_damaging attack_, &c. This probably refers to modifications introduced on Aeschines" proposal into Demosthenes" Trierarchic Law of 340, not at the time of its enactment, but after some experience of its working. (See Aeschines, "Against Ctesiphon," -- 222.)

-- 313. Theocrines was a tragic actor, who was attacked in the pseudo- Demosthenic Speech "Against Theocrines". Harpocration"s description of him as a "sycophant", or dishonest informer, may be merely an inference from the Speech.

-- 318. _your brother_. See Speech on the Emba.s.sy, ---- 237, 249. It is not known which brother is here referred to.

-- 319. Philammon was a recent Olympic victor in the boxing match; Glaucus, a celebrated boxer early in the fifth century.

-- 320. _owner of a stud_. To keep horses was a sign of great wealth in Athens.

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