Cui Jianlian had a high status and a bright future. Although Song Yixiao was angry, she couldn"t hurt her at present and had to wait patiently for the opportunity.

In the next few days, she prepared the gift with the help of Wei Chan. After they finished it the day before Dowager Consort"s birthday, all people in the Hanxia Villa heaved a sigh of relief.

They took a good rest at night and got up early the next morning. After dressing up, they hurried to Wei Mengying"s yard to pay respects to her.

Wei Mengying was dressing at that time. When she saw her daughter and niece coming, she asked them whether they ate or not. Then she said, "Chan, stay with me. Yixiao, go to accompany the Dowager Consort. Lanhui just told me that the Dowager Consort asked you to stay with her today."

It was reasonable. As an outsider living in the prince"s mansion, Song Yixiao didn"t dare to bother the Dowager Consort. So she used to make a kowtow in a distance on the Dowager Consort"s birthday party. However, at present, she would marry the Emperor"s nephew according to the Empress Dowager"s decree. How couldn"t the Dowager Consort give her face in public?

Besides, it was also good for Song Yixiao. Everyone knew that the Song Family didn"t want her. If other people thought Prince of Hengshan"s mansion treated her as their own daughter, she would have faces when she had social life in the future.

Hearing that, Song Yixiao of course agreed, "Chan, please take care of my mother today."

Wei Chan smiled, "It"s good for me to stay with aunt to learn something."

Wei Mengying told her what she should care about when she accompanied the Dowager Consort. Song Yixiao remembered all of them and then asked for leave after Wei Mengying stopped saying.

When she arrived at the courtyard of the Dowager Consort, Lanhui welcomed her in person, "The Dowager Consort just talked about you! What a coincidence that you come here in time!"

Then she praised her dress today with a smile, "Few girls dare to wear begonia red crepe coat with narrow sleeves and dark green skirt with pear blossom patterns. Because they will look countrified. But when you wear that today, you look so bright but not garish!"

"You flatter me!" From her words, Song Yixiao knew that she should pretend to be full of appreciation and the Dowager Consort would show kindness to her. So she instantly adjusted her expression to look thankful and her eyes were moist with tears. She said, "How could I have such a good life today if the prince"s mansion didn"t take me in?"

Lanhui twitched the corner of her mouth and thought it was no wonder that Song Yixiao could marry Duke of Yan with her low status. Even if Jian Xubai didn"t like her, she could see daylight sooner or later because she knew how to suit her actions to the times.

Then Lanhui thought the Dowager Consort was right to try to break Song Yixiao"s marriage. "Seventh Young Master is supported by Princess Consort Wei. The Prince likes him so much. And his sister will marry into a powerful family. Even if Third Young Master becomes the heir of the prince, when something unexpected happens to the Dowager Consort... Third Young Master can"t maintain his position!"

Lanhui was the Dowager Consort"s trusted subordinate and was implied secretly that she would be Lu Guanlun"s concubine. So she took the Dowager Consort and Lu Guanlun"s side and didn"t like Song Yixiao"s present behavior. But she hid her expression well and smiled, "The Dowager Consort regards you as her own granddaughter. Don"t be so polite. The threshold here has just been changed. Please watch out!"

They pa.s.sed through pa.s.sages and yards and went to a warm room where the Dowager Consort was. Song Yixiao paid respects to her and knelt down to congratulate her birthday. The Dowager Consort accepted it smilingly and kindly praised her "cleverness" and "a.s.siduity".

Song Yixiao said some polite greetings to her. Then she gave her a birthday present and wished her a long and happy life in due time.

The crane and deer embroidered in the picture were not vogue. But it was made by Song Yixiao with sincerity. Besides, she was good at embroidering and made each gra.s.s and stone lively, showing the great vitality.

People in the room all commended her present. The Dowager Consort had planned to treat her perfunctorily before she came. At this moment, she was a little stunned and said with complicated expression, "I"ve heard that you are good at embroidering. But I didn"t expect that your work was so excellent at such a young age!"

Her words were sincere. But Song Yixiao didn"t care about what she said. She just smiled sedately and said modestly.

