The Reborn Girl's Path To Glory

Chapter 114 Regardless of the Stunning Beauty, A Dead End Was Inevitable!

Chapter 114 Regardless of the Stunning Beauty, A Dead End Was Inevitable!

Song Yixiao resolved her husband"s spite with the badger game and wanted to take the opportunity to bring up the personnel issue in the mansion. Unexpectedly, while she was still pondering over the wording, here came a knock at the door. Jinxun reported nervously, “Your Highness, Madam, Miss Wei Chan is kneeing outside the back door with her maid, begging Madam to take them in!”

“Chan?” Song Yixiao was stunned and immediately tried to get out of Jian Xubai"s arms. However, he tightened his arms to prevent her from leaving, shouting impatiently via the door, “The mansion is so big. Why don"t you let her settle in a room? How come you must report everything? Do you have brains?”

Jinxun didn"t dare to rebuke.

Although Wei Chan was Song Yixiao"s cousin, since she was in trouble and rushed here to ask for help, without the permission of the master or mistress, how dare the servants to let her in randomly? Not to mention settling her down in the mansion!

However, Jinxun didn"t dare to complain to Jian Xubai. Instead, she merely said with fear, “Yes, Your Highness.” Then she left in hurry. Yet, even though she was gone, Song Yixiao was still worried. Hence, she tilted her head to dodge Jian Xubai"s kiss and said with a frown, “This morning I just sent word to the Wei Family and got a reply in the afternoon that Chan was sort of calm. Why does she come to me now? I"d better go to check on her myself.”

“She comes here with only one maid. Probably she is crying now. If you go to meet her now, you will only either see her crying or cry with her. Both are pointless!” Jian Xubai slightly narrowed his eyes and said with a faint smile, “You had better let her calm down first so that she can talk to you clearly when she meets you.”

He added, “I know you are worried about her. You are simply afraid that something untoward may happen to her. Yet, now she has left the Wei Family. On the way here, she must have seen a lot of ponds and rivers. Besides, she also has hairpins and bracelets on her. If she really wants to die, she can find a way regardless. Since she comes to our home and begs you to take her in, how can she have a death-wish? Does it matter that you meet her now or later?”

In Jian Xubai"s eyes, the most important thing at present for Song Yixiao should to be with him.

Song Yixiao got the subtext of his words. She weighed and balanced again and again. Eventually, she held back her anxiety and leaned back against his shoulder.

Jian Xubai didn"t let go of his wife until it was time for meal. They tidied up their clothes and summoned the servants. Song Yixiao asked about Wei Chan, “Where is Chan now?”

“In Jiangxing Villa at the southwest of the mansion.” Having been scolded by Jian Xubai, Jinxun didn"t dare to reply now, so Liyu had to step forward and say, “Miss Wei Chan came here in a hurry so she didn"t bring spare clothes. I have sent her a suit of Madam"s old clothes to her. Please punish me for not getting your approval first!”

“It"s okay.” Song Yixiao nodded and said, “If she needs anything else and I have it, just offer it to her…”

Then she took a glance at her husband. Jian Xubai got her hint and yet said, “Your cousin is still unmarried and we don"t have any seniors living with us. If we ask her to eat with us, it may arouse rumor and ruin her reputation.”

Song Yixiao was helpless and then said to Liyu, “Just tell my cousin that Xubai is very busy these days and has to eat hastily. We don"t want her to feel uncomfortable. Besides, she must be tired after a long trip today. She may as well rest in Jiangxing Villa tonight and I will pay her a visit later!”

Liyu replied, “Yes, Madam!”

She left to deliver the message while Jian Xubai and his wife ordered to set the table. After the meal, Jian Xubai went to the study to handle his work as usual.

However, when he stood up, he didn"t leave immediately. Instead, he looked at his wife and said, “I don"t have much work to do today.”

“I won"t stay in Jiangxing Villa for too long.” Song Yixiao thought and understood his subtext, so she sighed and promised.

Then Jian Xubai left with satisfaction.

“Let"s go to Jiangxing Villa.” Song Yixiao returned to the inner chamber to get changed and said to her maids.

Jiangxing Villa was within the backyard but it was far away from Keshao Hall, where she and Jian Xubai lived.

It was late now, so it was inconvenient to walk through artificial hills and plants. They could only go along the veranda, which was even more winding and farther. Song Yixiao walked halfway and couldn"t help complaining, “Why is my cousin accommodated in such a lonely place?”

“I think since Miss Wei Chan came in through the back door, obviously she doesn"t wish to be seen by too many people.” Jinxun lifted the lantern and led the way ahead, explaining carefully, “Therefore, we selected this quiet place for her accommodation. Madam, if you find it not okay, let me find somewhere else for her later?”

Her words were half true and half fake. She did think for Wei Chan and meanwhile she was also so frightened by Jian Xubai"s reproach that she didn"t dare to let Miss Wei Chan live near Keshao Hall. If Jian Xubai learnt about this accidentally and got angry with this cousin for her standing in the way, Jinxun would be the one held accountable for that!

