The Reborn Girl's Path To Glory

Chapter 72 The Wedding

Chapter 72 The Wedding

The Empress Dowager didn"t want her dear grandson"s wedding to be put off. Although Jian Pingyu had retired and became more vigorous with age, after he received the secret imperial decree, he had to lie on the bed and pretended to be ill.

His first wife had been dead early and his second wife, Madam Wen, also pa.s.sed away more than ten years ago. Then he didn"t get married any more.

He had some concubines. But when something important happened, his eldest concubine"s son, Jian Liyou, would mastermind overall situation.

Jian Liyou sent his trusted old servant to go to the imperial capital quickly. The servant told Jinguo Grand Princess and her husband with tears, “Old Master is ill suddenly. We"ve invited many famous doctors but no one can cure him. They even don"t dare to make a prescription! First Master is so nervous that he isn"t in the mood to sleep and eat. Someone told him that in this case, he"d better let juniors get married soon. The wedding will save Old Master"s life by counteracting Old Master"s bad luck.”

However, “Although First Master has abundant offspring, they are either married or too young! Other relatives" son can"t replace it. So I was sent here to beg Your Highness and Second Master to let your two sons get married soon!”

Jinguo Grand Princess had already realized his intention. But before she agreed, Jian Likuang had said, “The date of Yiyou"s wedding needs to be talked about gain. Xubai is the youngest son and his wedding can"t be earlier than his elder brother"s wedding. We could let my younger brother remarry. Since his wife died of dystocia, he is alone without any concubines. He looks so lonely!”

“Do you want to find a wife for your younger brother?” The Grand Princess turned to look at him with extremely cold eyes. Her voice seemed to squeeze out from her teeth, “Which girl do you plan to let your brother marry? It"ll take much time to choose a proper wife. Elder Brother is very steady but even feels worried. You must know Father"s condition is not good because Elder Brother is not in the mood to sleep or eat! But you ignore Xubai and Yixiao"s wedding and plan to find a new wife for your younger brother slowly! How can you be his son like that?”

Jian Likuang lost his face after she scolded him. He almost wanted to show his anger. After taking a deep breath many times, he finally controlled his emotion and said frigidly, “I"m wrong.”

“You fool!” Jinguo Grand Princess snorted and ignored him. Then she changed her expression to be kind and turned to talk with the fainthearted old servant who hoped to disappear at this time. She said, “As juniors, how can we let our elders suffer pain without doing anything? Don"t worry. I will go to talk about it with Princess Consort Wei tomorrow. I must let my father-in-law be well!”

Wei Mengying was worried that she would lose her son-in-law. When the Grand Princess came in person and told her the wedding would be held on time, Wei Mengying was so happy and had no objection!

They didn"t worry about the public opinion because they knew that of all virtues filial piety was most important. They just wanted their grandfather to get well soon. No one could blame Jian Xubai who held his wedding earlier than his elder brother. Instead, people should praise his filial piety.

As a result, Song Yixiao got married on the 15th of September as scheduled.

The wedding was held at dusk. In order to keep energetic, she was woken up before noon. She sat down in front of her dressing-table mirror to look at herself. Her rosy cheek was fair, tender and shiny, like dewy peach blossom because she got enough sleep. Her eyes were bright and her teeth were white. Her facial features were very delicate. How soft and beautiful she was!

The woman who was invited to make up for her praised her beauty as soon as she saw Song Yixiao, “You are so pretty. Do you need to be made up? After s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g off the fine hairs on the face and neck, you will be the most beautiful woman!”

On such an important day, Wei Mengying must watch out everything. Hearing that, she smiled, “Who doesn"t want to be more beautiful at this moment? You are so good at making up. Please let my daughter look pretty in her wedding!”

“Young lady has already been attractive enough now.” The woman smiled, “Which young master is so lucky to marry her?”

People around her said that the bridegroom was Duke of Yan. The woman had already known the answer. But she still asked deliberately so that she could congratulate at this time, “Wow! What a perfect match! He is talented and she is beautiful. This is a union made by heaven!”

Everyone liked compliments. Wei Mengying was clear about her intention. But she was in a good mood at present. So she asked her maid to put a pair of golden barley in a purse and gave it to the woman. Wei Mengying said, “Thanks for your blessing. May you also have good fortune!”

The woman thanked her with a smile and asked a maid to take water for her. Then she cleaned her hands and began to make up for Song Yixiao with cosmetics. Wei Mengying had some suggestions and discussed with the woman. Sometimes, the woman dissatisfied what she did and made up again.

Song Yixiao sat there like a puppet to be made up by the woman. Four hours later, she finally heard their words, “It"s over!”

She heaved a sigh of relief as if she was released from prison. Wei Mengying instantly pushed her arm to urge her and said, “Look at yourself. We still have some time. If you are dissatisfied, we will change!”

