Jelly of Harts-Horn. 87

Juice of Licoras white. 80

Jelly very good. 68

Iringo Root candied. 64

Jelly of Currans. 63


Lemonalo. 135

Limon Sallad. 133

Leach white. 104

Leach yellow. 105

Leach of Ginger. Ib.

Leach of Cinamon. Ib.

Leach of Dates. Ib.

Limons preserved. 89

Leach. 65

Lozenges perfumed. 64

Limon Cream. 48

[Transcriber"s note: there are no page numbers in the original for some of the following entries.]

Limon Cakes.

Limon Water.




Marmalade of Limons.

Marmalade of Oranges.

Musk Sugar.

Marmalade of Quinces.

Mushroms pickled.

Marmalade of Cherries. 116

Marmalade of Oranges.

Marmalade of Cornelions.

Marmalade white.

Medlars preserved.

Marmalade of Pippins.

Marmalade of Wardens.

Marmalade of Damsons.


Marmalade of Apric.o.c.ks.

Morphew or Freckles.

Marmalade of Oranges.

Made Dish.

Marmalade of Cherries and Currans.

Marmalade of Apric.o.c.ks.

Melancholy Water.


Naples Bisket.


Oatmeal Pudding. 146

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