and dictated to him before two guys and a girl showed up at the palace, all carrying with them a particular demeanor that would make them easily stand out in the crowd.

The girl, wearing an emerald green dress, was not the conventional type of beauty but was surprisingly attractive.

One of the two guys was clad in a black uniform with a giant iron sword on his back, features as defined as carved, dark hair slightly dishevel, looking extremely masculine and down-to-earth.

The other guy, on the other hand, could almost pa.s.s for a girl with his fair complexion and long, narrow eyes.

“Xuanyuan Yu here! Glad to see you, Master!”

“Shui Linglong here! Nice to see you, Master!”

“Meng Wuyan here! Pleasure to see you, Uncle Yuan!”

Gesturing them to come close, Yuan Changfeng began, “The reason why I have you guys here is that I have a mission to a.s.sign to you.”

Just as Yuan Changfeng finished recapping the story about the Misty Forest, a thunderous voice rang off, “h.e.l.l yeah! I"ve always wanted to go and see what"s in there! Since s.h.i.+di Yan knows the way there, I swear I"ll beat the c.r.a.p out of those three creeps!”

“This is not something to joke about, you little brat! If you ever let go of those monsters, I can guarantee that you"re going to be in some serious trouble.”

Pouting, Xuanyuan Yu sheepishly murmured, “I"m sorry, Master!”

Yan Li could not help but let slip a smile at the scene.

“Linglong, I"m going to put you in charge of this mission, alright? And if that little brat dared to defy you, just tell me and I"ll take care of him!”

“Got it, Master!” Shui Linglong replied in a brisk manner.

“Wuyan,” casting his eyes on Meng Wuyan, the Senior said, “Be careful, okay?”

“I appreciate your concern, Uncle Yuan! I"ll be careful out there!” Meng Wuyan promised.

After some brief introduction, Yan Li and the three core disciples set out for the Dahuang woods.

Among these three, Xuanyuan Yu and Shui Linglong seemed pretty nice to him, while Meng Wuyan, as his name suggested, was a man of few words.

Since they were all Mi realm masters and could fly in the air, it only took them one day to cover a three-day-journey to the Misty Forest, with Yan Li being carried by Xuanyuan Yu.

Flying was extremely vigor-consuming, so they decided to take a short break before setting out again.

After they had all caught their breath, Yan Li said to them, “s.h.i.+xiong Xuanyuan, s.h.i.+jie Shui and s.h.i.+xiong Meng, when we are in the Misty Forest, just make sure to follow me and don"t go anywhere else, please!”

“Don"t worry, s.h.i.+di Yan, we"ll be close behind you!” Xuanyuan Yu replied and the other two echoed as well before they started walking into the forest.

Seeing Yan Li walking straight toward a tree, Xuanyuan Yu immediately held him by his shoulder and stopped him, “What are you doing?”

“These are all fake, s.h.i.+xiong Xuanyuan!”

“What? For real?”

Yan Li did not reply but just kept walking ahead before suddenly disappearing into the thin air.

The three core disciples exchanged a look and then followed suit, realizing what Yan Li said was true.

The rest of the journey was riddled with cliffs, fire, poisonous creatures, and etc., and if it was not for Yan Li leading the way, they would not for the world get an inch close to those things.

After several hours of marching in the Reversed Yin-Yang Vigor Array, the four of them finally reached the mist-shrouded valley.

“This is it! This is where those monsters are!” Yan Li said, pointing at the valley.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let"s go!” Xuanyuan Yu urged.

“Don"t be stupid!” Shui Linglong deadpanned, flatly rejected him, “We don"t know what"s it like inside the valley, so if we just barged in like this, we"d probably walk right into their trap or something! So I think we better lure them out first and then we"ll see what to do next.”

“Okay, then how are we going to lure them out?” Xuanyuan Yu asked, scratching his head.

“I"ll be the bait while you and s.h.i.+di Meng lie in wait.” Shui Linglong replied calmly, “And once we see someone come out, we"ll take him down instantly. Then, the rest won"t be too much of a threat to us.”

“Okay, I"m in!”

After getting the strategy settled, Xuanyuan Yu and Meng Wuyan went into hiding while Shui Linglong appeared at the entrance and called out, “h.e.l.lo? Is anyone here? I think I got lost...”

“Holy! A chick?” Someone with a piercing voice scoffed, followed by a flash of a dark figure, which turned out to be a lanky middle-aged man.

“Oh! Hi, mister! Uh, I was wondering if you could show me the way out of here.” Looking startled, Shui Linglong asked in a sheepish tone while taking a couple steps back.

“Hehe,” that pervert giggled, sizing Shui Linglong up and down, “Why do you want to get out of here, beautiful? Come on, be my bride and I"ll take good care of you!”

“Go screw yourself, you creep!”

An azure sword appeared in Shui Linglong"s hand, which was a low-level enforcing weapon.

“You know, I"ve always liked them tough! Tough a.s.s chicks always get me going!” The man let out an eerie laughter before teleporting himself beside Shui Linglong, clawing toward her neck.

Shui Linglong huffed slightly as her sword discharged a dazzling glow; in the meantime, Xuanyuan Yu and Meng Wushuang leapt into action as well.

The King of Sword Spell!

Xuanyuan Yu jumped up in the air at lightning speed and chopped the iron sword which was glowing threateningly at that man.

Meng Wuyan, on the other hand, was like a shadow, almost disappearing into the air, and drove his sword toward the man"s back.

Besieged, the man"s expression altered grimly as he let out a screech, which soon was mirrored by two equally piercing sound coming from the valley.

Xuanyuan Yu and the other two knew that he was calling for backups, so they decided to summon the Zhen Vigor, making their attack much more lethal.

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