The Psalms of David

Chapter 58

10 Give thanks to G.o.d the heavenly King; His mercies still endure!

Let the whole earth his praises sing; His truth is ever sure.

Psalm 136:2. As the 148th Psalm.

G.o.d"s wonders of creation, providence, redemption of Israel, and salvation of his people.

1 Give thanks to G.o.d most high, The universal Lord; The sovereign King of kings; And be his grace ador"d.

His power and grace Are still the same; And let his Name Have endless praise.

2 How mighty is his hand!

What wonders hath he done!

He form"d the earth and seas, And spread the heavens alone.

Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word.

3 His wisdom fram"d the sun To crown the day with light; The moon and twinkling stars To cheer the darksome night.

His power and grace Are still the same; And let his Name Have endless praise.

4 [He smote the first-born Sons, The flower of Egypt, dead: And thence his chosen tribes With joy and glory led.

Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word.

5 His power and lifted rod Cleft the Red-sea in two: And for his people made A wondrous pa.s.sage thro".

His power and grace Are still the same; And let his Name Have endless praise.

6 But cruel Pharaoh there With all his host he drown"d; And brought his Israel safe Thro" a long desert ground.

Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word.


The kings of Canaan fell Beneath his dreadful hand: While his own servants took Possession of their land.

His power and grace Are still the same; And let his name Have endless praise.]

8 He saw the nations lie All perishing in sin, And pity"d the sad state The ruin"d world was in.

Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word.

9 He sent his only Son To save us from our woe, From Satan sin and death, And every hurtful foe.

His power and grace Are still the same; And let his Name Have endless praise.

10 Give thanks aloud to G.o.d, To G.o.d the heavenly King; And let the s.p.a.cious earth His works and glories sing.

Thy mercy, Lord, Shall still endure; And ever sure Abides thy word.

Psalm 136:3. Abridged. L. M.

G.o.d"s wonders of creation, providence, redemption and salvation.

1 Give to our G.o.d immortal praise; Mercy and truth are all his ways: "Wonders of grace to G.o.d belong, "Repeat his mercies in your song."

2 Give to the Lord of lords renown, The King of kings with glory crown: "His mercies ever shall endure, "When" lords and kings are known "no more."

3 He built the earth, he spread the sky, And fix"d the starry lights on high; "Wonders of grace to G.o.d belong, "Repeat his mercies in your song."

4 He fills the sun with morning light, He bids the moon direct the night: "His mercies ever shall endure, "When" suns and moons shall shine "no more."

5 The Jews he freed from Pharaoh"s hand, And brought them to the promis"d land; "Wonders of grace to G.o.d belong, "Repeat his mercies in your song."

6 He saw the Gentiles dead in sin, And felt his pity work within: "His mercies ever shall endure, "When" death and sin shall reign "no more."

7 He sent his Son with power to save From guilt, and darkness, and the grave: "Wonders of grace to G.o.d belong, "Repeat his mercies in your song."

8 Thro" this vain world he guides our feet, And leads us to his heavenly seat: "His mercies ever shall endure, "When" this vain world shall be "no more."

Psalm 138.

Restoring and preserving grace.

1 [With all my powers of heart and tongue I"ll praise my Maker in my song: Angels shall hear the notes I raise, Approve the song, and join the praise.

2 Angels that make thy church their care Shall witness my devotions there, While holy zeal directs my eyes To thy fair temple in the skies.]

3 I"ll sing thy truth and mercy, Lord, I"ll sing the wonders of thy word; Not all thy works and names below So much thy power and glory show.

4 To G.o.d I cry"d when troubles rose; He heard me, and subdu"d my foes, He did my rising fears control, And strength diffus"d thro" all my soul.

5 The G.o.d of heaven maintains his state, Frowns on the proud and scorns the great; But from his throne descends to see The sons of humble poverty.

6 Amidst a thousand snares I stand Upheld and guarded by thy hand; Thy words my fainting soul revive, And keep my dying faith alive.

7 Grace will complete what grace begins, To save from sorrows or from sins; The work that wisdom undertakes Eternal mercy ne"er forsakes.

Psalm 139:1. First Part. L. M.

The all-seeing G.o.d.

1 Lord, thou hast search"d and seen me thro"; Thine eye commands with piercing view My rising and my resting hours, My heart and flesh with all their powers.

2 My thoughts, before they are my own, Are to my G.o.d distinctly known; He knows the words I mean to speak Ere from my opening lips they break.

3 Within thy circling power I stand; On every side I find thy hand: Awake, asleep, at home, abroad, I am surrounded still with G.o.d.

4 Amazing knowledge, vast and great!

What large extent! what lofty height!

My soul, with all the powers I boast, Is in the boundless prospect lost.

5 "O may these thoughts possess my breast, "Where"er I rove where"er I rest!

"Nor let my weaker pa.s.sions dare "Consent to sin, for G.o.d is there."


6 Could I so false, so faithless prove, To quit thy service and thy love, Where, Lord, could I thy presence shun, Or from thy dreadful glory run?

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