Publishedat 17th of August 2019 11:36:06 AMChapter 73

Home Visit During Summer Vacation – Second Part

When our state of loving each other and kissing ended, my face became covered in kiss marks .

As I was cleaning the now messed up room, Hiiragi-chan was reading the manga that I had lied and called boring, “As expected, Seiji-kun, this is actually pretty interesting . ”

I was happy that she was able to read a manga that I found interesting, and find it interesting as well . However, now that we were so focused on hanging out at home, I don’t know what to do anymore .

Once I sat down, Hiiragi-chan moved directly in front of me, sitting down and reading manga while using me as a backrest . I ended up hugging her just like that .



Your smooth hair is ticklish . Also, your shampoo smells nice . It’s a smell I know, but I can never get used to it and it always makes my heart beat faster .

Any part of Hiiragi-chan that I touched was soft without exception . I wonder why women always feel so soft .

“You should move . Or else…”

“Or else, what?”

I’ll touch your b.r.e.a.s.t.s . Or so I thought to say, but I couldn’t bring up the courage . Instead I kissed her on the neck and nape .

“Yaaan, wait, it’s ticklish ♡”

Ki ki, the sound of a bicycle stopping outside could be heard .

“Nn? This is bad, Sana might have come back . ”

“Eh . Didn’t you say she would be out until late?”

“That’s what it was supposed to be—”

Moving Hiiragi-chan off of me, I looked outside and noticed that Sana was indeed back . Moreover, she brought Kanata with her . I guess that means they got bored of hanging out outside, and decided to come home for games? Dammit you Friendly Gamer Combo .

I hurried down to the first floor and collected the… mules, or sandals that Hiiragi-chan had worn . Just in time as the door opened at that moment .

“Hmmm? Nii-san, didn’t you go out?”

“No, well… I just had some business, and came back after it was settled . ”

“… Sorry for the intrusion . ”

Kanata, who was polite as usual gave a bow .

“Yeah, welcome . ”

“Nii-san, are you hiding something? Like behind your back?”

“Hhaah? I-I’m not hiding anything?”

I faced my back towards the wall and walked away like a crab .


Kanata continued to stare at me .

Am I being suspected?

“That’s right . We’re going to play games after this . Nii-san is probably free, right? It can’t be helped, Sana will let you join us . ”

“Sorry . I’m not free . ”

“Muu . What’s with the way you said that!? You’re definitely just free . ”

“Be quiet—”

Walking away from the entrance, while they were taking off their sandals, I made my way up the stairs . I heard their exchange that they had at the entrance .

“Eeh? Right now? No way!”

“… That panicked look, it has to be it . ”

“Ni-Nii-san can’t possibly have a g-g-g-girlfriend . T-there’s no way . ”

“… Schan . It’s a high chance . ”

“B-but even still, coming over right now, there’s no…”

Giku . That girl, Kanata, is way too sharp .

“If Kanchan is going to go as far to say that, let’s confirm it? T-there probably isn’t though…”

“… Schan, you’re way too shaken . ”

Once I entered my room, I barricaded the entrance . I stacked up colored boxes, my dresser, and other stuff in front of the door .

“What’s wrong, Seiji-kun?”

“Somehow, it seems I was found out . ”

“Eh? The fact that I’m here?”

“No . Rather than it being Haruksan, it’s more the fact that I have my girlfriend over right now . ”

“Wh-what should we do…?”

Contrary to her words, Hiiragi-chan seemed happy . Being recognized as my girlfriend, seems to have tickled her fancy .

“Haruksan, get in the bed . ”

“Eh, Seiji-kun’s bed? Can I really!?”

“What are you getting happy about?”

Hiiragi-chan dove into my bed .

“… It smells like Seiji-kun… Fufu . ”

It seems that she’s having fun, so it’s fine I guess .

Kon kon, a knock came from the door .

“Ni-nii-san? It’s Sana… can Sana come in?”

“You can’t, no . Definitely not! It’s currently very messy . ”

On the other side of the door, the two had a conversation .

“… As expected, it’s true . ”

“…… No way… Uuuuu…”

“… Schan . It’s okay . ”

There’s no way those two powerless girls could break down this barricade . If I don’t give them the opportunity to see the actual thing, I can stubbornly pa.s.s through this predicament…!

As I took a glance at the bed, I saw Hiiragi-chan wrapped up inside the towel blanket .

“This towel blanket… it smells like Seiji-kun… I want to take it home with me…”

Just inside the door and just outside the door, everything was super serious, and yet my G.o.ddess was completely carefree .

“Nii-san? Is it possible… that… if there’s someone there that Sana can’t talk about, then Sana wants you to please let her know… if not, Sana wants you to say that it clearly . ”

“——There’s no one there . ”

“… He used polite language . He’s definitely lying . If there isn’t, it should be fine for him to open the door . ”

Dammit . Kanata is strong…!

“If… your g-girlfriend came, then please say it…?”

There’s no way I can say it, right? If I do say it, then she’ll ask, what kind of person is she? Let me see, let me in and introduce me——of course it’ll become like that .

If I persist and say there isn’t, this door won’t open . I must defend this with my life .

“There’s no such person . I was just rearranging things right now, so it’s all messed up and you can’t come in . ”

“… If he’s being so stubborn, then there’s a high possibility of his girlfriend being someone he can’t introduce us to . ”

Giku .

“Eh? What do you mean by that?”

“… Seiji-kun, indirectly speaking, is taking summer break as a chance to bring elementary school girls to his room——”

“You’re wrong!”

“That’s right, Kanchan . No matter how much Nii-san likes flat chests, that’s different from lolis . ”

“Hey . Don’t just selfishly call me as part of the flat chest faction . ”

“… Whether or not there’s an elementary school girl, as long as you don’t open the door, we won’t know . ”

Dammit . It’s sophism, but reasonable . I know it’s wrong only because I’m inside .

