Publishedat 26th of July 2019 05:44:17 AMChapter 64

The Secret Part-time Job

◆Hiiragi Haruka◆

Seiji-kun seems to have started a part-time job .

“Eeeeh? Did you want an allowance? If it’s only about 30,000 yen a month, then I could give you one . ”

“Nononono! I won’t accept that . Doing something like really makes it feel like you are seriously trying to make me into a useless person…”

When I told him that, Seiji-kun was amazed . I think that it’s good for a student to diligently do part-time work, as it serves as good work experience, but… Is Seiji-kun troubled with money? Does he maybe have something that he wants?

“If that was the case, then he could have just mentioned it to me…”

“What’s wrong, Haru-chan?”

Since it was now summer break, the frequency in which Natsumi would come over had increased . Today as well, she was eating dinner with me at my place .

“It’s Seiji-kun, he started a part-time job… if there was something he wanted, he could have just told me though . ”

“Isn’t it fine? Being a working student is better than spending summer break lazing about and doing nothing . ”

“How about you? Haven’t you been coming over almost three times a week? What about your future?”

“I have a recommendation to go to college, so isn’t it fine for me to play for a bit . ”

Muuu… She’s the exact opposite of Seiji-kun .

“It’s okay, Haru-chan . ”

“What is?”

“Thief-kun isn’t the type of child to do something without thinking, right? I’m sure that there is some sort of reason for it . ”

“But still… even if that were the case… I’m worried…”

“Uwaaah… super protective . ”

Natsumi pulled back a bit .

The place that he works at is part of the food industry . It seems to be a small café .

“If you’re that worried, just go to the store . ”


The place where Seiji-kun is working… I want to see it…!

“Uwaah… your face became so much like that of a maiden in love…”

“Let’s go!”

… As such, over the weekend, I went with Natsumi to the café that Seiji-kun was working at .

Our school wasn’t that strict when it came to working part-time . You would be given the okay as long as you tell your homeroom teacher beforehand and finish some simple paperwork . There were quite a few students that properly followed the proper procedures, but a large majority of them did not .

Driving to the shopping district in my car, we parked at a suitable parking lot, and arrived at a side street close to the station .

At night, the café was supposed to become an Italian restaurant and its outer appearance was quite fancy . Looking through the window, a lot of female customers could be seen .

“Thief-kun, isn’t he wearing uniform for bartenders?”

“Oh my G.o.d . I need to take a picture . ”

“You’re like his guardian . One of those super overprotective guardians!”

Within the store, there were also a lot of female workers carrying drinks and dishes . I understand… I understand it very well… it’s super easy to get along with coworkers…! All of them are female college students that are younger than me…! They’re so young…!

“Haru-chan, wait, can you stop letting out some weird aura . Specifically speaking, there’s a bunch of that miasma like black smoke coming out of you . Also, don’t start growling at people . Stop glaring at people as well . ”

Being told that, I took a huge breath .

A female waitress had come over with a notepad to ask for our order . After ordering two pasta lunches, we waited for it to finish cooking .

“Ah”, hearing that sound come from Natsumi, I looked in her direction, and saw Seiji-kun .

“h.e.l.lo, Thief-kun . ”


His expression was subtle as he stood there holding the salads for our sets . He was wearing a dress shirt, with black slacks and an ap.r.o.n wrapped around his waist .

“Here are your salads… What did you come here for?”

“I was just wondering whether Seiji-kun hard at work . ”

Also, observing the workplace .

“Thief-kun, you’re in charge of carrying out the dishes?”

“No, there weren’t enough people, so I’m just helping out for a bit . Normally, I’m in the kitchen… Also, I’ll call you later, so when you’re done just go home, okay?”

“Okaaay . ”

Turning around, Seiji-kun walked into the back .

“Haru-chan, are you satisfied with this?”

“I am satisfied… but my worries have increased . ”

As I was stabbing my salad with a fork, a different worker carried our pasta over . Muuu… it’s different female worker again . (She’s younger and cuter than me, and also college student probably . )

After we finished eating the delicious pasta, we conversing with each other while drinking iced coffee . It’s a nice and quiet restaurant . The shops furniture and decorations are quite fashionable . I kind of get why a girl would want to work part-time here .

