The Psalms of David

Chapter 47

Psalm 112:2. L. M.

The blessings of the pious and charitable.

1 Thrice happy man who fears the Lord, Loves his commands, and trusts his word; Honour and peace his days attend, And blessings to his seed descend.

2 Compa.s.sion dwells upon his mind, To works of mercy still inclin"d: He lends the poor some present aid, Or gives them, not to be repaid.

3 When times grow dark, and tidings spread That fill his neighbours round with dread, His heart is arm"d against the fear, For G.o.d with all his power is there.

4 His soul, well fix"d upon the Lord, Draws heavenly courage from his word; Amidst the darkness light shall rise, To cheer his heart, and bless his eyes.

5 He hath dispers"d his alms abroad, His works are still before his G.o.d; His name on earth shall long remain, While envious sinners fret in vain.

Psalm 112:3. C. M, Liberality rewarded.

1 Happy is he that fears the Lord, And follows his commands, Who lends the poor without reward, Or gives with liberal hands.

2 As pity dwells within his breast To all the sons of need; So G.o.d shall answer his request With blessings on his seed,

3 No evil tidings shall surprise His well-establish"d mind; His soul to G.o.d his refuge flies, And leaves his fears behind.

4 In times of general distress, Some beams of light shall shine To shew the world his righteousness, And give him peace divine.

5 His works of piety and love Remain before the Lord; Honour on earth and joys above Shall be his sure reward.

Psalm 113:1. Proper Time.

The majesty and condescension of G.o.d.

1 Ye that delight to serve the Lord, The honours of his Name record, His sacred Name for ever bless: Where"er the circling sun displays His rising beams, or setting rays, Let lands and seas his power confess.

2 Not time, nor nature"s narrow rounds, Can give his vast dominion bounds, The heavens are far below his height: Let no created greatness dare With our eternal G.o.d compare, Arm"d with his uncreated might.

3 He bows his glorious head to view What the bright hosts of angels do, And bends his care to mortal things; His sovereign hand exalts the poor, He takes the needy from the door, And makes them company for kings.

4 When childless families despair, He sends the blessings of an heir To rescue their expiring name: The mother with a thankful voice Proclaims his praises and her joys: Let every age advance his fame.

Psalm 113:2. L. M.

G.o.d sovereign and gracious.

1 Ye servants of th" Almighty King, In every age his praises sing; Where"er the sun shall rise or set, The nations shall his praise repeat.

2 Above the earth, beyond the sky, Stands his high throne of majesty: Nor time, nor place, his power restrain, Nor bound his universal reign.

3 Which of the sons of Adam dare, Or angels, with their G.o.d compare?

His glories how divinely bright, Who dwells in uncreated light!

4 Behold his love: he stoops to view What saints above and angels do; And condescends yet more to know The mean affairs of men below.

5 From dust and cottages obscure His grace exalts the humble poor; Gives them the honour of his sons, And fits them for their heavenly thrones.

6 [A word of his creating voice Can make the barren house rejoice: Tho" Sarah"s ninety years were past, The promis"d seed is born at last.

7 With joy the mother views her son, And tells the wonders G.o.d has done: Faith may grow strong when sense despairs, If nature fails, the promise bears.]

Psalm 114.

Miracles attending Israel"s journey.

1 When Israel, freed from Pharaoh"s hand, Left the proud tyrant and his land, The tribes with cheerful homage own Their King, and Judah was his throne.

2 Across the deep their journey lay; The deep divides to make them way: Jordan beheld their march, and fled With backward current to his head.

3 The mountains shook like frighted sheep, Like lambs the little hillocks leap; Not Sinai on her base could stand, Conscious of sovereign power at hand.

4 What power could make the deep divide?

Make Jordan backward roll his tide?

Why did ye leap, ye little hills?

And whence the fright that Sinai feels?

5 Let every mountain, every flood, Retire and know th" approaching G.o.d, The king of Israel: see him here; Tremble, thou earth, adore and fear.

6 He thunders, and all nature mourns, The rock to standing pools he turns; Flints spring with fountains at his word, And fires and seas confess the Lord.

Psalm 115:1. First Metre.

The true G.o.d our refuge; or, Idolatry reproved.

1 Not to ourselves, who are but dust, Not to ourselves is glory due, Eternal G.o.d, thou only just, Thou only gracious, wise, and true.

2 Shine forth in all thy dreadful Name; Why should a heathen"s haughty tongue Insult us, and to raise our shame Say, "Where"s the G.o.d you"ve serv"d so long?"

3 The G.o.d we serve maintains his throne Above the clouds, beyond the skies, Thro" all the earth his will is done, He knows our groans, he hears our cries.

4 But the vain idols they adore Are senseless shapes of stone and wood; At best a ma.s.s of glittering ore, A silver saint, or golden G.o.d.

5 [With eyes, and ears they carve their head, Deaf are their ears, their eyes are blind; In vain are costly offerings made, And vows are scatter"d in the wind.

6 Their feet were never made to move, Nor hands to save when mortals pray; Mortals that pay them fear or love Seem to be blind and deaf as they.]

7 O Israel, make the Lord thy hope, Thy help, thy refuge, and thy rest; The Lord shall build thy ruins up, And bless the people and the priest.

8 The dead no more can speak thy praise, They dwell in silence and the grave; But we shall live to sing thy grace, And tell the world thy power to save.

Psalm 115:2. Second Metre.

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