The Psalms of David

Chapter 61

2 Happy the country, where the sheep, Cattle, and corn, have large increase; Where men securely work or sleep, Nor sons of plunder break the peace.

3 Happy the nation thus endow"d, But more divinely blest are those On whom the all-sufficient G.o.d Himself with all his grace bestows.

Psalm 145:1. L. M.

The greatness of G.o.d.

1 My G.o.d, my King, thy various praise Shall fill the remnant of my days; Thy grace employ my humble tongue Till death and glory raise the song.

2 The wings of every hour shall bear Some thankful tribute to thine ear; And every setting sun shall see New works of duty done for thee.

3 Thy truth and justice I"ll proclaim; Thy bounty flows, an endless stream, Thy mercy swift, thine anger slow, But dreadful to the stubborn foe.

4 Thy works with sovereign glory shine, And speak thy majesty divine; Let Britain round her proclaim The sound and honour of thy Name.

5 Let distant times and nations raise The long succession of thy praise; And unborn ages make my song The joy and labour of their tongue.

6 But who can speak thy wondrous deeds?

Thy greatness all our thoughts exceeds!

Vast and unsearchable thy ways!

Vast and immortal be thy praise!

Psalm 145:2. 1-7 11-13. First Part.

The greatness of G.o.d.

1 Long as I live I"ll bless thy Name, My King, my G.o.d of love; My work and joy shall be the same In the bright world above.

2 Great is the Lord, his power unknown, And let his praise be great: I"ll sing the honours of thy throne, Thy works of grace repeat.

3 Thy grace shall dwell upon my tongue; And while my lips rejoice, The men that hear my sacred song Shall join their cheerful voice.

4 Fathers to Sons shall teach thy Name, And children learn thy ways; Ages to come thy truth proclaim, And nations sound thy praise.

5 Thy glorious deeds of ancient date Shall thro" the world be known; Thine arm of power, thy heavenly state, With public splendor shown.

6 The world is manag"d by thy hands, Thy saints are rul"d by love; And thine eternal kingdom stands, Tho" rocks and hills remove.

Psalm 145:3. 7 &c. Second Part.

The goodness of G.o.d.

1 Sweet is the memory of thy grace, My G.o.d, my heavenly king; Let age to age thy righteousness In sounds of glory sing.

2 G.o.d reigns on high, but not confines His goodness to the skies; Thro" the whole earth his bounty shines, And every want supplies.

3 With longing eyes thy creatures wait On thee for daily food, Thy liberal hand provides their meat And fills their mouths with good.

4 How kind are thy compa.s.sions, Lord!

How slow thine anger moves!

But soon he sends his pardoning word To cheer the souls he loves.

5 Creatures, with all their endless race, Thy power and praise proclaim; But saints that taste thy richer grace Delight to bless thy Name.

Psalm 145:4. 14 17 &c. Third Part.

Mercy to sufferers; or, G.o.d hearing prayer.

1 Let every tongue thy goodness speak, Thou sovereign Lord of all; Thy strengthening hands uphold the weak, And raise the poor that fall.

2 When sorrow bows the spirit down, Or virtue lies distrest Beneath some proud oppressor"s frown, Thou giv"st the mourners rest.

3 The Lord supports our tottering days, And guides our giddy youth; Holy and just are all his ways, And all his words are truth.

4 He knows the pains his servants feel, He hears his children cry, And their best wishes to fulfil His grace is ever nigh.

5 His mercy never shall remove From men of heart sincere; He saves the souls whose humble love Is join"d with holy fear.

6 [His stubborn foes his sword shall slay, And pierce their hearts with pain; But none that serve the Lord shall say, "They sought his aid in vain."]

7 [My lips shall dwell upon his praise, And spread his fame abroad; Let all the sons of Adam raise The honours of their G.o.d.]

Psalm 146:1. L. M.

Praise to G.o.d for his goodness and truth.

1 Praise ye the Lord, my heart shall join In work so pleasant, so divine, Now, while the flesh is mine abode, And when my soul ascends to G.o.d.

2 Praise shall employ my n.o.blest powers, While immortality endures; My days of praise shall ne"er be past, While life and thought and being last.

3 Why should I make a man my trust?

Princes must die and turn to dust; Their breath departs, their pomp and power And thoughts, all vanish in an hour.

4 Happy the man whose hopes rely On Israel"s G.o.d: he made the sky, And earth and seas with all their train, And none shall find his promise vain.

5 His truth for ever stands secure; He saves th" opprest, he feeds the poor; He sends the labouring conscience peace, And grants the prisoner sweet release.

6 The Lord hath eyes to give the blind; The Lord supports the sinking mind; He helps the stranger in distress, The widow and the fatherless.

7 He loves his saints, he knows them well, But turns the wicked down to h.e.l.l: Thy G.o.d, O Zion, ever reigns; Praise him in everlasting strains.

Psalm 146:2. As the 113th Psalm.

Praise to G.o.d for his goodness and truth.

1 I"ll praise my Maker with my breath; And when my voice is lost in death Praise shall employ my n.o.bler powers: My days of praise shall ne"er he past While life and thought and being last, Or immortality endures.

2 Why should I make a man my trust?

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