The Psalms of David

Chapter 30

4 For him shall endless prayer be made And princes throng to crown his head; His Name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice.

5 People and realms of every tongue Dwell on his love with sweetest song: And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on his Name.

6 Blessings abound where"er he reigns, The prisoner leaps to lose his chains, The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest.

7 [Where he displays his healing power, Death and the curse are known no more; In him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost.

8 Let every creature rise, and bring Peculiar honours to our King; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the long Amen.]

Psalm 73:1. First Part. C. M.

Afflicted saints happy, and prosperous sinners cursed.

1 Now I"m convinc"d the Lord is kind To men of heart sincere, Yet once my foolish thoughts repin"d And border"d on despair.

2 I griev"d to see the wicked thrive, And spoke with angry breath, "How pleasant and profane they live!

"How peaceful is their death!

3 "With well-fed flesh and haughty eyes "They lay their fears to sleep; "Against the heavens their slanders rise, "While saints in silence weep.

4 "In vain I lift my hands to pray, "And cleanse my heart in vain, "For I am chasten"d all the day, "The night renews my pain."

5 Yet while my tongue indulg"d complaints, I felt my heart reprove; "Sure I shall thus offend thy saints, "And grieve the men I love."

6 But still I found my doubts too hard, The conflict too severe, Till I retir"d to search thy word, And learn thy secrets there.

7 There, as in some prophetic gla.s.s, I saw the sinner"s feet High mounted on a slippery place, Beside a fiery pit.

8 I heard the wretch profanely boast, Till at thy frown he fell; His honours in a dream were lost, And he awakes in h.e.l.l.

9 Lord, what an envious fool I was!

How like a thoughtless beast!

Thus to suspect thy promis"d grace, And think the wicked blest.

10 Yet I was kept from full despair, Upheld by power unknown; That blessed hand that broke the snare Shall guide me to thy throne.

Psalm 73:2. 23-8. Second Part.

G.o.d our portion here and hereafter.

1 G.o.d my supporter and my hope, My help for ever near, Thine arm of mercy held me up When sinking in despair.

2 Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet Thro" this dark wilderness; Thine hand conduct me near thy seat To dwell before thy face.

3 Were I in heaven without my G.o.d, "Twould be no joy to me; And whilst this earth is my abode, I long for none but thee.

4 What if the springs of life were broke, And flesh and heart should faint!

G.o.d is my soul"s eternal rock, The strength of every saint.

5 Behold the sinners that remove Far from thy presence die; Not all the idol G.o.ds they love Can save them when they cry.

6 But to draw near to thee, my G.o.d, Shall be my sweet employ; My tongue shall sound thy works abroad, And tell the world my joy.

Psalm 73:3. 22 3 6 17-20. L. M.

The prosperity of sinners cursed.

1 Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I, To mourn, and murmur, and repine To see the wicked plac"d on high, In pride and robes of honour shine!

2 But O their end, their dreadful end!

Thy sanctuary taught me so: On slippery rocks I see them stand, And fiery billows roll below.

3 Now let them boast how tall they rise, I"ll never envy them again; There they may stand with haughty eyes, Till they plunge deep in endless pain.

4 Their fancy"d joys, how fast they flee!

Just like a dream when man awakes; Their songs of softest harmony Are but a preface to their plagues.

5 Now I esteem their mirth and wine Too dear to purchase with my blood; Lord, "tis enough that thou art mine, My life, my portion, and my G.o.d.

Psalm 73:4. S. M.

The mystery of providence unfolded.

1 Sure there"s a righteous G.o.d, Nor is religion vain, Tho" men of vice may boast aloud, And men of grace complain.

2 I saw the wicked rise, And felt my heart repine, While haughty fools with scornful eyes In robes of honour shine.

3 [Pamper"d with wanton ease, Their flesh looks full and fair, Their wealth rolls in like flowing seas, And grows without their care.

4 Free from the plagues and pains That pious souls endure, Thro" all their life oppression reigns And racks the humble poor.

5 Their impious tongues blaspheme The everlasting G.o.d; Their malice blasts the good man"s name, And spreads their lies abroad.

6 But I with flowing tears Indulge my doubts to rise "Is there a G.o.d that sees or hears "The things below the skies?"]

7 The tumults of my thought Held me in hard suspense, Till to thy house my feet were brought To learn thy justice thence.

8 Thy word with light and power Did my mistakes attend; I view"d the sinners" life before, But here I learnt their end.

9 On what a slippery steep The thoughtless wretches go; And O that dreadful fiery deep That waits their fall below.

10 Lord, at thy feet I bow, My thoughts no more repine; I call my G.o.d my portion now, And all my powers are thine.

Psalm 74.

The church pleading with G.o.d under sore persecutions.

1 Will G.o.d for ever cast us off?

His wrath for ever smoke Against the people of his love, His little chosen flock?

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