Publishedat 7th of October 2019 06:00:57 AMChapter 89

Hiiragi-chan’s Consultation Room

One day during break .

As I pa.s.sed by the AV room, I heard Hiiragi-chan’s voice . It was her voice and it seems as though she’s talking to someone else . The other person appears to be a girl .

I wonder what they’re talking about .

As I secretly take a peek inside, I saw Hiiragi-chan with her arms crossed facing me, and across from her was a high school second year girl .

“If it’s Sensei, you probably have a lot of romantic experience, so I wanted to ask you . ”

“Yeah, leave it to me! Sensei is very experienced in things like girls talk . ”

Seems like the girl is asking about romantic advice . More importantly, Hiiragi-chan has a lot of romantic experience?

I’m a little bit interested, so I’ll just take intrude for a bit .

“So, what is it that you’re worrying about?”

“My boyfriend and I haven’t had s.e.x recently . I was wondering if maybe he was tired of me?”


Kachiiin, Hiiragi-chan turned stiff .

She instantly froze! The confidence that she had earlier was blown away in an instant!? Even though she was very teacher-like and said that she was used to girls talk, all with a smug face!

“I’m worried about whether or not he might be cheating on me…”


“If it’s Sensei, it feels like you would have a lot of experience, so I was wondering whether you might know what to do… Sensei?”


“Y-yeah… the stamen and pistil, combine… and so…”

Hiiragi-chan is in a state of complete panic .

“Sensei, we’re not talking about plants, you know?”

… There’s no way Hiiragi-chan would know . For the two of us, we’re each other’s first lovers . And, we haven’t progressed any further than kissing . In other words, this sort of topic is a zone that Hiiragi-chan has no experience in . There’s no way you could confide with her about this .

“T-that, I don’t think it’s cheating . ”

“Then, what should I do to get him interested in me again…?”


With her eyes swimming, Hiiragi-chan desperately tried to think of something .

What can she possibly say without knowing anything? The moment she talked big and asked to leave the matter to her, it had already become the point of no return .

“Nose, maybe you use that…?”


“Nose? Making him smell something?”

“… Something more, uhh, p-physical than that…?”

“Eh!? Using it like that, I’ve never done it before… Sensei, you have?”

“Yeah, I have . ”

Without even meeting the girl’s gaze, Hiiragi-chan gave an instant response .

She is speaking as if she’s an expert or something…

“How do I do it? Is there a way you can demonstrate… right now, n.o.body should be coming after all . ”

“Eh… . Umm… Ah . Sorry, this, this might be a little bit too early for a high schooler . ”

Leaving high schoolers aside, it’s too early even for the human race . Just quickly tell her that you don’t really have any real experience .

“Sorry . ”

Teheepero, she tried to pa.s.s it off in a cute manner . At the current moment, a solution hasn’t been found, is everything going to be okay…?

“Then, Sensei, what would you do if you were in my situation?”

“Eh? D-doing something… so lewd, with my boyfriend?”

“No, I’m not talking about when you do it, but when you stop having s.e.x . ”

“I-I wonder… I guess I w-wouldn’t like it…”

She’s completely red .

“I am not asking about your feelings, I wanted to ask about measures or ways to prevent it…”

With her face still red, Hiiragi-chan looked downward .

“Uuuu… T-that’s right…”

Please stop already!

She proclaims that she has a lot of experience, but as far as I know, all of that is just her experiences with me . The teacher in front of your eyes is still a virgin .

“Ah, then, you should p-properly confirm your feelings with each other!”

“Sensei, you sometimes say things that are very middle schooler like . ”

Kusu kusu, the girl laughed .

Even though she was starting to settle down, Hiiragi-chan once again turned red . This can’t go on .

Hiiragi-chan probably has an overwhelming advantage when it comes to girl power, but her level as a woman is too low .

The girl probably came to confide to Hiiragi-chan because she didn’t seem like she would say something like, doing something like that as a high schooler isn’t good .

What should I do here?

“What if, you try cheating on him…?”

What are you suggesting?

“I didn’t think of that!”

I didn’t think of that! Don’t say that!

“I-if you’re lonely then you should bury it with another guy—”

“It’s a plan to attract your boyfriend, right!? Sensei, you’re so smart!”

“Yeah, right!”

Please wait . You were clearly trying to say something terrible at first, right!? Why are you changing a student’s view on things so lightly!?

“Sensei, how far do you think is okay, and how far do you think is cheating?”

“Ah, this debate . Let’s talk about it . ”

You’re a beginner, don’t act like a veteran .

“For me… maybe it’s when you’re talking enjoyably with a person of the opposite gender?”

So strict!? I’ve definitely already crossed that line multiple times .

“Sensei, isn’t that too strict? I could understand if you’re in the same cla.s.s, but if you were in a different cla.s.s, or even went to a different school, you wouldn’t actually know, right?”

“That’s true, that’s true . Then you just need to place a listening device in the pocket of their uniform . ”

“Listening device!?”

Listening device!? 

Let’s see, inside my uniform pockets… Ah, there isn’t anything . That’s a relief .

“There’s a battery powered one that can send what it records over to your personal computer . ”

She so knowledgeable!?

“I guess I wouldn’t go that far… I am lonely and I do suspect cheating, but… in the end, I still trust him . ”

“Yeah, me too . In the end, I still trust him, so I won’t actually act on it . ”

Phew, I patted my chest in relief .

“Thank you, Sensei . Maybe I’ll try by appealing with some lewder underwear!”


Don’t make a face that says, ah, there was that, Sensei .

The girl was coming towards me, so I retreated .

After that day, Hiiragi-chan’s underwear lineup increased in respect to those that were more erotic and had sheer lace . (Hiiragi-chan showed them to me happily . ) If she were to close in on me while wearing that, my sense of reason would definitely crumble down, or so I thought .

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