The Psalms of David

Chapter 11

Psalm 23:1. L. M.

G.o.d our Shepherd.

1 My shepherd is the living Lord; Now shall my wants be well supply"d His providence and holy word Become my safety and my guide.

2 In pastures where salvation grows He makes me feed, he makes me rest; There living water gently flows, And all the food"s divinely blest.

3 My wandering feet his ways mistake, But he restores my soul to peace, And leads me for his mercy"s sake, In the fair paths of righteousness.

4 Tho" I walk thro" the gloomy vale, Where death and all its terrors are, My heart and hope shall never fail, For G.o.d my shepherd"s with me there.

5 Amidst the darkness and the deeps Thou art my comfort, thou my stay; Thy staff supports my feeble steps, Thy rod directs my doubtful way.

6 The sons of earth and sons of h.e.l.l Gaze at thy goodness and repine To see my table spread so well With living bread and cheerful wine.

7 [How I rejoice when on my head Thy Spirit condescends to rest!

"Tis a divine anointing shed Like oil of gladness at a feast.

8 Surely the mercies of the Lord Attend his household all their days; There will I dwell to hear his word, To seek his face, and sing his praise.]

Psalm 23:2. C. M.

The same.

1. My Shepherd will supply my need, Jehovah is his name; In pastures fresh he makes me feed Beside the living stream.

2 He brings my wandering spirit back, When I forsake his ways; And leads me for his mercy"s sake, In paths of truth and grace.

3 When I walk thro" the shades of death, Thy presence is my stay; A word of thy supporting breath Drives all my fears away.

4 Thy hand, in spite of all my foes, Doth still my table spread; My cup with blessings overflows, Thine oil anoints my head.

5 The sure provisions of my G.o.d Attend me all my days; O may thy house be mine abode, And all my work be praise!

6 There would I find a settled rest, (While others go and come) No more a stranger or a guest, But like a child at home.

Psalm 23:3. S. M.

The same.

1 The Lord my shepherd is, I shall be well supply"d; Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want beside?

2 He leads me to the place Where heavenly pasture grows, Where living waters gently pa.s.s, And full salvation flows.

3 If e"er I go astray, He doth my soul reclaim, And guides me in his own right way, For his most holy name.

4 While he affords his aid, I cannot yield to fear; Tho" I should walk thro" death"s dark shade My Shepherd"s with me there.

5 In spite of all my foes, Thou dost my table spread, My cup with blessings overflows, And joy exalts my head.

6 The bounties of thy love Shall crown my following days; Nor from thy house will I remove, Nor cease to speak thy praise.

Psalm 24:1. C. M.

Dwelling with G.o.d.

1 The earth for ever is the Lord"s, With Adam"s numerous race; He rais"d its arches o"er the floods, And built it on the seas.

2 But who among the sons of men May visit thine abode?

He that has hands from mischief clean, Whose heart is right with G.o.d.

3 This is the man may rise, and take The blessings of his grace; This is the lot of those that seek The G.o.d of Jacob"s face.

4 Now let our soul"s immortal powers To meet the Lord prepare, Lift up their everlasting doors, The King of glory"s near.

5 The King of glory! who can tell The wonders of his might!

He rules the nations; but to dwell With saints is his delight.

Psalm 24:2. L. M.

Saints dwell in heaven; or, Christ"s ascension.

1 This s.p.a.cious earth is all the Lord"s, And men, and worms, and beasts, and birds: He rais"d the building on the seas, And gave it for their dwelling-place.

2 But there"s a brighter world on high, Thy palace, Lord, above the sky: Who shall ascend that blest abode, And dwell so near his Maker G.o.d?

3 He that abhors and fears to sin, Whose heart is pure whose hands are clean, Him shall the Lord the Saviour bless, And clothe his soul with righteousness.

4 These are the men, the pious race That seek the G.o.d of Jacob"s face; These shall enjoy the blissful sight, And dwell in everlasting light.


5 Rejoice, ye shining worlds on high, Behold the King of glory nigh!

Who can this King of glory be?

The mighty Lord, the Saviour"s he.

6 Ye heavenly gates, your leaves display To make the Lord the Saviour way: Laden with spoils from earth and h.e.l.l, The conqueror comes with G.o.d to dwell.

7 Rais"d from the dead he goes before, He opens heaven"s eternal door, To give his saints a blest abode Near their Redeemer, and their G.o.d.

Psalm 25:1. 1-11. First Part.

Waiting for pardon and direction.

1 I Lift my soul to G.o.d, My trust is in his name; Let not my foes that seek my blood Still triumph in my shame.

2 Sin and the powers of h.e.l.l Persuade me to despair; Lord, make me know thy covenant well, That I may "scape the snare.

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