WAGNER, W.: _Sh.e.l.ley"s The Cenci, a.n.a.lyse, quellen und innerer zusammenhang, etc._ 1903.

WARD, T. H.: _The English Poets._ Vol. IV. 1883.

WARD, WILFRID: _Aubrey De Vere: a Memoir._

WOODBERRY, GEORGE E.: _The Torch._ 1912.

YEATS, W. B.: _Good and Evil._ Vol. 6.

ZETTNER, HANS: _Sh.e.l.ley"s Mythendichtung._ 1902.


The author of this dissertation was born in Gla.s.sburn, Nova Scotia, November 7, 1881. He attended the public school there until the fall of 1896, when he entered St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, N. S. In November, 1900, he entered the Propaganda College, Rome, and was ordained a priest in 1904. The years 1908 and 1909 he devoted largely to the study of English literature, and in July, 1910, pa.s.sed the preliminary post-graduate examinations in English at St. Francis Xavier University. In October of the same year he entered the Catholic University of America, where he pursued studies in English under Professors Lennox and Hemelt; in sociology under Dr. Kerby, and in economics under Dr. O"Hara. To these gentlemen and to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Shahan for kindly encouragement he wishes to acknowledge a debt of grat.i.tude.


[1] A dissertation submitted to the Catholic University of America in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, June, 1912.

[2] Trent, _The Authority of Criticism and Other Essays_.

[3] _English Thought in the Eighteenth Century_, Chap. X.

[4] Cf. Halevy, _La Resolution et la Doctrine de L"Utilite_.

[5] _Queen Mab_, Canto IV.

[6] Samuel Butler, _Hudibras_.

[7] _Open Court._

[8] _Ingpen_, Letter Jan. 26, 1812.

[9] _The Real Sh.e.l.ley_, Vol. I, p. 97.

[10] Hogg: _Life of Sh.e.l.ley_, p. 136.

[11] _Oxford Studies_ (1855), quoted in _Koszul_, p. 59.

[12] _Rights of Woman_, Ch. 12, p. 174.

[13] Hogg, _Life of Sh.e.l.ley_, p. 71.

[14] "Il est vrai que Sh.e.l.ley courait un peu a l"amour de Harriet comme MacBeth courait au meurtre de Duncan. "Ce qu"il faisait ressemblait plutot a un coup de volonte qu" a un elan de pa.s.sion."--_La Jeunesse de Sh.e.l.ley_, Koszul, p. 86.

[15] _Ingpen_, Vol. I, p. 155.

[16] _Hogg_, Vol. II, p. 52.

[17] Wordsworth uses this expression in the conclusion of _The Prelude_.

[18] Cf. _The Excursion_, Book VIII.

[19] Leslie Stephen: _English Thought in the Eighteenth Century_. Vol. II.

[20] _Koszul_, p. 340.

[21] Cf. _Social England_, Trail and Mann, p. 825, also _The Political History of England_, by Broderick and Fotheringham, p. 340.

[22] _Social England_, Trail and Mann, p. 665.

[23] Thackeray, _The Four Georges_.

[24] _The French Revolution and English Literature_, p. 76.

[25] Cf. Hanc.o.c.k. _French Revolution and English Poets_, p. 56.

[26] Chapter XI. p. 66.

[27] Canto VI. p. 23.

[28] missing note

[29] _Queen Mab._

[30] _The Enquirer_, p. 174.

[31] Letter, Oct. 10, 1811. _Ingpen_, p. 142.

[32] _The Real Sh.e.l.ley_, Vol. II, p. 217.

[33] Quoted in _Sh.e.l.ley und die frauen_, Maurer.

[34] _Hogg"s Life_, p. 447.

[35] _The Naires_, book 8, p. 130.

[36] Book VI, p. 239.

[37] P. 797.

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