But she didn"t know the Dowager Consort was sad in her heart. "They are almost at the same age with the same teachers from the girl"s school. I always check the homework of Kou"er and Chai"er. But after Wei Mengying had Guanyun, she obviously ignores her daughter whose father is her former husband. How can Song Yixiao perform better than my Kou"er and Chai"er?"

Song Yixiao didn"t stand out these years to lose Lu Kou"er and her sister"s face. The Dowager Consort was so n.o.ble and never paid attention to her because she disliked her.

But when the Dowager Consort pondered, she found that except family, her two granddaughters were not as good as Song Yixiao in appearance, manner, spirit and skill!

The Dowager Consort wouldn"t admit that Song Yixiao was more talented than Lu Kou"er and Lu Chai"er. So she had to blame Wei Mengying, "Song Yixiao is Mengying"s daughter and of course cares for seeking fame and wealth. How can she not learn hard due to her ambition? But she isn"t in vain after Her Majesty the Empress Dowager asks her to marry Duke Jian!"

She took a sip of tea to cover up her mood, and then smilingly commented the excellent places of the picture with other people. At the same time, Lu Kou"er came with Lu Chai"er.

"Grandmother, what are you looking? We"ve heard your voice in the courtyard." Lu Kou"er bobbed and then walked smilingly close to the Dowager Consort to ask.

Before the Dowager Consort answered, Lu Kou"er had seen the picture of crane and deer. She was stunned suddenly and looked jealous clearly.

"Doesn"t your father ask you to help your two sisters-in-law?" The Dowager Consort sighed secretly after seeing her expression. She waved her hand to let servants put away the picture and then asked casually, "Why are you here? You"ve just done it for few days. Do you want to avoid it lazily?"

"I have helped sisters-in-law for many days." Lu Kou"er finally calmed down and held the Dowager Consort"s arm. She smiled, "But today is your birthday. I just want to accompany you!"

In fact, only two young mistresses replaced Wei Mengying to manage the prince"s mansion. But there was a great grudge between them and they fought with each other with their power, making the prince"s mansion not peaceful. So Lu Kou"er took part in it to balance them.

But today was the Dowager Consort"s birthday. Madam Kong and Madam Jin wouldn"t make trouble on such an important day as long as they were not stupid. So Lu Kou"er dared to be lazy this time. The Dowager Consort didn"t blame her after asking and then she turned to ask her another granddaughter, "Is Chai"er thin recently?"

"It may be because the turn of seasons. I"m lack of appet.i.te recently." Lu Chai"er puckered in a smile. She looked respectful and amiable, without showing any negative mood, "I"m sorry to make you worry about me!"

"How sensitive you are! This is your home and you are not a stranger. If you don"t like the food, just ask the cook to change!" The Dowager Consort blamed her softly, "How can you ignore your health?"

The Dowager Consort looked so kind. If First Young Mistress didn"t tell the truth to Song Yixiao, she would think the Dowager Consort was a good grandmother who cared about her granddaughter!

Lu Chai"er was still young and couldn"t hide her anger at this moment. She looked terrible and kept silent for a while. Then she finally said without a smile, "Grandmother, you misunderstand me! The food is not bad. I just don"t want to eat anything recently!"

"Really?" The Dowager Consort told Lanhui as soon as she heard that, "Gave me the Fragrant Green Liquid!"

Then she showed her concern over Lu Chai"er, "The Fragrant Green Liquid smells good and is delicious. Few people dislike it. Have a cup of it later. Your appet.i.te may be improved!"

"It"s so precious. Is it a waste to let me drink it?" Lu Chai"er mocked herself secretly. She refused with a forced smile, "The Empress Dowager sends it to you especially. How can I drink it?"

The Fragrant Green Liquid was a drink distilled from flowers and fruits.

It dated back to more than ten years ago. Jinguo Grand Princess got a prescription accidentally and asked people to make it. Then she found it good and consecrated to the Empress Dowager. It became popular because it was fragrant and could improve people"s looks.

But correspondingly, it was harsh to choose the ingredients and produce.

