The Rotten Girl

Chapter 2

2.00PM — Electoral Topic Meeting


Big Boss

Editorial Dept: 5 pretty women & handsome men

Journalists Dept: 7 dinosaurs and toads.

Meeting main topic:

Discussing the magazine’s main article for the next issue.

Meeting Agenda:

Editorial Dept, Journalists Dept will present out 2-3 proposals to discuss, after discussion, let Big Boss decide the final result.

Meeting Award:

Whichever department’s proposal being used, then that department will be in charge for the implementation of this issue.Furthermore this month Departmental Bonus will increase by 20% ; overtime pay, transportation and phone bill increase by 50%.

For department that have been selected for 7 consecutive weeks will get the overall annual bonus increase by 0.5%

I often think, Big Boss come out with such a reward system, at the end what is the original intention?

Is it to enhance the employee’s enthusiasm or to promote healthy compet.i.tion between these two departments?

If that’s really the case, He who is stuck in the middle and listening with a straight face to all the verbal attacks from the two departments must be regretting now.

In every meeting, probably Big Boss will suffer the most, and the one feel excited the most will be me.

The reason is very simple, both department originally has been displeased with each other and with the stimulation of the Awards given by end of the month, they will launch attack against each other until everyone’s faces are flushed, it was super noisy in the meeting.

The most impressive time, there’s once a female reporter named Slime wearing a 9cm high heels jumping up on the stool, can be imagine how spectacular the situation was.

And this time round, if I remember correctly, if Editorial Department get selected again, then we will win six consecutive times. Therefore, today’s meeting is extremely fierce.

Can Can from Editorial Department: “Our first topic for this issue is The Background of Financial Crisis, as well as Changes in the Market Consumption Structure and Introduction of Alcohol Banned; a.n.a.lysis of the Restaurant Industry Current Situation … …”

Slime from Journalist Department: “Gee, this type of topic also got the nerve to bring up?! Come on, Introduction of Alcohol Banned is almost two months ago, now then want to talk about what changes, our rival has done that earlier! ”

Doggy Huang from Journalist Department: “That’s right, it will become this industry laughing stock, saying that we picking up someone’s pocket? ”

Xiao Wei from Editorial Department: “It’s….. it’s….. it’s not like that! I …. We…. we are now–”

Slime from Journalist Department: “Now … Now what now ? Student Wei, you will have to practice your speech first beforehand then you attend the meeting! ”

After that the whole conference room filled with laughter. The poor stutter Xiao Wei’s face turned red and burried his head down.

Can Can see this situation, immediately retaliate, ” You guys … this is personal Attack! ”

Xiao Zai from Journalist Department: “What personal attack? We are just stating the fact, he can’t even talk clearly, how to discuss the topic with us? ”

Can Can from Editorial Department (sneering): “I think someone is jealous …right?!! Xiao Wei has a superb writing skill, ah… right… Slime, do you remember last month your customer pointed Xiao Wei to write for him an article, and who is the person who run to our department behaving like a pug begging people? ” En ??

Upon hearing this, Slime’s face become so ugly, and me as an onlooker, I’m no longer able to suppress my heartbeat. The sound of thump thump thump beating so fast can be heard.

Slime usually relying on the fact that she had joined the company earlier than most of us by six months and with a beautiful face above most people, immediately become popular and appraised as “Company Flower”, increasing her arrogancy even more.

Actually, I personally think that Slime’s beauty is very superficial and it belong to the kind of the more you look at it, the more you get bored by it. Moreover, without any makeup she’s definitely don’t dare to go out type.

In comparison, Can Can who had joined the company same time as Slime, has a delicate face and tall figure. She has a bright and bold personality with a bit of Southern women’s unique astute trait, making her more lively and beautiful.

Everyone in the company know from the beginning, they have been pinching against each other, and obviously it happen again today.

So currently I’m pondering if I should try to embrace the thigh of Editor Can Can (*trying to curry favor), putting some oil into the fire by saying a few words.

I was about to say something … but then our Leader’s gentle voice sounded from my behind, “Can Can, sit down. ”

Can Can raised her eyesbrows, reckoning she had the upper hand just now, immediately she sit back and relax. But then, our Leader next sentence made her freeze, “discussing matters unrelated with the meeting topic, monthly bonus deduct 200 yuan.”

Can Can speechless, have yet to refute, our gentle, kind and virtuous Editorial Department Leader Li Zi Rui while adjusting his gold frame smiled gently and said, “arguing with superior, add 100 yuan deduction.”

Can Can immediately quiet, and I as the small little Editor a.s.sistant figure who wanted to curry some favor has completely abandon the idea.

Seeing the situation is currently under control, our Leader again said, “the purposes of Alcohol Banned topic being brought up at this time was because two months ago when this policy being introduced, some article from major compet.i.tors are written based on speculations. And this time we can use the substantial changes in the past two months as an observation a.n.a.lysation which will be more convincing than our rival.”

Once said, the conference room immediately become very quiet.

Leader is definitely not a leader for nothing, with just a few words had shoot down the Journalist Department.

I silently took a glance at the person from Journalist Department who not long ago has just taken over the office – the handsome and brilliant Section Chief, only to see him with a calm expression pursing his lip, can’t find any words to refute back.

Our Leader turned to me and said, “Bai Ning, bring out the the PPT files that we have prepared beforehand, I will explain to everyone the idea of this topic.”

I nodded and like a flash quickly inserted the USB drive into the computer and when I was about to copy down the PPT file, Big Boss took one step ahead of me, taking the mouse and clicking the folder to make a copy.

Silently I looked at the computer screen while contemplating whether to tell him where the files are, this moment I saw a horrible thing appearing on the screen.

It’s a folder ……

A hidden folder ……

A hidden folder named “GV”

And what’s more frightening is that Big Boss’s mouse has progressively coming closer to my dearest “GV” folder.

Big Boss casually said, “is it here ?”

It was very quiet in the Conference room.

Numerous pairs of eyes were staring at the projector screen, and numerous pairs of eyes were looking at the Big Boss who is about to open the “GV” folder.

“Don’t …..!!!! ”

I was shockingly shouted while Big Boss’ hand was flicking and clicking.

My world has fallen apart ….

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