The Rise of Xueyue

Chapter 24

Xueyue felt her throat tighten at the outstanding t.i.tle of the boy in front of her.

Upon closer glances, he was quite handsome.

Though he was still young, it was evident he would grow up to be quite the looker.

With eyes that seemed to s.h.i.+mmer a brilliant amber because of the glaring sun, high nose of n.o.bility, and sharp jawline, he had the type of face that"d usher people for a second glance.

"You"re causing quite a commotion." Longhe"s voice was smooth, but chillingly cold. It was enough to send s.h.i.+vers down Xueyue"s spine.

Longhe"s eyes landed on the trampled bread that the child was desperately clutching to her thin body. "All for a single loaf of bread." He mused at the sight.

Xueyue"s eyebrows tugged together in confusion when Longhe flicked his wrist.

Immediately, a pretty maidservant stepped forward with her head bowed. Using two hands, she handed Longhe a gold, silk pouch.

He picked up the pouch, turned it upside down and golden coins came raining down. Like the s.h.i.+mmering yellow leaves of autumn, the gold had caught the bright sunlight.

The people exchanged nervous glances and no one dared to move.

"They"re yours to keep."

It takes four simple words for them to scramble to their feet.

"Back off, you filthy bugs! They"re mine!" The man screamed as he rushed to pick up all of the gold coins.

Xueyue frowned at the chaos in front of her.

The people were pus.h.i.+ng and tugging at each other as they tried to take all of the gold that they could carry.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw the child also reach for a coin that was lying very close to her. The child reached but it, but someone roughly stomped on her fingers.

"This is mine, you horrendous thief!" The man screamed at the child and pushed her to the ground.

Frightened and terrified of another beating, she flinched back from the man.

"This is also mine!" He hissed, s.n.a.t.c.hing away the torn and wrinkled loaf of bread.

It was originally white, but after so many people stomping over it, the bread became grey and brown.

The food was already garbage, yet, the man still tried to prevent the child from receiving the smallest inch of happiness.

The child"s face fell.

When the only noise that filled the area was the greedy shouts and voices of the people, Xueyue was the first to hear the hungry growl of the child"s stomach.

Walking and pus.h.i.+ng past the people, Xueyue stepped towards the child who immediately cowered back.

Opening her own pouch of money, Xueyue poured a few gold coins into her hand.

With a soft and gentle smile, she offered it to the child.

"Here, this should be enough money to last you for a while." Xueyue said to the child who stared at the pile of money in her hands.

The child"s hungry eyes moved from Xueyue"s outstretched hands and then to her kind, gentle smile.

Suddenly, before Xueyue could even blink, the money was already taken from her hands.

She watched as the child scamper through the crowd, dodging hands and feet, and then disappeared into an alleyway.

Blowing out a sigh of relief, Xueyue was prepared to walk back to Chenyang and Wenmin. Without warning, someone had roughly shoved her aside.

She let out a tiny yelp, as her legs got caught between the long lengths of her hanfu.

She stumbled a bit and when gravity worked against her, she squeezed her eyes shut, awaiting the harsh blow of concrete.

But it never came.

Instead, her back collided with a hard, but warm and st.u.r.dy chest. A hand tightly grabbed her shoulder to steady her.

Glancing up at her savior, Xueyue was surprised to see a very hostile Chenyang.

Wenmin wore a dangerously dark expression on his face, and Chenyang"s usual calm, nonchalant expression was brewing a terrible storm.

Xueyue nervously swallowed. She thought the anger was directed towards her for running off. "I-I"m sorry, I didn"t mean to run off." She quietly whispered, but neither of them heard her.

She raised her head and saw their glares were pointed towards the fourth Prince, w.a.n.g Longhe.

Chenyang was the first to speak, his cold, somber voice broke the tension. "What are you doing here, Longhe?"

Xueyue felt her eyes widened at how bold Chenyang was.

w.a.n.g Longhe was royalty!

Wouldn"t they get in trouble for offending and rudely speaking to the Imperial Family? What if Chenyang and Wenmin were thrown into prison, or worse, beheaded?!

Xueyue panicked, and grabbed Wenmin"s sleeves. He glanced down at her, saw her wide and terrified expression.

His face softened the slightest bit at how fearful she looked. "Don"t worry, Xiao Yue. We won"t get in trouble." He whispered towards her, lightly holding the hand that was gripping his sleeves.

Xueyue nervously stood there, unsure of his words.

The Li family might be influential and powerful, but that didn"t mean they would be pardoned from an Imperial Decree!

Poor little Xueyue didn"t know the connections that Duke and d.u.c.h.ess Li had to the Imperial Palace. She only feared for the life of her only friends.

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