Chapter 1 (part 2) 

Warning: Rape scene ahead, you can skip it till it’s says ‘the story has been completed’ in bold and i"ll just summarize what happened here if you are uncomfortable with it. So now everybody know, don’t blame me if you still read and can’t handle it >.>

"You are?!" Li JinZhi"s dantian"s flow, in a split second, rose chaotically. Even when he knew his dao companion is a man, he has never been so startled and furious, "Ye Yu!!"

In the entire Extreme Cold North region, there is only one person with the Legendary Ice Flood Dragon blood vessels, and that is his archenemy, Ye Yu!

Ye DieEr is precisely that Ye Yu?!

The one that exterminated the Li family is him! The one that ruthlessly murdered Hu SiSi was also him!! The woman that accompanied him through his childhood, was killed by him!!!

"Haha, that’s right." Ye DieEr, no, it should be Ye Yu, replied while his face, enshrouded by a white mist, changed. His soft and graceful feminine facial features became those of a pretty man.

Seemingly delighted by the rage in the other"s eyes, Ye Yu laughed. He pried both of Li JinZhi"s legs open, gripping his jade dragon using one hand, his waist moving forward, the dragon swimming into the hole.

"Ah!" Li JinZhi, because of the painful tearing, shouted painfully, the fury within his eyes wanting to be unleashed. "Since it’s like this, why did you have to kill SiSi, whom you have no animosity or grievances with!"

This person! After having killed her, for what reasons did he disguise himself as Ye DieEr to tenderly comfort him?

"To fuse with your Ice Phoenix vessels, I had to wait until you attained the Primordial Infant stage, moreover, hehe……"
Ye Yu"s waist rocked roughly, completely lacking any tenderness, as if only caring for the blood vessels of the man under him. "If both sides clings to the primordial essence after s.e.xual intercourse , and if their jindans (core) join, your link with the Ice Phoenix will be unable to be activated, which is why they will become a blood sacrifice!”

Li JinZhi"s eyes emitted a bloodthirsty glint. So, actually, he was only l.u.s.ting for his Ice Phoenix blood vessels. It was only when he entered the Primordial Infant stage that he found out the truth, about what the other actually wanted……

A fishy blood smell filled the entire room. Li JinZhi felt his Ice Phoenix gradually getting removed from his body……

"Yes." Upon acquiring the Ice Phoenix vessels, Ye Yu slowly extracted his raging dragon. In a split second, blood flowed out, but there weren’t any white liquid, making it clear that the other did not fully enjoy himself.

Casually using one hand to brush the bloodstains away, he stood up, lightly darting a look towards the unmoving man on top of the bed.
Losing his blood vessels, there is only death left…… In that case, he can only be the most ruthless.

The story has been completed.

The author has something to say: The male lead is the wrong male lead. The publishing office is so ruthlessly simple. This book is also known as : 《The death of the male lead in bed》

Darling came back, everybody bye (。⌒?⌒)


Li JinZhi silently stared at the sentence "The story has been completed."

The thought of seeing the ending of the three nights of staying up made him feel like he was dying!

The third on the list of recommendations turned out to be so rotten?! Aren’t there any editor managing this series?! Should they not whip the author?! This type of villainous boss that overtook the male protagonist, what is this exactly!!

Also, reading the novel"s "Li JinZhi" getting his backdoor opened, made his mood feel very wonderful……


Li JinZhi, contrite, wiped his screen and dragged it down to read through the comments.

1L:【Comment】Lying slot!!!!!!
Lying slot! Chased after this book for half a year, unexpectedly did not know that Ye Yu is the male lead! No wonder Li JinZhi is a stud yet not one!!

Has the harem been collected by him!? Author, quickly come back! Oh right, did Ye Yu eat the Yi Rong [1] pill?!

Posted by: WithoutLimits

2L:【Comment】This doesn’t make any sense!!!!! I can’t accept this!!! For the sake of the blood vessels, Ye Yu taking it violently from the male lead if fine ah! Why did he disguise himself as a
woman to deceive him into a marriage ah! Even if it’s for the vessels! He absolutely did not have to use this method!

Did the author"s logic disappear?! These bugs, one after the other, are simply! Continuously! Spraying! Can someone go to the Jiang[2] Forum to troll this completely lacking any goodness author?! I will kneel in thanks!

Posted by: Old Devil

【Author"s Comment】[Reply to comment above] Sorry, I apologize!! My female friend got it, these two chapters were posted by her while I was in the countryside and didn’t have any connection. She grasped the opportunity to make a mess!!!

I’m very sorry! Tomorrow, I will send the new chapters, this book is definitely not finished yet!!! 【My girlfriend"s brain pit is too big, it’s unfair! Still, her brain pit is not bad, unexpectedly ending the story this way! The villain counterattacking like so, it can be said there"s some style! [Egg"s egg[4] pride ah!]