Hearing that, Song Yixiao looked at the mirror. Her face was like cotton-rose hibiscus with bright eyes and beautiful arched eyebrows. Her cheeks were like peach blossom. Her small red lips were moist and charming. She really looked more beautiful like what Wei Mengying requested. How attractive and gorgeous she was!

She of course had no objection.

“Let"s wear your clothes!” Wei Mengying nodded.

Maids carefully held the hairpins and wedding dress. Jian Xubai was a n.o.ble duke. His wife was also n.o.ble. Song Yixiao could wear a coronet with nine flower hairpins and had a two temples bun with nine hair ornaments. Her clothes had nine sets of patterns and her collar had white and black patterns. And her belt was jade. Her whole dress was so luxurious and solemn.

After wearing them, Wei Mengying told her, “Raise your hands and turn around. Let me look at you.”

Song Yixiao listened to her to move. When she stopped, she saw her mother"s obvious praise in her eyes. “How elegant and gorgeous you are!” Her mother said.

“Mother!” She said shyly.

“Why are you shy?” Wei Mengying smiled, “You are a bride now. How can"t you be beautiful at this time?”

“Your Highness, you are right. Your Ladyship, don"t be humble.” Other people agreed, “You look attractive and beautiful now!”

After all people joked and flattered Song Yixiao, Wei Mengying thought about the time in her heart and then implied them to leave. “I will tell Yixiao about few words alone!” She said.

When only the mother and daughter were in the room, Wei Mengying let her daughter walk close to her. She smoothed Song Yixiao"s dress and looked at her young face for a moment. Then she said with tears in her eyes, “Six years is such a quick period. Now my daughter will get married!”

No matter she was sincere or not, what she said made Song Yixiao burst into tears. Sure enough, Song Yixiao would get married. What she wanted in her precious life was to get married.

Song Yixiao didn"t look forward to a good marriage or loving a young man. She just wanted to leave the Song Family and other people!

But she failed in her precious life and was drowned with grief and anger, condemned by the public.

In her present life, she had worn the wedding dress before the age of marring.

Although her husband said that he didn"t like her, her present life was better than her previous life.

“I don"t want to leave you, Mother!” She still remembered the desperation of her previous life and the pain when she was drowned and suffocated. Then she thought of the fear and hope to be a wife. Unconsciously, her face was covered with tears.

She bit the tip of her tongue tightly to calm down. Then she said what she should say at this moment, “I really don"t want to leave you!”

“Me too.” Wei Mengying didn"t know her daughter"s true feeling. Seeing her tears, Wei Mengying just thought her daughter had affection for her. So she was happy and rested her heart. She wiped Song Yixiao"s tears with her handkerchief and scolded her lightly, “You"ve just made up. How can you cry? I have to ask people to make up for you again… Fortunately, you will still live in the imperial capital after you get married and won"t live with your mother-in-law. Remember to come back to see me. Okay?”

Song Yixiao nodded with a sob.

“When you are a kid, you look so small…” Wei Mengying hugged her and remembered things in a gentle voice. Although she felt it warm, Song Yixiao just thought it ironic because she was given up by her mother in her previous life.

“Mother, stop saying!” Song Yixiao couldn"t bear it anymore and interrupted her finally. Seeing Wei Mengying shocked face, Song Yixiao took a deep breath and pretended to be concerned, “You are pregnant. If you continue to talk about the past with me and become excited, it will be bad for the fetus.”

Was her daughter afraid that she would be angry after thinking of Madam Pang? Wei Mengying finally rested a.s.sured and patted Song Yixiao"s back of the hands happily. “Don"t worry. I have a good life now. Only people who hate us will feel unhappy!” Wei Mengying said.

Such as Song Yuan and Madam Pang!

“But you work yourself too hard these days…” Song Yixiao twitched the corner of her mouth and hided her upset mood. Then she acted like a spoiled child to let her mother take care of herself. This was a good way, stopping Wei Mengying"s memory and making Wei Mengying happy.

They didn"t stop coaxing each other until servants came to urge Wei Mengying. “Most of guests have come here. Ms. Bo is not eligible to treat some madams. You"d better go there in person.” The servant said.

Wei Mengying was reluctant to leave. She comforted her daughter, “I"ve taught you everything. Don"t be so nervous. You are the best one according to your appearance and talent. And Jian Xubai chose you by himself. Even if he denies that he likes you, he must have a good impression on you… You just need to do what I"ve told you!”

Seeing Song Yixiao nodded to show she had remembered all, Wei Mengying finally left reluctantly.

After all, men were different from women. The air in the Hanxia Villa was happy and a little sad due to departure. While Duke of Yan"s mansion was full of joy.

Jinguo Grand Princess looked smilingly at her handsome son who was standing in the hall. Her eyes were full of love. “Xubai will be an adult after you get married. In the future, you need to support the whole mansion!”

