_The Second Course in Winter in great Houses._

1. A Quarter of Lamb rosted, the Joints Larded with several things, and rosted asunder.

2. A Couple of Rabbits.

3. A Kickshaw fried.

4. A Dish of Mallard or Teals.

5. A Cold Venison Pasty, or other cold Baked meat.

6. A Dish of Snites.

7. A Quince or Warden Pie.

8. A Dish of Tarts.

9. A Joll of Sturgeon.

10. A Dish of pickled Oysters.

_A Bill of Fare for Fish Days in Great Houses and at familiar Times._

1. A Dish of Milk, as Furmity, or the like.

2. A Dish of stewed Oysters or b.u.t.tered Eggs.

3. A boiled Gurnet, or such like.

4. A Dish of Barrel Cod b.u.t.tered.

5. A Dish of b.u.t.tered Loaves or fryed Toasts.

6. A Pasty made of a Joll of Ling.

7. A Potato Pie, or Skirret Pie.

8. A Dish of Plaice or Flounders.

9. A Piece of salt Salmon.

10. A Carp Pie cold, or Lamprey Pie.

_The Second Course to the Same._

1. A Dish of Eels spitchc.o.c.kt.

2. A Chine of Salmon broiled.

3. A Dish of Oysters fryed.

4. An Apple pie b.u.t.tered.

5. A Dish of fryed Smelts.

6. A Dish of b.u.t.tered Shrimps.

7. A Dish of Skirrets fryed.

8. Two lobsters in a Dish.

9. A Dish of pickled Oysters.

10. A Dish of Anchovies.

When all these are taken away, then serve in your Cheeses of all sorts, and also your Creams and Jellies, and Sweet-meats after them, if they be required.

Thus I have done with the Bills of Fare in Great Houses, although it be impossible to name half which are in season for one Meal; but this will serve you for the number of Dishes, and any Person who is ingenious, may leave out some, and put in other at pleasure.

_A Bill of Fare for Gentlemens Houses of Lesser Quality, by which you may also know how to order any Family beneath another, which is very requisite._

_The First Course in Summer season._

1. A Boiled Pike or Carp stewed.

2. A very fine Pudding boiled.

3. A Chine of Veal, and another of Mutton.

4. A Calves head Pie.

5. A Leg of Mutton rosted whole.

6. A couple of Capons, or a Pig, or a piece of rost Beef, or boiled Beef.

7. A Sallad, the best in season.

_The Second Course to the same._

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