Posted by: The Daren[3] Above

Li JinZhi thought to himself, so the situation at present, this conclusion, is simply because of the author"s friend"s mischief, not the real ending? The female lead that accompanied the male lead for a century, is indeed a girl, not the villain Ye Yu? The nuptial scene tomorrow can go back to the right track?

Figuring out everything, he can finally be at ease. The author"s female friend really is a supernatural being, with hidden power and name. Looking at the time of the author"s reply, which was some minutes ago, it seemed that he"ll only be able to read the true bridal scene tomorrow.

The female lead probably shouldn’t have turned into the violent chrysanthemum devil Ye Yu ba? Haha, right.

It’s truly hard to tell……

There’s also the feeling of being unable to roast the female friend, since he doesn’t know her and doesn’t have the qualifications to say anything.

Looking at the time, it’s already 3:30 in the morning, and tomorrow morning he still has to hand in his ma.n.u.script, it’s simply telling him to go die……

Three days without sleeping caused Li JinZhi to be overcome with exhaustion. His nerves had relaxed, now he just wanted to sleep for 500 years――

The phone that was plugged to the charger suddenly fell down on the bedside, followed by Li JiZhi softly and silently falling down, then no other sounds would be heard again. The reading app, previously turned off, abruptly opened.

The biting coldness, chilling o the marrow. His body felt as if it was immersed in ice-cold water, even his toes were frozen and rigid. His awareness was too late to return, his thoughts unable to be distinguished but his body"s reflexes had already started to frantically struggle.

Run, run, run!

Get away from this h.e.l.lhole!

Li JinZhi did not have time to a.n.a.lyze the situation when he was forced to swallow a mouthful of icy water, his lungs soaking in it, frozen and battered.

The frozen lungs seemed to have stopped working, the air getting less and less. Deep inside, there’s a burning fire but it couldn’t melt the frozen ice.

He suddenly opened his eyes from the pain. In his gaze entered a deep blue s.p.a.ce, filled with ice cold water, a strange and unusual sight. On the surface of the water, ice glacier trapped him within.

His futile struggle rapidly drained his strength, and although Li JinZhi told himself to remain calm, but exhaustion after exhaustion left him fast sinking, falling, the ice getting farther and farther away, more and more untouchable by the second…

Who can come…… Save me…… But no one will come to save him…… He"s finished.

Suddenly, big waves spread on the still water, and a hand caught him. The other"s hand rubbed hard against his protruding joints, extremely painful.

But it was precisely these hands that slowed his descent, his body even rising up by a slightly invisible margin.

Li JinZhi strenuously lifted his head. The body"s of the one helping him wasn’t strong in the first place, his strength extremely weak, but they are still doing their best.

In his heart, there were a desire to live. Others haven’t given him up, so how and why should be give himself up?

Li JinZhi also knows that if he does so, it’s not only him, even the person coming down to save him will be dragged down as well!

He used a hand to pinch the thin and weak hand, his numb body suddenly gaining momentum, resisting the ache in his lungs. Li JinZhi quickly overtook his saviour, the other apparently in a daze, however he quickly reacted and came over.

Almost dragging, both of them struggled to go against the stream. They both were close and Li JinZhi saw the broken hole on the ice, probably made from his fall. Biting his upper lip, and using the last of their strength, the two finally came out of the cold water.

The dazzling sunlight broke through, and Li JinZhi squinted his eyes in discomfort. His surroundings became noisy, they seemed to be surrounded by a crowd. He who thought it was a helpless situation, just wanted to laugh.

His body thoroughly exhausted, after climbing in the ice cold cave he doesn’t have any strength left. His waist was suddenly lifted by two hands, although slightly trembling, they remained steadfast.

Li JinZhi opened his eyes, his gaze following the hand"s waist before going up to the youth with purple lips, his entire being emanc.i.p.ated, morbid and pale, his eyes frightening, the light contained within scaring people.

Soon someone caught him as his exhaustion bubbled up, making him feel deeply tired. He could feel his consciousness rapidly lowering and Li JinZhi unconsciously grasped the thin and juvenile hand, permitting him to feel at ease in this situation……

[1]Yi (change) Rong (appearance) pill, a pill to change your appearance xD

[2]Jiang Forum, kinda like NUF I think

[3]Daren: respectful way of calling your superiors

[4]I don’t even know what the author is trying to say. For real, the original word means egg, but written two times, it’s b.a.l.l.s, ifyaknowwhatImean.

T/N: Ahhh, this chapter was hard to translate, plus I was feeling so awkward at the beginning. But finally, first chapter is done! Time to rest (_ _).。o○

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