The Psalms of David

Chapter 15

6 His holy angels pitch their tents Around the men that serve the Lord; O fear and love him, all his saints, Taste of his grace and trust his word.

6 The wild young lions, pinch"d with pain And hunger, roar thro" all the wood; But none shall seek the Lord in vain, Nor want supplies of real good.

Psalm 34:2. 11-22. Second Part. L. M.

Religious education; or, Instructions of piety.

1 Children in years and knowledge young, Your parents" hope, your parents" joy, Attend the counsels of my tongue, Let pious thoughts your minds employ.

2 If you desire a length of days, And peace to crown your mortal state, Restrain your feet from impious ways, Your lips from slander and deceit.

3 The eyes of G.o.d regard his saints, His ears are open to their cries; He sets his frowning face against The sons of violence and lies.

4 To humble souls and broken hearts G.o.d with his grace is ever nigh; Pardon and hope his love imparts When men in deep contrition lie.

5 He tell their tears, he counts their groans, His Son redeems their souls from death; His Spirit heals their broken bones, They in his praise employ their breath.

Psalm 34:3. 1-10. First Part. C. M.

Prayer and Praise for eminent deliverance.

1 I"ll bless the Lord from day to day; How good are all his ways!

Ye humble souls that use to pray, Come, help my lips to praise.

2 Sing to the honour of his name, How a poor sufferer cry"d, Nor was his hope expos"d to shame, Nor was his suit deny"d.

3 When threatening sorrows round me stood, And endless fears arose, Like the loud billows of a flood, Redoubling all my woes;

4 I told the Lord my sore distress With heavy groans and tears, He gave my sharpest torments ease, And silenc"d all my fears.


5 [O sinners, come and taste his love, Come, learn his pleasant ways, And let your own experience prove The sweetness of his grace.

6 He bids his angels pitch their tents Round where his children dwell What ills their heavenly care prevents No earthly tongue can tell.]

7 [O love the Lord, ye saints of his; His eye regards the just; How richly blest their portion is Who make the Lord their trust!

8 Young lions pinch"d with hunger roar, And famish in the wood; But G.o.d supplies his holy poor With every needful good.]

Psalm 34:4. 11-22. Second Part. C. M.

Exhortations to peace and Holiness.

1 Come, children, learn to fear the Lord; And that your days be long, Let not a false or spiteful word Be found upon your tongue.

2 Depart from mischief, practise love, Pursue the works of peace; So shall the Lord your ways approve, And set your souls at ease.

3 His eyes awake to guard the just, His ears attend their cry; When broken spirits dwell in dust, The G.o.d of grace is nigh.

4 What tho" the sorrows here they taste Are sharp and tedious too, The Lord, who saves them all at last, Is their supporter now.

5 Evil shall smite the wicked dead; But G.o.d secures his own, Prevents the mischief when they slide, Or heals the broken bone.

6 When desolation like a flood, O"er the proud sinner rolls, Saints find a refuge in their G.o.d, For he redeem"d their souls.

Psalm 35:1. 1-9. First Part.

Prayer and faith of persecuted saints; or, Imprecations mixed with charity.

1 Now plead my cause, almighty G.o.d, With all the Sons of strife; And fight against the men of blood, Who fight against my life.

2 Draw out thy spear and stop their way, Lift thine avenging rod; But to my soul in mercy say, "I am thy Saviour G.o.d."

3 They plant their snares to catch my feet, And nets of mischief spread; Plunge the destroyers in the pit That their own hands have made.

4 Let fogs and darkness hide their way, And slippery be their ground; Thy wrath shall make their lives a prey, And all their rage confound.

5 They fly like chaff before the wind, Before thine angry breath; The angel of the Lord behind Pursues them down to death.

6 They love the road that leads to h.e.l.l; Then let the rebels die Whose malice is implacable Against the Lord on high.

7 But if thou hast a chosen few Amongst that impious race, Divide them from the b.l.o.o.d.y crew By thy surprising grace.

8 Then will I raise my tuneful voice To make thy wonders known; In their salvation I"ll rejoice, And bless thee for my own.

Psalm 35:2. 12-14. Second Part.

Love to enemies; or, The love of Christ to sinners typified in David.

1 Behold the love, the generous love That holy David shows; Hark, how his sounding bowels move To his afflicted foes!

2 When they are sick his soul complains, And seems to feel the smart; The spirit of the gospel reigns, And melts his pious heart.

3 How did his flowing tears condole As for a brother dead!

And fasting mortify"d his soul, While for their life he pray"d.

4 They groan"d; and curs"d him on their bed, Yet still he pleads and mourns; And double blessings on his head The righteous G.o.d returns.

5 O glorious type of heavenly grace!

Thus Christ the Lord appears; While sinners curse, the Saviour prays, And pities them with tears.

6 He, the true David, Israel"s king, Blest and belov"d of G.o.d, To save us rebels dead in sin, Paid his own dearest blood.

Psalm 36:1. 5-9. L. M.

The perfections and providence of G.o.d; or, General providence and special grace.

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