The Rise of Xueyue

Chapter 35

d.u.c.h.ess Li had just bid the Imperial Consort goodbye when she heard the servants greet Chenyang at the door behind the Manor.

Xueyue and Chenyang had just came home from their run, but the two was eager to call the servants back to the field.

After the situation was explained to a very surprised d.u.c.h.ess Li, Wen Jinkai was brought into their Manor.

The best doctor in the Capital was called to examine the boy.

Xueyue was surprised to hear he was only 16, just three years older than her.

He was so well-built, with broad and muscular shoulders, she had mistaken him for a man.

After the doctor has st.i.tched him up, prescribed the medicine, the Li family was quick to notify the Wen family who was desperately searching for their son.

Apparently Wen Jinkai was suddenly ambushed by an army comprising of 100,000 enemy soldiers when he had only 100 men with him.

He had never lost a battle and was very close to losing this one, but in the last minute, he sacrificed himself to allow his men to run back to the base.

And when he knew his men were far from the enemy soldiers, Wen Jinkai escaped. But there had been no traces or sightings of him anywhere.

Everyone thought he was dead, but who"d think his luck was so good, he stumbled into the ground of a family who was extremely acquainted with his parents.

One days after news have traveled that the legendary warrior had survived, the Wen family immediately came to fetch their son.

"Li Jing, I don"t know what I would do without your son and niece"s keen eyes." Duke Wen thanked Duke Li.

Duke Li left out the part where Chenyang wanted to abandon him at first, thinking Wen Jinkai was a simple soldier.

"No need to thank me, old friend. That"s what brothers are for." Duke Li chuckled, giving him a light pat on the back.

The two had a long history whose family ties and connections had went back many centuries and was as old as time itself.

But Duke Li"s biggest flaw was never introducing Minghua to them.

Even when Duke Wen asked about his first daughter, Duke Li would instantaneously switch the topic.

Although Duke Wen was persistent at first, he finally relented and took a step back when it was clear Duke Li didn"t want his daughter"s face to be revealed.

"Where is that niece of yours? I heard she was the first to propose the idea of saving my son, when Chenyang thought he was a simple soldier that should"ve been left for dead."

Nothing ever went past Duke Wen"s ears.

Duke Li chuckled at his old friend"s usual antics.

"Why do I feel like the older you are, the better your ears have become." He mused, gesturing the servants to bring Xueyue forward.

Chenyang was already in the room, quietly leaning on the bookshelf as he pretended to read a book.

He had already greeted Duke Wen, what else did they want him to do?

Duke Wen already knew of Chenyang"s quiet nature, so he didn"t press the young man any further.

"I learned the antics from my wife, who loves to hear the latest gossip." Duke Wen wasn"t offended about Chenyang"s previous belief because he knew it was his usual cold and aloof nature.

Duke Li chuckled at the joke. "I should learn a thing or two from d.u.c.h.ess Wen then." He joked.

Just then, a servant knocked on the door of the public study.

"Come in." Duke Li nodded towards the door.

Xueyue stepped into the room and when she saw the guest, she politely bowed.

"Uncle, you"ve called for me?" She asked.

Duke Li hummed in reply, gesturing for Xueyue to sit down at the vacant bench to his right.

The bench was right besides the bookshelves that Chenyang was occupying. When Xueyue sat down, he also sat down.

Chenyang pretended to be tired from standing so long and never let his eyes stray from the book in his hand.

What were these old geezers thinking by requesting Xueyue"s presence?

"Duke Wen here wanted to see the face of the girl who rescued his son." Duke Li nodded to Duke Wen who gave Xueyue a polite smile.

"When I heard of a girl, I didn"t expect you to be this young." Duke Wen mused, leaning his cheek on his propped up arm.

"How old are you, child?"

"I"m thirteen this year, Duke Wen." Xueyue kept her voice firm.

She didn"t want to look weak and dainty in front of the Wen family.

She would often read books and the Wen family was a name that went back for centuries to come.

The Wens were a very powerful military family who had a strong hold in the Imperial Army and Court. They were known for training the best soldiers that any country had ever seen.

Military families often preferred strong-willed girls over weak, demure ones, and Xueyue knew it was best to curb her soft side.

"Thirteen this year? Hm, besides Jinkai, I have another son around that age." Duke Wen scratched his chin with a deep thinking face.

"Would you like to meet him? He"s quite handsome, a bit too energetic, but most young men are like that." Duke Wen immediately got down to matchmaking.

He wanted to have something that could strengthen the bond between the Li and the Wen, and a marriage would be the most ideal plan.

"What did I say about this marriage none sense, you senile fool." Duke Li sighed, placing down his tea cup.

"Well, ancient b.a.s.t.a.r.d, there"s nothing wrong in early marriage talks. Saves both parties the trouble of having their heart broken." Duke Wen resorted, rolling his eyes.

Xueyue raised her brows in surprise.

They were talking so eloquently and formally, she didn"t expect the sudden s.h.i.+ft of behavior and the exchange of insults.

But one glance at the amus.e.m.e.nt in their eyes, she knew this was the daily occurrence.

"Besides, my sons are not that bad, especially my youngest. He"s quite the softy and your niece seems to be a strong, capable girl." Duke Wen didn"t bother to check Xueyue"s authenticity.

If Duke Li said she was his niece, then she was his niece — even if the details didn"t add up.

"Because he"s soft, he"s incredibly gullible and naive. A boy like that won"t do Xueyue any good. Besides, my wife is quite attached to her." Duke Li pointed out the facts.

"Our house is also very close to the capital. d.u.c.h.ess Li can always visit whenever she wants." Duke Wen coyly said which caused Duke Li to scoff.

"I think not." Duke Li said while taking a sip of the tea.

His eyes trailed to Xueyue who was sharing the book with Chenyang.

He knew his son was secretly eavesdropping and wasn"t even aware that Xueyue was holding the other half of his book.

Chuckling to himself, he found it amusing that Chenyang was so protective of her.

"Never in a million years would I think Chenyang was the overbearing and protective-type of brother..." He hummed to himself, a light twinkle in his eyes.

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