“Even if I become an adult, I will still be your son.” Jian Xubai said. His wedding dress and coronet belong to the n.o.ble"s style. His coat was black and his clothes were light red with nine patterns. His coronet had nine strips of black beads and his hair was fixed by a jade hairpin. This set of full dress was from the ancient time, which made it serious and solemn. Not everyone could show its elegance when wearing it.

But Jian Xubai was born in a n.o.ble family and had been used to give orders since he was young. The dress made him more graceful and dignified. He looked so distinguished.

At present, he made his sleeves close and raised his eyes, standing there with a heroic spirit. But he behaved in a spoiled manner to his mother with a smile, “Mother, you should still love me even if I get married!”

“You are my sweetheart. How can"t I love you?” The Grand Princess was so proud of her son and sighed with emotion. She touched the hairpin on her temple to press the corner of her eyes secretly. Then she smiled, “You are also a duke. Duke of Yan"s mansion belongs to you…”

At the same time, she heard a clatter made by Jian Likuang to interrupt her words. There was a table between them. He sat there and put down the tea bowl with his dark face.

The Grand Princess frowned, “What"s the matter with you? Xubai will go to bring his wife back. Don"t you want to say anything to him?”

“The wedding belongs to our son instead of our daughter.” Jian Likuang didn"t lift his eyes and just said lightly, “He just needs to bring his wife back without going out of the imperial capital. It"s not far away. Is it necessary to tell him something?”

At this time, what the father said made people disappointed.

Jinguo Grand Princess"s face twisted for a moment. But she finally took a deep breath to control her feeling after seeing her aggrieved youngest son standing on the stage. She forced a smile to smooth things over, “Although it is popular that the bridegroom will be blocked, how can your wife"s family create difficulties to you since you are so handsome and talented? It"s no wonder that your father doesn"t worry about you.”

She took a look at the copper water clock and then said, “It"s almost time to go. Prepare to go to the bride"s home to escort her back to the wedding. I am waiting for you!”

“Yes!” Jian Xubai wasn"t full of high spirit at present and went out in dismay.

Jinguo Grand Princess felt so sorry to see her youngest son"s sad figure. After she thought her son had gone away, she didn"t hide her emotion anymore and stood up instantly. She grabbed the eunuch"s horsetail whisk to hit Jian Likuang. “Why do you look so unhappy? Hum? Why? You never look good in our son"s wedding. How dare you do like that? Do you want to destroy our lives?” She scolded.

But the angry Grand Princess didn"t know that Jian Xubai returned to normal as soon as he went out. He curled the corner of his mouth and chuckled at his father"s discomfiture. How dared his father treat him badly in front of his mother? Although Jinguo Grand Princess was a kind mother, in fact, she couldn"t be regarded as a good wife!

Over the years, he still didn"t know how to flatter his father. But he had learned how to get his mother"s love since he was young without anyone taught him!

His father wanted to treat him badly. How could his mother agree?

After trapping his father, Jian Xubai went to escort his bride back in a good mood. Song Yixiao wasn"t the kid of Prince of Hengshan and it wasn"t a good thing for the prince"s mansion after she married into the purple. So the prince"s mansion didn"t work hard to prepare the wedding. They decided to entertain the guests after sending Song Yixiao out casually.

So it was so easy to escort the bride back to the wedding. In order to match the auspicious time, they detoured when they were back to Duke of Yan"s mansion.

Before the auspicious time, the bridal sedan chair arrived in front of the door of Duke of Yan"s mansion.

The red rope with a true lover"s knot was put into Song Yixiao"s hand. The light strength and words of maids around her guided her to the main hall of Duke of Yan"s mansion.

The best man"s sound was loud and melodious.

“First salute the heaven and earth!”


“Second salute the parents!”


“The couple salute each other!”


The finely embroidered robes brushed the spotless ground again and again. The beads and jades collided with each other when they kowtowed. Its sound was very little but clear, mixing with the music and noise. At this moment, both Jian Xubai and Song Yixiao had a complicated feeling which was hard to describe.

The feeling was extremely strong. But they would be blank when they tried to describe it.

It was like a dream or a fantasy. The hesitation in their clear mind was hard to disappear.

After the wedding, they would share their time, misfortune and fortune. They would cross difficult barriers together and share the honor and failure.

Sitting decently on the bed, Song Yixiao quietly saw the luckiest woman putting the hair of herself and Jian Xubai together and making a true lover"s knot. Then the woman seriously put it into a silk bag. Song Yixiao suddenly thought of a poem she had read before, “Put your hair together, let you know that you will be together forever.”

However, she raised her head and saw Jian Xubai"s calm eyes. Her light expectation disappeared soon. She began to mock herself and become clear. “The previous life has pa.s.sed by. I"ve changed my present life. But now it is just beginning!”

She wanted a marriage with love or to marry a man she loved. But since she became the mistress of Duke of Yan"s mansion…

Song Yixiao stopped looking at him and secretly thought her mother"s words before she got married.

Who didn"t want to have a good life?

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