The Rise of Xueyue

Chapter 7

Xueyue bit her lips in confusion. Her keen eyes observed the room she was in. It was incredibly big and lavished with expensive wooden furniture. When she looked closely, she saw the tiny detailing of wood that was embedded within the polished frames of many furniture.

Though she rarely went beyond the cement walls of the Bai Manor, Xueyue had heard of the famed Duke and d.u.c.h.ess Li who was known for their wealth and status among the n.o.bility. If she remembered correctly, Duke and d.u.c.h.ess Li had a daughter who was around her age...

Suddenly, a pounding headache kicked in. Xueyue bit her lips harder and winced in pain when the headache became worse.

Xueyue rapidly blinked when memories quickly resurfaced. She remembered being framed for murder by Tianai of a woman she rarely talked to, receiving a royal decree that sentenced her to death by beating, being held down by Leiyu and being mentally and physically tortured by her father, and then the memory of her vision going black as she fell into the world of darkness.

Xueyue"s fingers curled into a fist when the memories came rolling into her brain like a heavy tidal wave on a stormy night.

The horrible things that her father had said to her, the things that Tianai had did to her, and the abuse she had endured...Everything was beginning to fall into place now.

But there was a heavy question on Xueyue"s brain: why am I alive?

Xueyue was sure her head was cracked open and that she had died. But here she was, sitting on a comfortable bed and though her condition wasn"t at its best, she was alive and well.


Duke Li watched his wife bid their sons, Li Xiaowen and Li Xiaotong, goodnight. She slipped out of their rooms and then back towards Duke Li who was leaning on a pillar.

"All ready for bed?" He gently asked her as he guided her down the hallway and into their room.

d.u.c.h.ess Li hummed in reply as she undid her hair.

Duke Li slipped into the bed and leaned on the headboard. He expected d.u.c.h.ess Li to climb into the bed, but when she didn"t, he climbed out in confusion.

"What"s wrong?" Duke Li quietly asked his wife.

The lantern was blown out in the room and there was only the soft ray of the moonlight illuminating the room.

Duke Li strolled towards his wife and hugged her tiny body close to him. d.u.c.h.ess Li immediately leaned into her husband"s chest. He knew she always felt cold and that she enjoyed the heat that he provided.

"The girl hasn"t woken up"s been two weeks." d.u.c.h.ess Li softly expressed her worries. Her voice was light and barely above a whisper.

"Doctor Yu said most of her injuries are healed."

"Does he know when she will wake up?" d.u.c.h.ess Li asked him with a frown.

Duke Li slowly shook his head and in a low, solemn voice he said, "No."

Duke Li sighed when he saw the gloomy expression on his wife"s face.

"No families have come forward to claim their lost daughter. It"s been two weeks and there wasn"t any complications. It seems the child was abandoned." Duke Li informed his wife who slowly nodded at the news.

The news doesn"t surprise Duke Li. He knew sons were often preferred over daughters because they would pa.s.s down the family name for generations to come. Daughters, on the other hand, would always be sent off to her husband"s family and soon, their duty is to their husband"s parents and not her own.

This was especially prevalent in lower-cla.s.s families who couldn"t afford to feed an extra mouth. But when it came to people of n.o.bility, daughters were sometimes appreciated. They could keep their mother company or be the link to a beneficial marriage arrangement.

"D-do you think she"ll ever wake up?" d.u.c.h.ess Li slowly asked her husband. Her hesitant and meek voice was enough to stir Duke Li"s heart.

"Only time will tell my dear." Duke Li said to his wife.

d.u.c.h.ess Li stared at the expensive rug beneath her feet. Duke Li felt his heart painfully squeezed at the sullen sight of his wife. She had been so happy and hopeful at the beginning, but as the days went on and the girl showed no sign of waking up, Duke Li knew his wife was beyond heartbroken.

As the two were lost in their own thoughts, there came the sound of metal against wood. A young soldier was quick on his feet as he walked towards the room of his Master and Miss.

The guards stationed outside of Duke and d.u.c.h.ess Li stared at the young guard.

In a breathless voice, he said, "I would like to speak to Lord and Lady Li."

The guards exchanged glances and lightly knocked on the door. They weren"t sure if Duke and d.u.c.h.ess Li had gone to sleep or not. If they did, the young guard would have to wait until tomorrow.

"What is it?" Duke Li"s impatient voice traveled towards the men outside.

"My Lord, there is a guard here that requests your presence. He"s one of the guards that has been guarding the young woman"s room-" Before the guard even finished their sentence, d.u.c.h.ess Li had already slammed the door opened.

The men were surprised at her sudden behavior.

d.u.c.h.ess Li was famed in the n.o.ble society for being a very proper and well-mannered woman. For her to act so rash and harsh, the guards were surprised.

But Duke Li wasn"t.

He knew his wife had gotten bolder after the death of his daughter, but he always pardoned her behavior. He was never one to judge d.u.c.h.ess Li for a bad att.i.tude when he, himself, had one.

The young guard stared at his Lady with wide eyes. But one look from Duke Li was enough to send the guard back into reality. He immediately dropped to his knees.

"My Lady, the girl is awake and-" The young man doesn"t finish his sentence before d.u.c.h.ess Li sprints out of the door.

"Not this again!" Duke Li cursed under his breath upon seeing his wife running for the second time in two weeks. She had a frail body from giving birth to additional children when her body was already at its limits.

But d.u.c.h.ess Li didn"t care about the condition of her body. She only cared about the beautiful girl who greatly resembled his daughter.

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