[188] _The Excursion_, verse 15.

[189] L. Winstanley in _Englische Studien_, V. 34.

[190] Quellen: _Vorbilder, Stoffe zu Sh.e.l.ley"s Poetischen Werken_.

[191] Jenkins: _Handbook of Literature_, p. 313.

[192] Dowden"s ed., p. 135.

[193] Dowden"s _Life of Sh.e.l.ley_, Vol. I, p. 376.

[194] Courthope: _History of Poetry_. Vol. VI, p. 194.

[195] _Essay on Owen._

[196] _Reflections_, Vol. V.

[197] _Letter to Leigh Hunt_, May 1, 1820.

[198] Letter to Leigh Hunt, p. 82.

[199] Guido Biagi: _Gli ultimi giorni di P. Sh.e.l.ley_.

[200] Quoted in _Sh.e.l.ley Society Papers_, Part I, p. 94.

[201] Wordsworth: _Ode on the Intimations of Immortality_.

[202] "Tutte le circostanze della vita dello Sh.e.l.ley attestano come in lui la poesia, la visione, l"idealismo fossero, piu che un bisogno dello spirito, il princ.i.p.ale elemento cost.i.tutive dell esser suo." G. Chiarini, Ombre e figure.

[203] _Advancement of Learning_, Book II.

[204] J. S. McKenzie: _Social Philosophy_. p. 428.

[205] Ibid., p. 42.

[206] _Am. Cath. Quarterly._ Vol. 28, p. 239.

[207] MacAulay: _Essay on the Earl of Chatham_.

[208] Carlyle calls the philosophical radicals "paralytic radicals"

because their theories lead to inaction.

[209] _The Catholic World_, Vol. 87, p. 744.

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