Great barkers are nae biters.

Great pains and little gains soon mak a man weary.

Great tochers makna aye the greatest testaments.

Great winning maks wark easy.

Greed is envy"s auldest brither: scraggy wark they mak thegither.

Greedy folk hae lang arms.

Gree, like tykes and swine.

Greening wives are aye greedy.

Grey-eyed, greedy; brown-eyed, needy; black-eyed, never blin", till it shame a" its kin.

Gude advice is never out o" season.

Gude ale needs nae wisp.

"A wisp of straw stuck upon the top of a country house is a sign that ale is to be sold there; but if the ale be good, people will haunt the house though there be none."--_Kelly._

Gude bairns are eith to lear.

Gude bairns get broken brows.

For they are as liable to injury as bad ones.

Gude be wi" auld langsyne, when our gutchers ate the trenchers.

Gude breeding and siller mak our sons gentlemen.

Gude cheer and cheap gars mony haunt the house.

Gude claes open a" doors.

Gude counsel is abune a" price.

Gude-enough has got a wife and Far-better wants.

Gude folk are scarce, tak care o" me.

Gude foresight furthers wark.

Gude gear gangs into little bouk.

Gude gear"s no to be gaped at.

Gude health is better than wealth.

Gude kail is half meat.

Gude night, and joy be wi" you a".

Gude reason and part cause.

Signifying that a person has _both_ good reason and cause to complain.

Gude to fetch sorrow to a sick wife.

Gude! ye"re common to kiss your kimmer.

Gude wares may come frae an ill market.

Gude wares mak a quick market.

Gude watch hinders harm.

Gudewill ne"er wants time to show itsel.

Gudewill should be ta"en in part payment.

Gude wit jumps.

Gude words cost naething.

Guessed work"s best if weel done.

"Gulp!" quo" the wife when she swallowed her tongue.

Gunpowder is hasty eldin.

Gust your gab wi" that.

"He"s no ill boden, That gusts his gab wi" oyster sauce, An" hen weel soden."--_Fergusson._

Gut nae fish till ye get them.


Ha" binks are sliddry.

"Great men"s favours are uncertain."--_Kelly._

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