“… As long as you don’t open the door, there are two possibilities exist at the same time… Seiji-kun the lolicon and the Seiji-kun that isn’t…”

“Ummm, if I remember correctly… it’s Sugar Cat . ”

“Schrödinger’s Cat . What are you doing, turning it into some sort of candy?”

Feeling a gaze, I turn around . Honyuun, honyuun, Hiiragi-chan was fondling her own b.r.e.a.s.t.s .

“Seiji-kun… you like flat chests?”

“That’s not the case . Don’t bite at everything, it’ll become confusing . ”

“… Schan, just now, there was a voice . ”

“… Yeah…Sana heard it too . ——Nii-san! Why are you hiding!? … Even if Nii-san is a lolicon… Sana will endure . ”

What are you enduring? More importantly, that’s not right .

“…A person that he is unable to introduce to us, it’s decided… If it’s not an elementary school girl…”

“If it’s not…?”

“… There’s a guy . ”

“If it’s a guy, then isn’t that fine?”

“… A guy that he can’t introduce to us would mean—— Inside that room, roses are currently blooming . ”

It’s not blooming at all . Also, don’t use such an easily imaginable word .

“That means…!? ——Nii-san’s lover is… a guy? That’s why he can’t introduce him to Kanchan and Sana?”

“… it’s highly likely . ”

“No, that’s not it . ”

“Nii-san! Even if Nii-san likes guys, Sana will endure . ”

“As I was saying, what are you enduring?”

“Come out . Please…”

Sana, I’m sorry, but I can’t do that . Even I have things I need to protect .

Since I haven’t been paying attention to her, by the time I noticed, Hiiragi-chan has already fallen asleep . Her sleeping face is cute .

“… Schan . a.s.suming the worst possibility… It can even be both . ”


“… The possibility that inside the room, there is an elementary school boy…”

“That means… it isn’t a loli but a shota…!?”

This is bad . My pervertedness is slowly climbing .

“Before Nii-san becomes a criminal——!”

Don, after hearing a loud noise, the colored boxes moved .

H-hey hey hey, really, Imouto .

“… Schan’s, power of love…”

“T-t-that’s not true . T-that isn’t the case . ”

Don, another strong shock was applied to the door causing the barricade shook .

This isn’t a joke! There’s no way I would let her find out! Kuu… Sana’s strength is stronger than the strength I put in to hold it back…!? Where was she hiding this ridiculous power?

“Sana, doesn’t actually think of Nii-san in anyway, okaaaay?”

Don, the barricade shook again . It’s only a matter of time before it’s broken . Giving up on the barricade, I wake Hiiragi-chan up .

“A morning kiss…”

“Okay okay . Hold on tightly to the towel blanket . I’ll be letting Haruksan down outside . ”


Having her wear the sandals, I brought her closer to the window .

“Eh, eeeeehhh!? I-I’m going down from here!? I can’t I can’t I can’t . ”

“There’s no time . Sana and Kanata are almost going to—”

“I-I got it . I’ll see you later… Seiji-kun, I love you . ”

“Me too, Haruksan . ”

Hugging each other, we kissed . It felt like a heroine and hero of a Hollywood movie .

While stepping on the windowsill, I slowly let Hiiragi-chan down as she was holding onto the towel blanket . Then, the weight suddenly disappeared, and when I looked down, Hiiragi-chan was waving her hand .

At the same time, baaan, the barricade was kicked apart as Sana and Kanata entered .

“Ah . What…?”

“……Seiji-kun, where’s the elementary school girl or boy, or just boyfriend?”

Haah, I breathed a sigh of relief . The two of them probably also saw my sigh .

“I was saying that there was never that sort of person in the first place, right?”

The two of them were trying to search for a person that they thought should be in the room .

“Seee, didn’t I tell you . Nii-san doesn’t have a girlfriend . ”

She stuck out her flat chest with a smug face .

“… This is weird…”

Kanata didn’t seem to be satisfied as she tilted her head .

“I was rearranging everything, so I gathered all the furniture by the door . ”

With such a reasonable reason, I was somehow able to succeed in getting away .

“Kanchan, let’s go? Let’s go play the one that we just bought?”

“………Yeah . ”

Kanata, who was sitting on the bed, stood up, and was about to follow Sana out of the room, when she ended up closing the door .

“… The bed . There’s the smell of a girl other than Schan . The sheets were also a little bit warm . ”

Giku .

It’s probably because Hiiragi-chan was sleeping there earlier .

“That’s my smell . It’s a nice smell, right? I was taking a nap until earlier . ”

“… If, you did have a girlfriend, please tell Schan properly, okay?… Schan really likes Onii-chan after all . ”

Just like how I came out with Natsumi-chan, to do that with Sana as well…? If I did that, would Sana support us just like Natsumi-chan did?

Kanchan? Sana called for Kanata from her own room with a loud voice .

Kanata lowered her head slightly and exited the room .

Goron, I rolled around in my bed . It’s true . It smells nice like Hiiragi-chan .

Kanata seems to suspect that I do have a girlfriend . She probably doesn’t know who it is though .

“It somehow all worked out . ”

I called Hiiragi-chan .

“That’s good . I ended up experiencing too many thrilling things . Ahaha… . Sorry for saying something selfish like wanting to go to Seiji-kun’s house . ”

“It’s okay . There wasn’t actually supposed to be anyone home, so don’t worry about it . ”

After deciding on the next time we meet, we ended the call .

Suun suun, when I sniff it, Hiiragi-chan’s smell came from my sheets .

Will I be able to sleep tonight…?

I now kind of understand Hiiragi-chan’s feelings when she said that she wanted to bring my towel blanket home with her .

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