Song Yixiao didn"t know what Jinxun was thinking about. Yet, she was still satisfied with Jinxun"s explanation, saying, “No need to let her settle into other places for now. I"ll see what to do after I talk with her.”

It took them a bowl of tea"s time to arrive at Jiangxing Villa.

This place was distant from the main hall, but under the light, the carved beams, painted rafters, red fences and green tiles were faintly visible. Besides, flowers and gra.s.s were luxuriant here. There were even bells hung at the eaves" corners, which were sumptuous and yet delicate.

This place was good enough for a cousin to reside.

“Your Ladyship, you are finally here!” As Liyu delivered words to them that Song Yixiao would come here, Wei Chan"s maid, Sudie, was waiting outside the door all the time. Upon seeing Song Yixiao"s figure, she was overjoyed and hurriedly advanced to pay respects, “Her Ladyship is counting on you now!”

Instead of replying to her words, Song Yixiao only said, “Let me see her… Did she eat supper?”

“Her Ladyship has no appet.i.te.” Sudie said with a bitter smile while conducting Song Yixiao into the room, “She is waiting for you!”

Amidst talking, they had walked past the atrium outside the Jiangxing Villa. After they entered the villa, they went across a ground padauk screen inlayed with micalex and painted with landscape. They saw Wei Chan sitting on the visitor seat alone with her head lowered. Her slightly round chin became thinner within two or three days.

When she raised her head, the glitter in her eyes just resembled shooting stars.

It sparkled at the cost of life and shone in the brilliance at the eve of destruction.

Regardless of the stunning beauty, a dead end was inevitable.

“Did what Lu Guanlun said really happen?” Song Yixiao and Wei Chan looked each other in the eye. Then Song Yixiao hinted the servants to leave with a wave while she sat on the seat of honor herself, asking bluntly, “If not, why did Lu Zimiao have your pouch?”

Her eyes got colder, “As I recall when you lived in Hanxia Villa, you made only one pouch, the one that I teach you. I also asked you whether it was for me, but you told me that it was only a practice?”

“I brought the pouch with me back to the Wei Family"s mansion.” Wei Chan looked aside and stopped making eye contact with her, adding in a slightly raucous voice, “And I lost it a few months ago!”

“You lost it?” Song Yixiao frowned and was about to say something when Wei Chan spoke quickly, “After Qiaoqin sent words to the Wei Family this morning, my grandmother decided to investigate into it. A servant of my dwelling couldn"t stand the torture and confessed that she stole my pouch and exchanged with Ms. Bo"s daughter-in-law for a golden hairpin!”

Song Yixiao instantly swallowed back her words. She became stern suddenly and took a deep breath, asking with a bit of hope, “Did you offend Ms. Bo before?”

“I"ve offended auntie!” Wei Chan grinned and yet her eyes didn"t have any glimmer of smile at all. Instead, her eyes appeared dull. Her facial expression was rather strange, “I put the incense given by the Dowager Consort into Cousin Guanyun"s room!”

Song Yixiao almost subconsciously stood up!

“Cousin Guanyun is okay.” Wei Chan spoke, “Otherwise, how can I have the chance to turn to you? I would be killed by Auntie before, wouldn"t I?”

Song Yixiao gazed at her for a while. After confirming that no regret or guilt was seen in her eyes, she slowly sat down and sneered, “Just because the Dowager Consort promised to let you marry the heir of Prince of Hengshan?”

“He is your legitimate cousin!”

“He is only four years old!”

“Do you remember that he pulled your skirt and called you Cousin Chan when you just arrived at Prince of Hengshan"s mansion?”

“Since he was born, you and I are his only peers who can play with him!”

“Moreover, the Dowager Consort even looks down upon my mother. How is it possible that she will take you as her legitimate grand-daughter-in-law?”

She looked calm and composed but she still shed tears, “How could you try to hurt him? Why were you so stupid?”

When Wei Mengying sent Lu Guanyun to Hanxia Villa, Song Yixiao thought that her mother was playing the trick of a thief crying “Stop thief!” Unexpectedly, although Wei Mengying held such a thought, she still hit the mark by a fluke!

However, astonishingly, the ringleader turned out to be Wei Chan whom Wei Mengying ordered to take into the prince"s mansion!

Upon thinking of that Wei Chan was also there for several days when Lu Guanyun stayed in Hanxia Villa, even though he was fine now, Song Yixiao also felt frightened, “When you were in Hanxia Villa…”

“Guanyun stuck to you all day long!” Wei Chan interrupted casually, “Even if I wanted to do something, I didn"t have any chance at all!”

Never was Song Yixiao so delighted that her brother was clingy to her!

However, then she also found it unbelievable, “You"ve done such a thing. As I didn"t know, it was understandable that you asked for my help. Now that you"ve told me the truth, do you think I will still take you in?”

“Yixiao, do you remember that you once let Ms. Zhao ask me whether I suffered grievance at the birthday feast of the Dowager Consort afterwards?” Wei Chan said casually, “Back then, I didn"t acknowledge anything. Later on, I went back to the Wei Family"s mansion soon.”