If I remember correctly, Seiji-kun gets off at around evening time .

“Maybe I should wait until he’s done and then drive him home…”

“Haru-chan, that’s really stalker like . You even found out when he gets off of work . ”

“I-I’m not a stalker . ”

“Even if you’re his girlfriend, if you go overboard, you’ll still be hated, you know?”

“Seiji-kun won’t hate me just because of that… . ”

W-what would I do? What if he actually ends up hating me .

What if he goes out for food with his co-workers once they get off of work? “Sanadkun, you’re a high schooler? You’re so mature that it surprised me . ” If he were praised by a female college student like that… they’ll get on good terms… what am I going to do…? Ugugugugu .

“Wait, Haru-chan . It’s coming out again . The miasma . Keep it inside . ”

“What will I do if Seiji-kun goes out for food with another girl…?”

“It’s fine if he goes though, right? Does he seem like the type to cheat on you, Haru-chan?”

“No, but…”

“Just trust him then . Thief-kun, really does love you, Haru-chan . ”

How nice would that be if I heard it from his own mouth . Recently, he’s been quite embarra.s.sed and hasn’t said it as much to me…

He didn’t tell me his reason for starting this job, and I feel like he’s hiding something from me . If it’s about Seiji-kun, I want to know everything . But that might be really annoying…

Becoming a little nervous, Natsumi spoke to me secretly .

“Hey hey… Have you had s.e.x with Thief-kun yet…?”

“W-w-w-what’s with that all of a sudden?”

“It looks like you still haven’t then . ”

“… Isn’t that fine, it has nothing to do with Natsumi . We told each other that until we were married, things like that are a no go…”

“Fufuun? Now then, here’s the problem . Between a girl that’s easy to talk to, cute, and OK with a physical relationship, and a girl that’s cute, perfect at everything, but a NG on a physical relationship… which do you think a boy would like more?”

“The first person?”

“That’s right . The more you treasure him, the easier it is for him to be stolen away, you know?”

“Seiji-kun said he was okay . He said he would endure it…”

“That would be good if that were the case . ”

Muuu, Natsumi is definitely having fun making me feel more anxious… She’s definitely grinning right now .

“When he said he was okay, it’s because he’s okay using some other girl as a replacement, right?”

“Se-seiji-kun wouldn’t do something like that!”

“Fufufu . Yeah, that’s true . Sorry for teasing you like that . ”

B-but still, none of that till marriage, might be going too far…?

In the end, we didn’t wait for Seiji-kun and went home . A little bit after I finished eating dinner, a call came from Seiji-kun .

“Sorry for bothering you today . ”

“No, it’s okay . I was just a little surprised . ”

I should say it . The fact that I’m super worried .

“… Then, why did you end up coming? All of them have boyfriends it seems, so it’s okay . ”

“Ah, is that so?”

My worries ended in vain .

“There is that, but the most important part would be why you started working part-time all of sudden… You didn’t tell me anything at all . ”

“If I tell you, then the effect would be cut in half so I didn’t tell you . ”

The effect would be cut in half?

While I remained unconvinced, the next day, Seiji-kun came to my house . He was holding a stuffed animal bear .

“W-what is that!?”

“What day is it today?”

“It isn’t my birthday… Ah, anniversary!”

“Yeah . That’s right . This… is an anniversary present . ”

I was handed the large and fluffy bear . It feels so nice to hug it…

“Then… the part-time work…”

“I’ve been thinking for a while that it would be nice, and so this time, I forcefully obtained a bit of money to buy it . ”

“Mo-mooouuuu, Seiji-kunnnnnnnn . ”

I hugged the bear tight . It’s so soft and nice .

“It was just as Natsumi said . ”

“Hmm? What about Natsumi-chan?”

“Fufuun, it’s a secret ♪ Thank for you this . Let’s decide a name together for it?”

Mou, he didn’t need to give me a surprise like this…

With the stuffed animal, I hugged Seiji-kun .

“Wah, wait, we’re still at the entrance . ”

It seems that since then, Natsumi had gone two to three more times and had decided that he was a good hard-working man .

Yeah yeah… a working Seiji-kun is super cool .

After going through this, I once again fell in love with Seiji-kun .

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