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Chapter 99

Hiiragi’s Mother — Part 2

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As expected of a rich lady, when Natsumi-chan called for someone to pick us up, a luxurious black car arrived while seemingly gliding over the rough road .

“It would’ve been fine if we commuted using my car . ”

“Haru-chan, if you drive, then Mama will get mad, right?”

“I don’t listen to anything Mom says anyway . ”

“Aaah, Haru-chan has really turned out for the worse . ”

Looking at Hiiragi-chan sulk, Natsumi-chan laughed . Now that she mentions it, Hiiragi-chan doesn’t follow her parents’ orders at all .

An old man wearing a driver’s suit opened the door to the back seat .

“Harukojousama, it has been a while . ”

“Yoshinagsan . You seem in good health . ”

After showing a smile, Hiiragi-chan climbed into the car . Even an amateur such as myself could ascertain that the smile that Natsumi-chan and Hiiragi-chan showed were both a façade .

On the other hand, the driver, Yoshinagsan, took a glance at me, and then brought his face closer .

“So, you’re Sanada Seiji . ”

“Haaah… That’s right . ”

“I heard from the master . I’ve been a driver, transporting Harukojousama ever since she was thiiiiissss small . ”

He indicated the size with his index finger and thumb .

…How small was Hiiragi-chan? Was she some kind of midget?

“I watched over her growth more than anyone else . A kid like you suddenly dating Harukojousama, I won’t accept it . ”

Before I could say something, I was pulled from behind with Hiiragi-chan b.u.t.ting in .

“Seiji-san, is my lover . He’s already recognized by Natsumi . It’s not something that you, Yoshinagsan, should be sticking your head into . ”

“But . ”

“But, but what? Insulting someone that I have recognized, is the same as insulting me . What is your job? Glaring at my lover? I get it . So, back off . ”

Ooooh… Hiiragi-chan, she’s so cool . However, her tone is completely different from normal .

Natsumi-chan was looking over worriedly, but since nothing happened, she patted her chest in relief .

Yoshinagsan kept quiet as he watched us take our seats in the back, and then closed the door .

“The main house will be coming up . ”

After telling us that one thing, he stepped on the accelerator .

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Still, that was quite the reaction . Having her driver act like that toward her partner, just emphasizes the fact that Hiiragi-chan is treasured by other people .

“Haru-chan, doesn’t appreciate that our house is like that . ”

As if she didn’t hear Natsumi-chan’s voice, Hiiragi-chan continued to hold my hand while dazedly gazing out the window . Noticing that, the face of the driver, Yoshinaga, that was displayed in the mirror, turned bitter for just a moment .

“Being too treasured, Haruksan turned out for the worse I guess . ”

“I didn’t turn out for the worse . Once you become an adult, you become independent, right?”

For a normal household, it would not be unusual for someone to begin living alone after college and starting work . But for a household that doesn’t need to work like the Hiiragi family, they wouldn’t fit within that normal frame .

Wanting to know how Hiiragi-chan’s day-to-day life was, Yoshinaga asked a question, to which she gave a suitable reply with a forced smile .

After driving the car for about an hour, we arrived at our destination . It looked like a mansion that was made after cutting out a part of a mountain, and as such, it was quite big . From the main gate, there was still quite a distance to the front door .

“Well, how is it? Thief-kun . ”

“I can’t say it’s the mansion that I imagined . ”

I glanced at Hiiragi-chan, and noticed that she wasn’t looking too good . Now that I think about it, ever since she got in the car, she hasn’t said much .

“Are you okay, Haruksan?”

“Last time… the house arrest…”

Did it end up as a trauma!?

When we were let off at the entrance, a young maid greeted us with a bow, “Harukojousama, Natsumi-ojousama, welcome home” and then opened the large doors .

Of course, the maid had also taken several glances at me .

The maid stuck out her hand as Natsumi-chan naturally handed over her small bag .

“Natsumi-chan, did the people of this house know that I was coming?”

“I just told them that a friend of ours was coming . ”

If you say a friend, and bring a male, there will be various misunderstandings .

“There’s nothing in Haru-chan’s room, so let’s go to mine first . ”

While walking on a carpet that m.u.f.fled our footsteps like that of a luxurious hotel, Natsumi-chan guided us to her room on the second room . It was larger than Hiiragi-chan’s room, and of course, my room as well . With a number of stuffed animals placed by the window, it really felt like a girl’s room .

“Ojou-sama, should I bring some tea?”

“No . It’s fine . ”

She had the maid go out, and it became just the three of us .

“Thief-kun, don’t look around too much, okay?”

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“I won’t do anything rude . ”

I sat down on the sofa . next to the lower energy level Hiiragi-chan .

“Mama will come back in a little while, so I’ll introduce you then . I think she wants me to introduce you to her without being told to . ”

“What type of person is your mother?

“She’s a little strict when it comes to courtesy, but other than that, she’s pretty normal . Well, for Thief-kun it’ll probably feel like a powerful upper-cla.s.s lady . ”

I did catch a glimpse of her at the hotel restaurant, but since I didn’t speak to her face to face, I can’t help but feel anxious . I came in a slightly rough appearance, is that okay?

We decided on a few things after discussing plans on facing Hiiragi Mama . First, I would be introduced as Natsumi-chan’s friend and exchange formalities and greetings . About me being her friend, well, it isn’t a lie, so it should be fine . Then, we would look at how things go, and reveal the truth .

Based on what Natsumi-chan has said, Hiiragi Papa has already told Hiiragi Mama about me . I was also there that day on the marriage interview so there is a possibility they talked about me .

“Haru-chan, what will you do? Will you see Mama?”


