115. [I have led Scrivener into error by a.s.signing this number (Apost.

115) to "Vat. 2068 (Basil 107)." See above, p. 495, note 1. I did not advert to the fact that "Basil 107" had _already_ been numbered "Apost.


116. Vat. 368 (Praxapostolus) [xiii.] foll. 136, _membr._

117. (= Evst. 381) Vat. 774 [xiii.], foll. 160, _membr._


118. (= Evst. 387) Vat. 2012 (Basil 51), foll. 211 [xv.] _chart._

119. Vat. 2116 (Basil 155) [xiii.] foll. 111.

120. Alexand. Vat. 11 (Praxapostolus), [xiv.] _membr._ foll. 169.

121. (= Evst. 395) Alexand. Vat. 59 [xii.] foll. 137.

122. Alexand. Vat. 70, A.D. 1544, foll. 18: "in fronte p.r.o.nunciatio Graeca Latinis literis descripta."

123. (= Evst. 400) Palatino-Vat. 241 [xv.] _chart._ foll. 149.

124. (= Evst. 410) Barb. iii. 129 (_olim_ 234) _chart._ [xiv.] foll. 189.

125. Barb. iv. 11 (_olim_ 193), A.D. 1566, _chart._ foll. 158, Praxapostolus.

126. Barb. iv. 60 (_olim_ 116) [xi.] foll. 322, a fine codex with _menologium_. Praxapostolus.

127. Barb. iv. 84 (_olim_ 117) [xiii.] foll. 185, with menologium. _Mut._

128. Paris, _Reg. Greek_, 13, _membr._ [xiii. or xiv.], a huge folio of Liturgical Miscellanies, consisting of between 6 and 900 unnumbered leaves. (At the sa. p?? t?? f?t??, line 11, ?? ?fa.) Communicated by the Abbe Martin.


It will be found stated at p. 495 (line 10 from the bottom) that the Codices (of "Paul" and "Apost.") which exhibit Te?? ?fa?e???? amount in all to 289.

From this sum (for the reason already a.s.signed above), _one_ must be deducted, viz., "Apost. 115."

On the other hand, 8 copies of "PAUL" (communicated by the Abbate Cozza-Luzi) are to be added: viz. _Vat._ 646 (Paul 310): 647 (Paul 311): 1971 (Paul 319). _Palat. Vat._ 10 (Paul 327): 204 (Paul 328). _Casanat._ G. 11, 16 (Paul 336). _Ottob._ 328 (Paul 337). _Borg._ F. vi. 16 (Paul 338). So that no less than 260 out of 262 cursive copies of St. Paul"s Epistle,-[not 252 out of 254, as stated in p. 495 (line 21 from the bottom)],-are found to witness to the Reading here contended for. The enumeration of Codices at page 494 is therefore to be continued as follows:-310, 311, 319, 327, 328, 336, 337, 338.

To the foregoing are also to be added 4 copies of the "APOSTOLUS," viz.

_Vat._ 2116 (Apost. 119). _Palat. Vat._ 241 (Apost. 123). _Barb._ iv. 11 [_olim_ 193] (Apost. 125). Paris, _Reg. Gr._ 13 (Apost. 128).

From all which, it appears that, (including copies of the "Apostolus,") THE CODICES WHICH ARE KNOWN TO WITNESS TO T??S ?F?????T? IN 1 Tim. iii.


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