Even the royal family didn"t have much to send people after supplying themselves.

So only the most powerful families could enjoy it.

The t.i.tle of Prince of Hengshan was hereditary since the beginning of this dynasty. The Dowager Consort and the Empress Dowager were of the same generation. Even if the Dowager Consort was awarded many times, she couldn"t drink it without stint.

Few of her juniors could drink it. Only Prince of Hengshan and Lu Guanlun were given favored treatment in Prince of Hengshan"s mansion. So Lu Kou"er looked shocked and jealous at this time. Obviously, it was also a rare thing for her.

As a concubine"s daughter, Lu Chai"er had never smelt it before.

Grandmother was willing to take it out today, which seemed that she paid attention to her health. But in fact, she just wanted her to marry Zhuo Ping"an obediently.

Thinking of it, the emotion of Lu Chai"er became more complicated!

"Don"t say that!" The Dowager Consort still smiled kindly and gently. She complained lightly, "How can it be a waste? You are young lady of the prince"s mansion! What kind of precious thing you can"t use?"

At the same time, Lanhui got out with a gla.s.s bottle of four or five cun. Song Yixiao found the Fragrant Green Liquid was really light blue like spring water, sealed in the gla.s.s bottle. Lanhui"s hands became emerald against it.

A delicate fragrance was given out after opening the cork. It was hard to distinguish the fragrance belonged to flowers or fruits. Anyway, it was sweet and delicious.

"It"s no wonder that both the Grand Princess and the Empress Dowager praised it. Before drinking, I"ve been attracted by its fragrance!" Song Yixiao didn"t want to be misunderstood. So she stopped looking at it instantly after glancing at it. Even concubine"s sons never drank it. She was just an outsider regarded as a stepdaughter. If she looked at it for a long time, she would be disliked by others!

But the Dowager Consort asked people to bring gla.s.s cups and poured it to her granddaughters. Then she smiled, "Yixiao, have a try!"

Song Yixiao was shocked first and then her heart sank suddenly, "Is there something wrong in the Fragrant Green Liquid?"

Song Yixiao saw that Lanhui poured it to Lu Kou"er and her sister who were the Dowager Consort"s granddaughters. Although the Dowager Consort liked Lu Guanlun much more than them, they were the Dowager Consort"s juniors. Song Yixiao wouldn"t doubt the Dowager Consort intention.

But at present, she had known that the Dowager Consort could sacrifice her granddaughter easily. Even though Lu Kou"er and her sister also drank, she couldn"t make sure the Fragrant Green Liquid was safe!

On the contrary, Song Yixiao was more alert, "Even if people find that it has problems, who will suspect the Dowager Consort because her two granddaughters are also hurt?"

Maybe the Empress Dowager and Emperor Xianjia would comfort the Dowager Consort after the accident!

As for the criminal... Was it hard for the Dowager Consort to find some scapegoats?

Last time, the Dowager Consort recommended her to be Commandery Princess Qingjiang"s daughter-in-law. Like that, this method today was simple and effective!

The current appearance of Jian Xubai last time made the Dowager Consort"s plan fail. And the Dowager Consort had to use her granddaughter to calm Commandery Princess Qingjiang"s anger. But at present, Song Yixiao could only rely on herself.

"I can"t drink it!" She made a decision soon, "I should be cautious! It"s only a cup of liquid. Even if it is sweet, how can it be compared with her future and life?"

But Lanhui had brought it stably to close to her with a smile. She persuaded her actively, "Miss Song, please!"

Looking at the emerald Fragrant Green Liquid in the gla.s.s cup, Song Yixiao felt it knotty: Should she pretend to overturn it by accident?

But Lanhui stood next to her cautiously. Song Yixiao believed that Lanhui must "help" her if she seemed to overturn it. Besides, the Fragrant Green Liquid hadn"t been taken back. If the Dowager Consort insisted on letting her drink it, the Dowager Consort would give her another cup if she overturned it.

She could say it was an accident at the first time. But how could it be so coincidental if she overturned it again?

Other people would think she made trouble to the Dowager Consort deliberately!

What should she do?

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