Hiiragi-chan has been quiet for a while now . Her energy level really is quite low .

“Haru-chan, there’s no need for you to force yourself to meet her, right?”

Hmm? When I returned to the present, Hiiragi-chan had said that she was in the middle of a fight with Hiiragi Mama .

Was that… something that continued from now?

“You’re fighting with your mother?”

“Yeah… that’s how it is . ”

“Last time, when you came back, it was really unusual . ”

“For me as well… I thought after becoming an adult and learning some more common sense, I would properly have a conversation with mother, but she forced me into that marriage interview…”

As she was about to continue on to say something a knock came from the door . Once Natsumi-chan told them that they could come in, the maid from the entrance came in .

“The madam has returned . What will you do?”

…Thinking that it was about time, I ended up getting nervous . However, Hiiragi-chan had a stronger reaction than me . I don’t have an impression of her mother as a scary person, but maybe it had something to do some trauma from the house arrest, or maybe it’s because they are in the middle of a fight .

“Thank you . Let mother know that she should wait for us in the reception room . ”

“Understood . ”

The maid steps back and closed the door .

I’ll first be introduced as Natsumi-chan’s friend, and if Hiiragi-chan’s present, then there will be various complications . That’s what Nastumi-chan decided .

Having the unenergetic Hiiragi-chan wait here for a bit, the two of us left the room .

“Are they really on such terrible terms?”

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“For Haru-chan, it’s not that it’s bad . It’s just that she was super opposed to everything Haru-chan is doing . Secretly getting a teacher’s license to become independent, teaching at a school, living alone… that’s all I know . ”

As a result of that, Hiiragi-chan ended up fulfilling her own wishes . Since there isn’t a reason for her to work, it’s not like I don’t understand the reason for opposition . But still, I don’t think it’s right to remain on bad terms like this .

If this is left unattended, Hiiragi-chan will continue to carry this burden in the future and end up marrying without her parent’s consent at the end of the day . With that, it would be the same as elopement .

Once we arrived at the reception room, I sat down next to Nastumi-chan on the sofa . It really felt like a rich reception room . The sofa felt nice, and the walls were decorated with priceless looking paintings .

A maid soon opened the door, and then Hiiragi Mama came in .

I stood up and bowed .

“Thank you for allowing me to intrude today . My name is Sanada Seiji . ”

My business persona was on full throttle . This was something that a normal high schooler would be incapable of doing .

“Thank you for being so polite . Are you the friend that Natsumi was talking about?”

“Yes . We were able to meet on chance, and today, I was invited to visit . ”

“That’s right . ”

She was a friendly-looking person, and her face had a similar atmosphere to Natsumi-chan, blended with the fluffy feeling of Hiiragi-chan .

Yeah . She really does seem like the mother of the two sisters . She seemed to be in her mid 40’s and was covered from head to toe in elegant apparel .

Hiiragi Mama, wearing j.a.panese clothing, sat across from us . Being urged to sit down, I also took a seat .

“It isn’t a friend from school, right?”

“Yes . A friend from outside of school . ”


When she was asked in such a teasing manner, Natsumi-chan shook her head .

“T-that’s not it! Sanadsan just has a friendly relationship with me, having meals together or drinking tea . ”

“Oh? Is that so?”

The conversation turned towards me, so I firmly nodded my head .

“Yes . I had the opportunity to meet Natsumi-san multiple times outside, and so it became like this . ”

Natsumi-chan nodded along with blushing cheeks as I gave my supporting remark .

“Has Nastumi-chan done anything careless around you?”

“Mother . ”

“No no . That’s not how it is . She’s quite responsible . . ”

Just like this, Hiiragi Mama asked about how Natsumi-chan was outside .

Really . If you take out the fact that she’s rich, it’s just as Natsumi-chan had said, she’s a normal mother . It’s a bit disappointing .

If that’s the case, however, I wonder if Hiiragi-chan can properly make up with her .

“Natsumi is responsible, that’s unexpected . ”

“Since Onee-sama is so airheaded, it’s natural that I would turn out like this, right?”

Even though she was calm, when Hiiragi-chan was mentioned, her gaze suddenly felt like it turned cold .

Natsumi-chan turned her line of sight towards me . She’s probably going to say it .

“Mother, Sanadsan… you misunderstood and thought of him as my boyfriend, but he actually already has a lover . ”

“Oh? Natsumi, that’s unfortunate then . ”

“as I was saying, that’s not the reason that I am accompanying him… Aaaah, the reason I am with him here is purely as friends… ummm… . ”

Hiiragi Mama started laughing after seeing Natsumi-chan hesitate . It seems that even though she knows that Hiiragi-chan has a lover, she doesn’t remember my name .

Receiving Natsumi-chan’s pa.s.s, I started speaking about our true goal .

“The girl that I am dating is… Natsumi-san’s sister, Haruksan . ”

“Ah, I see . So, it’s you…”

All she did was raise a surprised voice . There was no strong reaction like there was with Hiiragi Papa . When I looked into her eyes, the interest that she had when talking about Natsumi-chan’s boyfriend was not present anymore .

“…There is a bit of an age difference, but we are seriously dating each other . S-someday, we will consider marrying each other . ”

“Eeeeeeeeeeh!? Reaaaaalllllyyyyy!?”

Natsumi-chan turned over in surprise .

“Y-you guys are already at that—”

“Natsumi . Don’t shout like that . It’s shameful . Also, mind your words . ”

Yes, Natsumi-chan said and then sat down on the couch again .

When I looked fearfully at Hiiragi Mama, she nodded multiple times .

“Sanadsan, I have certainly heard your resolve . Please do as you will . ”



We got the okay!?

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