Item No. 3. Filling in openings, $1 per cubic foot.

Item No. 4. Bracing walls, $200.

Item No. 5. Wire fence, 3 cents per foot complete.

Item No. 6. Roof, $2,000.

(Signed) T. L. Stouffer.

F. E. White.

Florence, Arizona, _January 28, 1891_.


Bid for putting a roof on the Casa Grande ruins as per plans and specifications furnished, $3,000.

(Signed) C. D. Henry.


Bid for fencing in the Casa Grande ruins: Furnishing the posts and barbed wire, for 100 feet of fence, $7 per 100 feet.

(Signed) C. D. Henry.


Bids for restoring the Casa Grande ruins:

First. Removing debris from interior of the ruins, 320 cubic yards, more or less, $1 per yard; 140 cubic yards from exterior of the ruins, at 60 cents per yard.

Second. Eight hundred cubic feet of brick masonry underpinning, more or less, at $1.30 per cubic foot.

Third. One thousand cubic feet, more or less, of brick masonry to fill in cavities, at $1.40 per cubic foot.

Fourth. Bracing walls, as per plans, $120.

Fifth. Five hundred lineal feet of 2 by 4 square timber at 8 cents per foot, lumber measure.

(Signed) C. D. Henry.


Phoenix, Arizona, _February 11, 1891_.

Cosmos Mindeleff, Esq., _Tempe, Arizona_.

Dear Sir: I hereby submit for your consideration, in reference to the plans and specifications for the preservation of the Casa Grande ruins of Arizona, bids upon the following propositions, to wit:

First. "Cleaning out the debris." For the removal of 470 cubic yards of material, more or less, at $2.65 per cubic yard.

Second. "Underpinning walls." For 800 cubic feet of brick masonry, more or less, laid and plastered as specified, at $4.25 per cubic foot.

Third. "Filling in openings." For filling in cavities in walls and restoring lintels of openings, as specified, 1,000 cubic feet, more or less, at $2.25 per cubic foot.

Fourth. "Bracing walls." For bracing walls, $85.30.

Fifth. "Wire fencing." Twenty-five dollars and twenty-five cents per 100 feet of completed fence.

Sixth. "Roofing." As per specifications, $4,722.

Respectfully submitted.

(Signed) M. E. Clauton.

VI. INDORs.e.m.e.nTS

_Contract for the repair and preservation of the Casa Grande ruin, Arizona, 1891_

Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey, _June 6, 1891_.

Respectfully forwarded to the Secretary of the Interior, recommending approval.

(Signed) J. W. Powell, _Director_.

Department of the Interior, _June 20, 1891_.

The within contract is hereby approved.

(Signed) Geo. C. Chandler, _Acting Secretary_.

June 30, 1891. Transmitted by J. W. Powell, Director, to the Secretary of the Interior for file in returns office.

July 1, 1891. Returned for oath.

July 20, 1891. J. W. Powell, Director, transmits amended contract, with bids, proposals, and all original papers attached.


Smithsonian Inst.i.tution, Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, _November 24, 1891_.

Honorable J. W. Powell, _Director of the Bureau of Ethnology_.

Sir: Complying with your order directing me to proceed to Florence, Arizona, to witness the closing up of the work under contract for the preservation of Casa Grande ruin near that place, and to report to you the amount and character of the work accomplished, certifying the amount due the contractors under each item, I have the honor to submit the following report:

I visited the ruin first on October 20, and found the work well advanced. Steady progress was made from said date until October 31, the limitation expressed in the contract for prosecuting it.

In order to ascertain the exact location of Casa Grande ruin and to aid me in the determination of the amount of work performed by the contractors, I employed Mr Albert T. Colton, a civil engineer and the official surveyor of Pinal county, Arizona, within the limits of which the ruin stands. From actual measurements made by Mr Colton, based upon official notes in his custody, he informed me the ruin was located in the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 16 of township 5 south, range 8 east. A congressional township plat on which Mr Colton has marked the exact location of the ruin is filed herewith, marked Exhibit A, and made a part of this report [plate CXXV].

On October 29 Mr Colton at my instance took measurements of the brickwork in underpinning and filling in cavities in the walls and of the excavation done by the contractors. His estimate, based upon these measurements, was submitted to me in writing. It is filed herewith, marked Exhibit B, and is made a part of this report.

I find from these measurements that the contractors excavated and removed to a point 100 yards from the ruin 570 cubic yards of debris, 271 cubic yards of which were removed from the interior and 299 cubic yards from the exterior walls of the building, within an area of 10 feet of said walls.

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