"Mr. Jenison and his wife done it," cried Blacky, his eyes gleaming.

"It says so here. They went to the gov"nor this morning and put it up to him in a way that made him grant a reprieve for thirty days, so"s Mr. Jenison can get the real facts before him. That means a pardon sure, kids. Say, Jenison"s all right! He"s the kind of a friend to have, he is. He never quit on d.i.c.k. Say, where"s Ernie? We"d better put him wise."

"It won"t make any difference to Ernie now," said one of the rogues, wiping his wet brow with his hand.

Blacky fell away with a great look of dread in his eyes. He understood.

"We"d better duck out o" this," he muttered vaguely. "It says here that the cops are going to question Ernie. They"re out huntin" for him by this time, kids."


"They know he was here wid us, and they"ll find him sure," cried one shifty-eyed fellow. "Me to the woods."

"Hold on. Spike," interposed another grimly. "We got to stand together on this. We got to stick by d.i.c.k, now he has a chance. We got to stay here and tell "em what Ernie said to us in there. It"s the only way.

We"ll do time for it, but what"s the dif? d.i.c.k was doin" more for Ernie. We"re sure to get off light, when it all comes out."

They drew back into the pa.s.sage and waited for the police to come.

An hour went by, and not one faltered. There came at last to their ears the sound of heavy footsteps on the narrow stairway. Spike heaved a deep sigh and said to his comrades:

"We"ve seen the last of d.i.c.k, kids. This Mr. Jenison will take care of him from now on. He"ll have a good chance to be honest, lucky dog, just as he"s always wanted to be."

The fellow with the plutocratic watch took it from his pocket and gazed at it with the eyes of one who is contemplating a great sacrifice.

"Jenison"s all right, G.o.d bless him. I"m going to see that he gets his watch back, too. I was a dog to have pinched it in the first place."


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