Seeing that Song Yixiao nodded her head, she laughed, put down the tea bowl and slowly pulled up the sleeve.

“What are you doing…” Song Yixiao was confused at first and then thought of something. Her face turned pale instantly. The confusion in her eyes became fear and shock!

Her sleeve was pulled to the shoulder, showing a red point on her fair-skinned arm.

Song Yixiao couldn"t help pressing her chests and felt dizziness after surviving a disaster!


Wei Chan fetched a napkin, dipped it in the tea and then wiped the red point with it. Shortly, the red point was gone!

“My family found a folk prescription to walk through the wedding night with my future husband. Yet, the Shougong Sand on the arm cannot be recovered anymore.” Wei Chan took a look at Song Yixiao whose face was pale, and then said in a soft voice, “In order to cover others" eyes and ears, I can only fake it with rouge. However, no matter how real it looks, it is still fake!”

Song Yixiao held her napkin tightly, staring at the tea stain on her arm. She felt that the blood all over her body just converged at her head and then streamed to the sole of her feet. She had alternant feelings of hotness and coldness. The instaneous and frequent alternation of coldness and hotness made her feel as if her soul were detached from her body.

Muddle-headed, she finally asked, “Is it… my mother?”

“It"s the Dowager Consort.” Wei Chan laughed resentfully and then said in a nearly relaxed tone, “On the day of the birthday feast, I was ordered by Auntie to stand by on the way which the heir of Marquis Fuyang must pa.s.s. You"ve known how I failed the mission, so I"ll pa.s.s this part! When I wanted to return to the feast, I was dragged to a lonely place by a group of women on a corridor with my mouth covered…”

She simply continued saying as if she didn"t see Song Yixiao shivering, “Three or two men were waiting there. I cannot remember it clearly. All I can remember was I kept crying for Auntie, you, my Father, Mother, Grandmother, whoever I could think of, including Sudie… Until I couldn"t cry out anymore!”

“I thought I would die for pain. Even if I didn"t, I knew that I couldn"t live anymore!” Wei Chan put down the sleeve and said casually, “But maybe the women of the Wei Family are just not virgin material, like Auntie"s remarriage, or I still begged them to spare my life when I had only a faint breath of life left on the ground.”

“Therefore, they suggested, if I could help Lu Guanlun become the heir of Prince of Hengshan, they would let go of me and pretend that nothing happened. As a result, I volunteered to ask for the incense and then put it into Guanyun"s room after returning to the feast!”

She chuckled frivolously, “Guanyun is innocent and young, and I do like him. However, my life is more important anyway!”

“Moreover, I lived well in my own home. If it were not for Auntie, why would I go to Prince of Hengshan"s mansion?”

“If I didn"t go to Prince of Hengshan"s mansion, how could I suffer that?”

“Auntie owes me a life!”

Speaking of this, Wei Chan looked to Song Yixiao sharply, asking resentfully, “Don"t you also owe me?”

She snorted, “Auntie has been in charge of the household affairs for a long time. Usually, she would never let me suffer wrong like that! It was because you took away the sweetheart of Princess Changxing, thus making the two princesses go to Princess of Hengshan"s mansion. Auntie feared that you might suffer, so she focused on protecting you. How could she not neglect me?”

“After all, my life is ruined by you and your mother!”

“Why? Why?” Song Yixiao shouted with her face covered with tears. She grabbed the armrests of the chair too harshly that she got cramp in her hands and couldn"t support her unconscious body. She fell on the ground. “When Mother brought her to the prince"s mansion, I clearly sensed that there must be something behind it! Yet, just as I feared offending Mother, I only dared to pay attention to her acts and moves instead of getting the answer from Mother. Back then I was engaged to Jian Xubai. If I wanted to protect her, I could find a way anyway!”

“But I was only thinking whether Mother would instigate Wei Chan to frame Lu Guanlun but I forgot this 13-year-old cousin would be in danger when she was recklessly involved into the fight for the heir of Prince of Hengshan!”

“She is only 13 years old! 13 years old only!”

When Wei Chan just arrived at Hanxia Villa, she came into the hall grinningly with her arms holding malus halliana, which was vaguely remembered by Song Yixiao. Only after half a year, this pretty and out-going girl took away the camouflage, leaving mere haze on her face now.

Her cold and resolute eyes resembled those of a mother wolf in a hopeless situation. How painful she was to take this long shot gamble?

If Song Yixiao guarded against her less and cared for her more, wouldn"t the mishap happen to her then?

Looking at Wei Chan whose eyes were indifferent, Song Yixiao only felt extremely grieved. She climbed up staggeringly and then crawled forward, throwing herself to Wei Chan"s knees. Holding her tightly, Song Yixiao burst into tears, “Why didn"t you tell me before? Why? Why didn"t you come to tell me until today?”

Regardless of being held by Song Yixiao, Wei Chan stared at her depression with a poker face with dried tear stains. After a while, she asked peacefully, “A dutiful son is obliged to pay his mother"s debts. Besides, Guanyun doesn"t get hurt. On what ground does Auntie put me on the road to ruin?”

“Yixiao, tell me. Am I right?”

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