[88] _Political Justice_, I, 273.

[89] Ibid., p. 259.

[90] _Defense of Poetry._

[91] Ibid.

[92] _Political Justice_, Book II, Chap. II, p. 126.

[93] Ibid., I, p. 126.

[94] _Enquirer_, p. 298.

[95] _Prom. Unbound_, III, 4, 167.

[96] _Queen Mab._

[97] _Decl. of Rights_, art. 15.

[98] _Political Justice_, I, p. 221.

[99] Letter to Elizabeth Hitchener, July 26, 1811.

[100] Notes to _Queen Mab_.

[101] Sh.e.l.ley Memorials, _Essay on Christianity_, p. 297.

[102] Book VIII, ch. 2.

[103] _Queen Mab_, V.

[104] _Essay on Christianity_, p. 302.

[105] _The Enquirer_, Part II, essay 2; also _Political Justice_, Book VIII, ch. 2.

[106] _Political Enquirer_, p. 177.

[107] Notes to _Queen Mab_.

[108] V. D. Scudder: _Introduction to Prometheus Unbound_.

[109] Ibid.

[110] Letter of Prof. Dowden to the author.

[111] _Political Justice_, IV, 2.

[112] Flint: _Philosophy of History_, p. 323.

[113] _Political Justice_, Book 8, 9.

[114] _Queen Mab._

[115] Cf. Volney, Les Ruines, "Dieu apres avoir pa.s.se une eternite sans rien faire prit enfin le dessin de produire le monde."

[116] _Essay on Christianity_, p. 291.

[117] Letter to Horace Smith, April 11, 1822.

[118] Letter to Lord Ellenborough, June, 1812.

[119] _Queen Mab._

[120] _Essay on Christianity. Sh.e.l.ley Memorials_, p. 275.

[121] _Recollections by Trelawny_, p. 40.

[122] Letter to E. Hitchener, Jan. 2, 1812.

[123] Koszul: _La Jeunesse de Sh.e.l.ley_, p. 132.

[124] Letter to E. Hitchener, Oct. 26, 1811.

[125] _Grammar of a.s.sent_, p. 264.

[126] Leslie Stephen: _The Utilitarians_, Vol. III, p. 496.

[127] _Ingpen_, p. 90.

[128] _Essay on Life._

[129] _Catholic Encyclopedia_, Vol. II.

[130] "Doch ist vielleicht nichts fur die Gestaltung seines eigenartigen Genius und fur die Richtung seiner poetischen Weltauschauung von so ma geliender bedeutung gewesen, wie die Philosophie Spinoza"s."

[131] _Dowden"s Life_, Vol. I, p. 330.

[132] _Ethics_, II.

[133] _Notes to Queen Mab._

[134] _Essay on Life_, ed. by Mrs. Sh.e.l.ley, Vol. I, p. 226.

[135] P. 17, _Academical Questions_.

[136] _Ingpen_, Vol. I, p. 327.

[137] _Notes to Queen Mab._

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